Scientists and academics open letter: Free Imad Ahmad Barghouthi


Imad Barghouthi, a professor of theoretical space plasma physics at Al-Quds University, has been arrested by Israeli occupation forces and ordered to administrative detention without charge or trial. Barghouthi, whose previous detention without charge inspired demands for his freedom from academics around the world, is once again finding support from internationally known scientists and academics. European organizations and academics sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, urging action on Barghouthi’s case. 

Today, over 100 renowned academics, including Angela Davis, Freeman Dyson, Noam Chomsky, and David Mumford, have issued a statement and an open letter urging Barghouthi’s release. We urge all academics to join the open letter and sign on at

“My father isn’t the only scientist who has been persecuted by the Israeli occupation. There is a war on Palestinian education. My father is fortunate enough to have made an international reputation for himself academically. People all over the world are speaking up for him, but what he would like most is for people to speak up for all Palestinian prisoners.”

Duha Barghouthi, daughter of Imad Barghouthi

A joint project of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP); US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI); and the Association of Academics for the Respect of International Law in Palestine (AURDIP)

Open Letter on Behalf of Professor Imad Ahmad Barghouthi

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
Prime Minister’s Office
3 Kaplan St. Hakirya
Jerusalem 91950, Israel
[email protected]

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu:

We are writing to urge you to order the immediate release of Dr. Imad Ahmad Barghouthi from Israeli military custody.

Dr. Barghouthi, a Palestinian resident of the West Bank, is an astrophysicist and professor of physics at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. He was reportedly arrested by Israeli soldiers at the military checkpoint at Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, northwest of Ramallah on 24 April 2016. The Times of Israel reported that “neither the IDF nor Israel Police would comment on the matter, and it remains unclear which branch of the Israeli security forces was responsible for his arrest.” The Palestine Information Center reported that on 2 May 2016, “An Israeli court … issued an administrative detention order against Professor Barghouthi ” [1]. Professor Barghouthi is being held without charge [2], a serious violation of human rights.

As described in the journal Nature, Professor Barghouthi was previously arrested without charge by Israeli Border Police on 6 December 2014 when he attempted to cross the border from the West Bank to Jordan to board a flight to the United Arab Emirates so that he could attend a meeting of the Arab Union of Astronomy and Space Sciences, an organization he helped to found [3].

Professor Barghouthi’s attorney at that time, Jawad Boulos, alleged that Dr. Barghouthi was arrested because of his statements in support of Palestinian activities during Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip the previous summer, and that during interrogations Dr. Barghouthi was asked what statements he wrote on Facebook and what he said on television in opposition to the Israeli occupation [3]. Following letters of protest from international scientific organizations, including the Committee of Concerned Scientists in the United States, Dr. Barghouthi was released on 22 January 2015 [4].

The re-arrest of Professor Barghouthi is part of a broader pattern of disruption and suppression of Palestinian educational systems. The University of Gaza has been bombed multiple times [5]. Birzeit University in the West Bank has been closed down at least 15 times by the Israeli military, and its former president, Dr. Hanna Nasir, a physicist, was deported and remained in exile for 19 years. Arrests of faculty and students, in some cases because of Facebook posts in opposition to military occupation, have continued into 2016 [6]. Israel has destroyed or damaged hundreds of Palestinian schools, even kindergartens [7].

Article 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Israel is a signatory, grants all people the right to education. We urge you henceforth to respect those principles and to order the immediate release of Professor Imad Barghouthi.


Organizers of this Letter (alphabetically listed):

Ahmed Abbes
Directeur de recherche au CNRS,
CNRS & IHES, Paris France

Chandler Davis
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
University of Toronto

Michael Harris
Professor, Mathematics
Columbia University

David Klein
Professor, Mathematics
California State University Northridge

Mario Martone, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral scholar, Department of Physics
University of Cincinnati

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Ph.D.
Research Associate, Department of Physics
University of Washington, Seattle

Other Signers (unordered)

David Palumbo-Liu
Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor
Stanford University

Rabab Abdulhadi
Associate Professor, Race and Resistance Studies
San Francisco state University

S. Akshay
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Mira Ariel
Professor, Linguistics
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Aiyalam Balachandran
Emeritus Professor, Physics
Syracuse University

Viviane Baladi
Directeur de recherche au CNRS,
NRS & UPMC, Paris, France

Suratno Basu
Research Scholar, Mathematics
Chennai Mathematical Institute

Rajendra Bhatia
Indian Statistical Institute
New Delhi, India

David Blanc
Professor, Mathamatics
University of Haifa, Israel

Felice Blake
Assistant Professor, English
UC Santa Barbara

Freeman Dyson
Professor, Physics
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Michael W. Busch
Research Scientist, SETI Institute, Mountain View California USA

Ana Cristina Cadavid
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
California State University Northridge

Miguel Campiglia
Assistant Professor, Physics
Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay

Peter Collas
Emeritus Professor, Physics
California State University Northridge

Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor, Emeritus,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Helen Cox
Director, Institute for Sustainability, Professor, Geography
California State University Northridge

Chandan Dalawat
Professor, Mathematics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Angela Y. Davis
Distinguished Professor Emerita, History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz

Kisha Delain
Adjunct Faculty, Physics Department
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

Jacobo Diaz-Polo
Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Rabia Djellouli
Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics
California State University Northridge

Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Phyics
University of Colorado Boulder

Deepak D’Souza
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Indian Institute of Science

Madhumita Dutta
PhD Student, Human Geography
Durham University

Ivar Ekeland
Professor Emeritus & former President of Paris-Dauphine University, Mathematics
Paris-Dauphine University, France

Emmanuel Farjoun
Professor, Mathematics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Johanna Fernandez
Assistant Professor, History
Baruch College, CUNY

Avner Giladi, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Islamic Studies, Department of Middle Eastern History
University of Haifa, Israel

Amit Gilutz
Visiting Professor, Music
University of New Orleans

Rachel Giora
Professor, Linguistics
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Sherna Berger Gluck
Emerita Director, Oral History
California State University Long Beach

Catherine Goldstein
Directrice de recherch_,
CNRS & IMJ-PRG, Paris, France

Mary W. Gray
Professor, mathematics and statistics
American University, Washington DC

Christian Haesemeyer
Professor, Pure Mathematics
University of Melbourne

Harry Hellenbrand
Provost Emeritus,
California State University Northridge

Reuben Hersh
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
University of New Mexico

Renée Hlozek
Assistant Professor , Astrophysics
University of Toronto

Jennifer L. Hoffman
Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Denver

Hala Iqbal
Post-doctoral Fellow, Chemical Biology
Rockefeller University

Nabil Iqbal
Postdoctoral Scholar, Theoretical Physics
University of Amsterdam

Deepak Iyer
Assistant Professor, Physics
Bucknell University

Dileep Jatkar
Professor, Physics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute. Allahabad, India

Adam M. Jacobs
PhD Candidate, Physics
Stony Brook University

Nirmalya Kajuri
Postdoctoral Fellow, Theoretical Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Tamar Katriel
Professor, Department of Communication
University of Haifa, Israel

Neal Koblitz
Professor, Mathematics
University of Washington, Seattle

Scott Kurashige
Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington, Bothell

Alok Laddha
Assistant faculty, Physics
Chennai Mathematical Institute

Kiese Laymon
Professor, English and Creative Writing
University of Mississippi

Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond
Emeritus Professor , Physics
Universite de Nice, France

Say-Peng Lim
Professor and Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy
California State University Northridge

Elena Long
Post Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Physics
University of New Hampshire

Dr. Anat Matar
Philosophy Department,
Tel Aviv University, Israel

William Messing
Professor, School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota

Jessica Metcalfe
Assistant Physicist, High Energy Physics Division
Argonne National Laboratory

Ralf Meyer
Professor, Mathematics
Universität Göttingen

R. James Milgram
Emeritus Professor, Mathematics
Stanford University

Elisabeth A.C. Mills
Jansky Fellow Postdoctoral Researcher
Steward Observatory and Department of Astronomy
University of Arizona

Chandra Kant Mishra
Post-doctoral fellow, Astrophysics
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India

Clément Mouhot
Professor, Mathematical physics
University of Cambridge

David Mumford
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Brown University, Fields Medal 1974

Chiara R. Nappi
Emeritus Professor, Physics
Princeton University

Gautham Narayan
Postdoctoral Scientist,
National Optical Astronomy Observatory & The University of Arizona

Raghavendra Nyshadham
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Andrew O’Bannon
Senior Researcher, Theoretical Physics
University of Southampton

Joseph Oesterle
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
University of Paris 6

Joseph Osmundson
Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biology
New York University

Avraham Oz
Professor, Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature
University of Haifa, Israel

Gina Passante
Assistant Professor, Physics
California State University Fullerton

Kobi Peterzil
Professor, Mathematics
University of Haifa, Israel

Edie Pistolesi
Professor, Art
California State University Northridge

Arnab Priya
Graduate student, Theoretical Physics
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Jaikumar Radhakrishnan
Professor, Computer Science
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India

Madhusudhan Raman
Graduate Student, Theoretical Physics
Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Vijay Ravikumar
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Chennai Mathematical Institute

Julie Rathbun
Professor, Physics
University of Redlands

Thomas Sean Rice
PhD student, Department of Astronomy
University of Michigan

William I. Robinson
Professor, Sociology, Global Studies, and Latin American Studies
University of California at Santa Barbara

Jerry Rosen
Professor, Mathematics
California State University Northridge

Rafael Sánchez
Visiting professor, Condensed Matter Physics
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Lionel Schwartz
Professor, Mathematics
Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France

Ananth Shankar
PhD student, Mathematics
Harvard University

Arul Shankar
Benjamin Pierce Fellow, Mathematics
Harvard University

Shiva Shankar
Professor, Electrical Engineering
Chennai Mathematical Institute

Sundar Shanmugasundaram
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Chennai Mathematical Institute

Kobi Snitz
Department of Neurobiology
Weizmann institute, Israel

Alessondra Springmann
Graduate Research Assistant,, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona

Steven Sperber
Professor, Mathematics
University of Minnesota

Viakalathur Sunder
Professor, Mathematics
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

Joshua Tan
FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow, Instituto de Astrof?sica, Pontificia
Universidad Cat?lica de Chile

Robert Trivers
Professor, Anthropology and Biological Sciences
Rutgers University

Sarah Tuttle
Researcher, McDonald Observatory
University of Texas at Austin

Bruno Vallette
Professor, Mathematics
Université Paris Nord XIII

Sushmita Venugopalan
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India

Shirley Yap
Associate Professor, Mathematics
California State University East Bay

Eva Jablonka
Professor, Cohn Institute for the History of Philosophy of Science and Ideas
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Rima Najjar
Assistant Professor (retired), English
Al-Quds University

Orayb Najjar
Professor Emerita, Communication
Northern Illinois Univ. DeKalb

Peter Lake
Associate Professor , Rural Family Medicine
University of British Columbia

Adam Miyashiro
Assistant Professor of Literature , Literature
Stockton University

Khader Abu Alia
Lecturer , Language Center
Al quds university

Sunaina Maira
Professor, Asian American Studies
UC Davis

Diane Fujino
Professor, Asian American Studies, Director, Center for Black Studies Research
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Michael Ritter
Counselor Faculty, Health Promotion & Wellness
San Francisco State University

Philip Argyres
Professor, Physics
University of Cincinnati

Vincent Calvetti Jr
Graduate Student, Jewish Studies , Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington

Peter Spitzform
Associate Library Professor, Bailey-Howe Library
University of Vermont

Jonathan Graubart
Professor, Political Science
San Diego State University

Noam Perry
Lecturer, Justice Studies
San Jose State University

Marilyn Hacker
Professor Emerita, French
CUNY Graduate Cemter

T.M. Scruggs
Professor Emeritus, Music
University of Iowa

Susan Joseph Rack
Field Education Supervisor, Field Education
Princeton Theological Seminary

Elmer Tory
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics and Computer Science
Mount Allison University

Joan Scott
Professor Emerita, School of social acience
Institute for advanced Study

Miriam Lowi
Professor , Political Science
The College of New Jeraey

Lana Povitz
Doctoral Candidate, History
New York University

Marie Kennedy
Professor Emeritus, College of Public and Community Service
University of Massachusetts Boston

Steve Breyman
Professor, STS

Anna Watts
Associate Professor, Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
University of Amsterdam

Amy Hagopian
Associate Professor, Public Health
Univ of Washington Seattle

Edward Curtis
Millennium Chair of Liberal Arts & Professor, Religious Studies
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Isaac Christiansen
Adjunct Instructor , Sociology
Grand View University

Hilarie Ashton
Graduate Teaching Fellow, English
CUNY Graduate Center

Lynne Joyrich
Professor, Modern Culture and Media
Brown University

Ken Olum
Research Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Tufts University

Joel Weisberg
Stark Professor of Physics & Astronomy & Natural Sciences
Carleton College

Bluma Goldstein
professor emerita, Germanic Studies
univ. of California, Berkeley

David Dubnau
Professor, Public Health Research Institute
New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University

Celine Grenier
Instructor, ESL
Evergreen Valley

Laura De Vos
graduate student, English
University of Washington

Professor David Chadwick
Professor of Information Systems Security, School of Computing
University of Kent

Marcia Davitt
Postdoc Researcher, Science, Technology & Society
Virginia Tech

Andrew Gutierrez
Professor Emeritus, Ecosystem Science
University of California

Victoria Scowcroft
Senior Research Analyst, The Observatories
Carnegie Institution for Science

Marina Krikorian
Project Coordinator, Annenberg School for Communication
University of Pennsylvania

Elsa Auerbach
Professor , Liberal Arts
UMass Boston

Eve Spangler
Associate Professor, Sociology
Boston College

Baruch Boxer
Professor Emeritus, Human Ecology/Environmental Science/Geography
Rutgers University

Ellen Oxfeld
Professor of Anthropology , Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Middlebury College

Rico Chenyek
PhD Candidate, Institute of Communications Research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Stephen Karakashian
Research Associate (retired), Animal Behavior
The Rockefeller Uviversity

Alejo Stark
PhD student, Astronomy
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Bryan Terrazas
Graduate Student, Astronomy

Darlene May
Full Professor, Romance Languages
Wake Forest University

Jodi Melamed
Associate Professor, English
Marquette University

Yali Amit
Professor, Statistics
University of Chicago

Joanna Rankin
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
University of Vermont USA

Amit Gilutz
Visiting Professor, Music
University of New Orleans

Clea McNeely
Associate Professor, Public Health
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Ammiel Alcalay
Professor, Classical, Middle Eastern & Asian Languages & Cultures
Queens College/CUNY

Laura Goldblatt
Postdoctoral Fellow , Global Studies
University of Virginia

Ronald Santoni
Maria Theresa Barney Chair Emeritus, Philosophy
Denison University,and Clare Hall,Cambridge U

Manzar Foroohar
Professor, History
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Dan Sinykin
Assistant Professor, English
Grinnell College

Ivan Huber
Pro. Emeritus, Biology
Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., New Jersey, USA

Michael Thaddeus
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Columbia University

Judith Norman
Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy
Trinity University

Valentino Bianco
Doctor, Physics
University of Vienna

Eugenie Dubnau
Dr, Microbiology
Rutgers University

E. James Lieberman
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry
Geo. Washington U. School of Medicine

Willie van Peer
Full Professor, Languages and Literatures
University of Munich

Rosaura Sanchez
Professor, Literature
University of California, San Diego

Fred Dallmayr
Professor Emeritus, Politica Science
University of Notre Dame

Jonathan Rosenhead
Emeritus Professor, Management
London School of Economics

Scott Trager
Professor , Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
University of Groningen

Ann Sætnan
Professor, Dept of Sociology and Political Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Tom Mayer
Professor Emeritus, Sociology
University of Colorado at Boulder

Wendilyn Emrys
Graduate Student, Mythological Studies/Depth Psychology
Pacifica Graduate Institute

Brinkley Messick
Professor, Anthropology
Columbia University

Adriana Ponce
Associate professor, School of music
Illinois Wesleyan University

Lawrence Moss
Professor, Mathematics
Indiana University, Bloomington USA

Marit Stromberg
PhD Student, Geography, Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies
Birkbeck College, University of London

Alicia Ostriker
Professor, English
Rutgers University

Mark LeVine
Professor, History
UC Irvine

Peter Meyer
Professor emeritus, Urban and Public Affairs
University of Louisville

Roshni Rustomji-Kerns
Professor Emerita, Hutchins School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Sonoma State University

Lisa Stampnitzky
Dr., Politics
University of Sheffield

Deborah Wood
Dept Chair, History
Westtown School

Rana Bishara
Visual artist , Visual art department
Dal al kalima university college

Shari Stone-Mediatore
Professor , Philosophy
Ohio Wesleyan University

Susy Zepeda
Assistant Professor, Chicana/o Studies
UC Davis

George Salem
Associate Professor, biokinesiology
University of Southern California

Joel Beinin
Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, History
Stanford University

Gary Brooks
Professor of Practice (retired), Political Science
Tulane University

Corinne Sutter-Brown
Independent Scholar, History
Rochster, NY

Jose Martinez Torrejon
Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispanic Languages and Literatures
Queens College/CUNY

Philip Metres
Professor , English
John Carroll University

Eva Cherniavsky
Professor, English
University of Washington

Mohib Durrani
Professor, Engineering, Physics, Astronomy
Montgomery College, Rockville, MD

Leslie Patrick
Associate Professor, History
Bucknell University

Lorraine Malcoe
Associate Professor, Zilber School of Public Health
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Simona Sawhney
Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
IIT-Delhi, New Delhi

Adam Koranyi
Distinguished Professor, Mathematics
CUNY, Lehman College

Alan Wald
Professor Emeritus, English
University of Michigan

Jenn Olejarczyk
PhD Student, Psychology
University of South Carolina

Adrian Lucy
Graduate Research Fellow, Dept. of Astronomy
Columbia University

James Deutsch
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto

Ken Ross
Prof. Emeritus, Political Science
Adrian Colleege MI

Gordon Beeferman
PhD graduate fellow/teaching assistant, Music
New York University

Gillian Rodgers
Graduate research assistant, Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology
Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

Richard Wahl
Professor, Pediatrics
University of Arizona College of Medicine

Kolo Wamba
Visiting professor , Liberal Arts and Sciences
DeVry University

Marwan Rashed
Professor, Philosophy
Sorbonne, Paris

Roshdi Rashed
Directeur de recherche CNRS, philosophie
CNRS Paris

Carol Murry
Doctor, Public Health
University of Hawai’i, retired

Francine Mazière
professeur émérite, linguistique
Université Paris 13

Sonya Rose
Professor Emerita, History
University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Richard Seaford
Professor, Classics and Ancinet History
Unversity of Exeter

Ingo Dr. Roer
Prof. emerit., Department 4 (Gesundheit und Soziale Arbeit)
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Viktoria Metschl
Mag.phil., Department for Film and Media Studies
University of Vienna

Michel Habib
Professor, Banking and Finance
University of Zurich

Martin Billeter
Emeritus Professor Molecular Biology, Inst. of Mol Life Sc.

Miriam Ben Baruch
BEd, Education
Seminar Hakibutsim

James Dickins
Prof., Dept. of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Easter Studies
University of Leeds

David Comedi
Professor, Physics Department
National University of Tucumán

Elyse Crystall
Senior Lecturer, English & Comp Lit
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Marilyn Neimark
Professor Emerita, Accountancy
Baruch College,The City University of New York

Mohamad Issa
Professor, Physics

Yael Ben-zvi
Senior lecturer, Foreign Literatures
Ben-Gurion University

Rebecca Subar
Adjunct Professor (RPT), Peace and Conflict Studies
West Chester University

Natalie Zemon Davis
Professor Emeritus, History
Princeton University

Robert Riehemann
Professor, Mathematics and Physics
Thomas More College

Adrian Carmona
Post-doctoral fellow, Theoretical Physics Department

Erik T Karlson
Professor emeritus, Astronomy and Space Physics
Uppsala University, Sweden

Rela Mazali
Independent Scholar

Harry Ramirez
Dr., Physics
Coulumbia Univercity

Steven Sperber
Professor, Mathematics
University of Minnesota

Michel Gros
Chargé de Recherche , Mathematics
Université de Rennes I

Catriona Esquibel
Associate Professor, Race and Resistance Studies
San Francisco State University

David Rohrlich
Professor, Mathematics & Statistics
Boston University

Henry Bucher
Assoc. Prof Emeritus, Humanities
Austin College

Glen Melanson
Sessional Lecturer, Philosophy/ Political Science
University of Prince Edward Island

Philip Regal
Professor Emeritus, EEB – Biological Sciences
University of Minnesota

Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun
Professor emerita, Social Sciences
Paris Diderot

Adrian Liu
Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astronomy
University of California Berkeley

Amy Seslowsky
Graduate Student, Clinical Social Work
New York University

Zahra Ali
Dr, Theology and Religious Studies

Kadri Aissa
Professeur émérite , Méditerranée /Monde Maghrébin
Universite Paris8

Natalie Nesvaderani
PhD Student, Anthropology
Cornell University

Josefina Mena Abraham
Master in Sciences, Regional Planning
Universitario College London

Dr. Edwin Daniel
Professoy Emeritus of Pharmacology, University of Alberta, Phramacology
University of Alberta

Rachad Antonius
Full Professor, Sociology
Université du Québec à Montréal

Linvva DePass
Part time lecturer, Toxicology
UC Davis, UC Berkeley Extension, San Jose State

Le Cour Grandmaison Olivier
Professor, Political sciences
Université Paris-Saclay

Stephanie Reiss
M. Sc., Technical Physics
Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany

Lukas Saul
Dr., Applied Mathematics
Wentworth Institute of Technology

Orian Zakai
Visiting Assistant Professor , Modern Hebrew
Middlebury College

Ernst Mecke
Dr. rer. nat., Dep. of Physiology /Biomedicum
Helsinki University

Paula Ioanide
Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race & Ethnicity
Ithaca College

Laura Haber
Program and Academic Director, Unit One
University of Illinois

Tyler Cohen
Dr., Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University

Sarah Spitzer Saul
alumna, History of religion
Bryn Mawr College

Carolyn Rosenstein
PH.D. – alumni, Sociology

Alice Rothschild
MD, Retired Assistant Professor , Obstetrics and Gynecology
Harvard University

Dina Ezzeddine
MD, gastroenterology
sutter health

Ferdinando Giacco
PhD, Physics
Second University of Naples

Bertrand Badie
University Professor, Political science and international relations
Sciences Po Paris

Penny Rosenwasser
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Studies
City College of San Francisco

Kawthar Moussaoui
Senator of Political Activism, ASU
East Los Angeles College

Adam Becker
Professor of Classics and Religious Studies, Classics/Religious Studies
New York University

Don Goldstein
Emeritus Professor, Economics
Allegheny College

Harriet Malinowitz
Lecturer, Writing
Ithaca College

henry lesnick
professor, language and cognition
city university of ny/ hostos

Joe Auslander
Professor Emeritus , Mathematics
University of Maryland

Katharina Nahlbom
Ph.D., Deapartment of Languages and Literatures
University of Gothenburg

doug Thorpe
professor, english
seattle pacific university

John Willoughby
Professor, Economics
American University

Joseph Levine
Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lawrence Davidson
Professor, Emeritus, History
West Chester University

Carl Gelderloos
Assistant Professor, German and Russian Studies
Binghamton University

Peter Rosenthal
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics

James C Faris
Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
University of Connecticut (Emeritus)

Adam Izak-Sunna
Professor, Philosophy
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Cyrus Bina
Distinguished Research Professor, Economics and Management
University of Minnesota (Morris Campus)

Jane Killgore
clinical professor, On/gyn
Univ North Dakota

Michael Keefer
Professor Emeritus, School of English and Theatre Studies
University of Guelph

David Lloyd
Distinguished Professor of English, English
University of California, Riverside

Benjamin deLee
Assistant Professor, History
SUNY Cortland

Rebecca Scheckler
assistant professor, Nursing
Radford University

Judith Berlowitz
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Spanish and Spanish-American Studies
Mills College

Erica Dodd
Prof., History in Art
University of Victoria, B.C.

Dean Spade
Associate Professor, Law
Seattle University

Beth Harris
Associate Professor (retired), Politics
Ithaca College

Lis Gilager
Candidate of English and Paedagogics, Retired
Paedagocical University of Copenhagen

Angela Miller
Professor, Art History
Washington University

Herman De Ley
Emeritus Professor, Philosophy and Moral Science
Ghent University (Belgium)

Richard Marcuse
Lecturer, Anthropology
U. of Victoria (ret.)

Nada Elia
Professor (retired), Global Studies
Antioch University

Erica Sigmon
Faculty, Public health

Terri Ginsberg
Assistant Professor of Film, Department of the Arts
The American University in Cairo

Claire Gallien
Dr, English
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3

Claude Zurbach
Ingénieur de recherche, Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier
Université Montpellier

Eric Cheyfitz
Professor, English

Barbara Chasin
Professor Emerita, Sociology
Montclair State University

Paul McDermott
Adjunct Professor of Classics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
California State University Northridge

Amy Kaplan
Professor, English
University of Pennsylvania

Fuad Saleh
PhD Student, Arabic Studies
Georgetown Univeristy

Rachel Rubin
Professor, American Studies Department
University of Massachusetts Boston

Nagwa Bekir
Professor, ECE
California state university

Kai-Lit Phua
Associate Professor, Medical Sociology (Public Health), School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Monash University Malaysia

May Seikaly
Associate Professor , CMLLC
Wayne State University

Jamal Nassar
Dean emeritus, Social and Behavioral Sciences
California State University San Bernardino

Arif Dirlik
Knight Professor of Social Science, retired, History/Anthropology
University of Oregon, USA

Peter Hawxhurst
retired Research Associate V, Geology
Louisiana State University

Lucia Quaresma
Professor, Psychology
PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Orlando White
English Faculty, English
Diné College

Aneil Rallin
Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
Soka University of America

Anthony Ashbolt
Senior Lecturer, Politics and International Studies
University of Wollongong, Australia

Charles Thorpe
Associate Professor, Sociology
University of California, San Diego

Ahlam Muhtaseb
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
California State University, San Bernardino

Roberta Ahlquist
Professor, Teacher Education
San Jose State University

Ian Barnard
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, English
Chapman University, USA

Howard Winant
Professor, Sociology
University of California, Santa Barbara

Anand Pillay
Professor, Mathematics
Notre Dame

Neel Ahuja
Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Judith Allen
Dr., Kelly Writers House
University of Pennsylvania

Naazneen Diwan
Lecturer, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
California State University, Los Angeles

Shireen Khazeni
Dr professor, History
University of Utah

Barbara Aswad
Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
Wayne.state university

Tania Eldin
Instructor, Film
American University of Cairo

Ronit Lentin
Associate Professor (retired), Sociology
Trinity College Dublin

Jeffrey Marck
Linguistics, retired
Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National U.

Judith Butler
Maxine Elliot Professor, Comparative Literature/Critical Theory
University of California at Berkeley

Déborah Berman Santana
Professor, Ethnic Studies
Mills Collegw

mehdi husaini
Physics Lecturer, School of Science & Technology
Teesside University UCU

Daniel Segal
Professor, History
Pitzer College

Ellen Tremper
Professor, English
Brooklyn College/CUNY

Allan Christensen
Professor Emeritus, English Literature
John Cabot University, Rome

Carolyne J. White
Professor, Urban Education
Rutgers University

sylvat aziz
assoc professor, visual art
Queens University, Kingston On

Christopher Stone
Associate Professor, Classical and Oriental Studies
Hunter College (CUNY)

Norman Jemison
Retired – Head of Department, Fabrication and Welding
Teeside Tertiary College

Jamila Horabin
Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Florida State Univ.

Lynn Comerford
Professor, Human Development & Women’s Studies
California State University, East Bay

Robert Cressy
Emeritus Professor of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, Business School
University of Birmingham, UK

Jan Nespor
Professor, Department of Educational Studies
The Ohio State University, USA

Tomis Kapitan
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy
Northern Illinois University

Paul Biran
Professor of Mathematics
ETH Zurich

Ayesha Gill
Assistant Professor (retired), Biology
University of California, Los Angeles

Erin Breault
Teacher, Social Studies
Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12

Lynn Powell
Director, WITS Program, Creative Writing
Oberlin College

Avery Gordon
Professor, Sociology
University of California

Marcy Newman
Associate Professor, Independent scholar
Independent scholar

Philip Gasper
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy
Notre Dame de Namur University

Stéphanie LATTE
Research Fellow , CNRS
Institut Français du Proche-Orient

Carol Lang
Adjunct Professor , History
Bronx Community College

Iña Martinez
Teacher, Science
Escuela de Magisterio

Francesca Arici
Postdoctoral Researcher, Mathematical Physics
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Yukako Kawanaka
Phd student, Theology
Uppsala University

Jocelyn Hermoso
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
San Francisco State University

Jean-Louis LELEU
Professeur des Universités, Arts
Université de Nice, France

Yasar Zaben
Graduate Researcher, Construction Engineering & Managment

Michael Reagan
instructor, History
University of Washington

Jim Roche
Lecturer, Architecture
Dublin Institute of Technology

Laurence Davis
College Lecturer , Government
University College Cork

Valeria Montano
PhD, Life Sciencies
École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne

LOSCOS Martine
Université Lyon 2, Rhône

Kholood Altassan
Dr, Public health
University of Washington

Phil Abbot
PSE tutor, ISLI
University of Reading

Mariel Gruszko
Doctoral Candidate, Anthropology
University of California, Irvine

James Cohen
Professor , American Studies
Université de Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle

Antonio Uras
PhD, High-Energy Physics

Bac Lettres Philo 1961, Love

[1] Israel arrests pro-Hamas Palestinian astrophysics professor, Dov Lieber, The Times of Israel, April 26, 2016
Israeli Court Jails Prof. Imad Barghouti administratively, Palestine Information Center

[2] Prominent Palestinian astrophysicist Imad Barghouthi detained by Israeli occupation forces, Samidoun

[3] Scientists protest detention of Palestinian physicist, Michele Catanzaro, Nature, International weekly journal of science, Nature News, 21 January 2015, Updated: 23 January 2015, Corrected: 22 January 2015

[4] Letter on behalf of the Committee of Concerned Scientists: Israel’s Detention of Palestinian Astronomer Traveling to Conference Violates Human Rights, Joel L. Lebowitz, Paul H. Plotz, Walter Reich, Eugene M. Chudnovsky, Alexander Greer,
17 January  2015

[5] Israel-Gaza conflict: University hit as Palestinians endure more than 200 strikes in 24 hours, Lizzie Dearden, The Indenpendent, 2 August 2014

[6] History of Birzeit University, Birzeit University website:
Birzeit University rises up against Israel’s arrests, Mariam Barghouti, Aljazeera, 11 January 2016

[7] Suffocating the Gaza Strip under Israeli Blockade, Amnesty International report, January 2010 excuses-0
Gaza crisis: a closer look at Israeli strikes on UNRWA schools, Raya Jalabi, Tom McCarthy and Nadja Popovich, Guardian UK, 8 August 2014
Israeli attack on Gaza damaged 75 kindergartens and day-care centers, Mondoweiss, September 22, 2014

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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