Thursday, 12 November
4:30 pm
Room 123, Science Hall, Augsburg College
2211 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN

Join us for a panel discussion on how the struggles for a free Palestine and against mass incarceration in the US are connected, to talk about strategies for resistance, and to determine actions steps together. Free pizza provided.

Both the United States and Israel use legal systems, and especially prisons, for racist and colonial oppression. The United States subjects over 7.3 million people, 70 percent of whom are people of color, to “correctional” supervision, probation, or control. While locking Black people up is central to fueling this system of oppression, Native people, Brown folks, and poor/working class people on the whole are also targeted. Similarly, since the creation of the apartheid state of Israel in 1948, over 40 percent of Palestinian men have been imprisoned and Israel regularly uses mass arrests to repress protests. These systems of oppression are interconnected; Israel and the US share racist ideologies, exchange repressive policing technologies and training, and create the conditions necessary for private corporations like G4S to profit from caging people, as they make profits themselves.

Organized by Save The Kids Augsburg College, Students for Racial Justice Ausburg College – SRJ, Anti-War Committee, and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP UMN). This event is part of SJP-UMN’s Palestine Awareness Week running from November 9th-13th.

For further information about the location, please see this map of Augsburg College at