Ibrahim Hamed transferred to Ohli Kedar prison from Nafha

ibrahim-hamedThe Palestinian political prisoner, Ibrahim Hamed, sentenced to 57 life sentences, was suddenly removed from Nafha prison to Ohli Kedar prison on January 9.

The transfer included only Hamed and no other prisoners; it is the ninth transfer since he was released from isolation in 2012 as part of the agreement to end the mass prisoners’ hunger strike in April-May 2012.

Fouad Khuffash said that the occupation is deliberately continually transferring Hamed in order to prevent him from developing relationships or stability in any particular place, and that this is a retaliatory action often suffered by prisoners with high sentences, and that there is unrest in Nafha prison following the transfer.

Hamed is a member of the senior leadership of Hamas and was sentenced to one of the longest sentences ever given to a Palestinian prisoner.

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