1 March, NYC: Celebrate the Life of Freedom Fighter Robert Seth Hayes

Sunday, 1 March
1:00 pm
The People’s Forum
320 West 37th Street
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/165867098014375/

This event is Sponsored by the Jericho Movement NY.

Join us as we celebrate the Life of Freedom Fighter Robert Seth Hayes! We will also remember other fallen warriors and celebrate recent victories!

Speakers and Culture:
Jihad Abdul Mumit, Jericho Chair and BPP/BLA
Daniel McGowan, Certain Days Calendar Collective
Spiritchild, Revolutionary FReedom Artist

And other speakers and culture to be announced later…

ProLibertad, Call to Action on Puerto Rico, NYC Free Peltier, Ministry of Solidarity with the Peoples, and other Co-Sponsors to be announced later…