Rana Nazzal and Nariman Tamimi arrested in Nabi Saleh, facing Ofer military court

nariman-ranaOccupation forces seized Palestinian activists Nariman Tamimi and Rana Nazzal in Palestinian village Nabi Saleh on Friday, June 28 as they participated in the weekly protest against settlements on their land.

They are being charged with “entering a closed military zone” and are expected to face another hearing at Ofer military court on Monday, July 1.

Rana Nazzal, a Palestinian activist based in Ottawa, Canada, blogs at http://zaytouni.wordpress.com/

Nariman Tamimi is one of the leading organizers of Nabi Saleh’s popular resistance to settlement and occupation. Read an interview with her here: http://electronicintifada.net/content/eu-must-do-more-pay-lip-service-nariman-tamimi-interviewed/10187

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