The following statement, from the Internationalt Forum in Denmark, was sent to Israeli officials, the Israeli Embassy in Denmark, the Palestinian Embassy in Denmark, Amnesty International, and a wide range of Danish organizations, urging the immediate cancellation of the expulsion order against Palestinian leader and parliamentarian, Khalida Jarrar.
Take action and learn more: Visit for all updates and news on the Campaign in Solidarity with Khalida Jarrar, and action items you can take.
Open Letter
From Internationalt Forum/The Middle East Group, August 26, 2014 (Danish text below)
Immediate Cancellation of the Expulsion Order against Khalida Jarrar,
Palestinian Legislative Council Member, Prisoners’ Rights Activist and Gaza Activist
We, Internationalt Forum, the Middle East Group, strongly demand the Israeli authorities to immediately cancelling the expulsion order against Khalida Jarrar.
On August 20, 2014, the home of Khalida Jarrar in Ramallah on the West Bank was raided by about 50 Israeli occupation soldiers and she was presented with a “special supervision order” expelling her from Ramallah to Jericho and mandating that she remain there for at least 6 months. The military order was signed by an Israeli military court on the basis of unspecified and secret evidence. The order violates international law and the 4th Geneva Convention.
Khalida Jarrar refused to sign the expulsion order and has moved into a “protest tent” outside the Legislative Council building in Ramallah. She will stay there and continue her work until the decision is revoked.
Khalida Jarrar is a political leader in the PFLP (the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). For long time she has been an advocate for Palestinian political prisoners and former executive director of Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association. She is also active in the Palestinian women’s movement. She has during the last weeks been a visible activist in the demonstrations on the West Bank against the Israeli massacre in Gaza.
We condemn the violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state of Israel. We urge the immediate cancellation of the expulsion order against Khalida Jarrar. – the Middle East Group
Åbent brev
Ophæv deportationsordren imod Khalida Jarrar, palæstinensisk parlamentsmedlem,
Gaza-aktivist og advokat for politiske fanger
Vi, Internationalt Forums Mellemøstgruppe, kræver at de israelske myndigheder straks ophæver deportationsordren mod Khalida Jarrar.
50 Israelske besættelsessoldaterforetog den 20. august en razzia imod Khalida Jarrars hjem i Ramallah på Vestbredden hvor hun blev præsenteret for en ”særlig overvågningsordre” der skulle fordrive hende fra Ramallah til Jericho i mindst 6 måneder. Den militære ordre var baseret på hemmeligt og ikke oplyst bevismateriale. Denne ordre krænker folkeretten og den 4. Genevekonvention.
Khalida Jarrar nægtede at underskrive ordren og er flyttet ind i et ’protest-telt’ uden for parlamentsbygningen i Ramallah hvor hun fortsætter sit arbejde imens hun venter på at ordren bliver trukket tilbage.
Khalida Jarrar er politisk leder i PFLP (Folkefronten til Palæstinas Befrielse), ligesom hun er advokat for politiske fanger og tidligere direktør i Addameer, komiteen for politiske fanger og menneskerettigheder. Khalida Jarrar er også aktiv i den palæstinensiske kvindebevægelse. Hun har været synlig i de seneste ugers demonstrationer på Vestbredden imod Israels massakrer i Gaza.
Vi fordømmer den zionistiske stat Israels krænkelser af palæstinensernes menneskerettigheder. Vi kræver at fordrivelsesordren mod Khalida Jarrar straks bliver trukket tilbage. – Mellemøstgruppen
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