Berlin rally calls for freedom for political prisoners and liberation for Palestine

Samidoun Deutschland joined with the Freiheitskomitee Berlin (Freedom Committee Berlin), Komitee für den Anti-Imperialistischen Kampf (Committee for Anti-Imperialist Struggle) and the Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen Berlin (Freedom for all Political Prisoners Network) to rally on Friday, 18 March in Berlin for the freedom of all political and revolutionary prisoners.

The spirited, youthful rally began outside Rathaus Neukölln in Berlin, where participants gathered with signs and banners highlighting struggles to free political prisoners in Palestine, India, Turkey and throughout Europe.

Samidoun Deutschland members carried Palestinian flags and banners demanding freedom for Palestinian students.

The rally also highlighted the French state’s persecution of Palestine solidarity organizing. A large banner in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, one of two Palestine solidarity groups recently dissolved by the French state, was displayed in the rally, and speakers called for solidarity to resist the dissolution orders that attempt to suppress the Palestinian liberation movement.

Following the rally, participants took to the streets, marching through the neighborhoods of Neukölln and Kreuzberg, drawing widespread attention and support from passers-by and members of the community.

Samidoun Deutschland is continuing to organize throughout Germany to advocate for Palestinian liberation. You can  help Samidoun Deutschland today to keep their voice loud and clear and make sure we fill the cities of Germany and Europe with the messages of the Palestinian resistance leadership behind bars. Click here to make a donation to the Samidoun Deutschland sound system campaign!

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