International support continues to grow for imprisoned Palestinian student Lina Khattab, raising voices around the world for her immediate release. In addition to the solidarity declaration by French student union Solidaires Etudiant.e.s and the new exhibition by Oberlin Students for a Free Palestine, activists in Brussels, New Mexico, and the Union of Communist Students (Étudiants Communistes) in France are calling for Lina’s release.
The Étudiants Communistes issued a statement and call to action in solidarity with Lina, as well as a graphic and petition for French students to declare their solidarity with Lina:
Lina Khattab is a student – but in December 2014, she was imprisoned at the age of 18 after a student demonstration for the freedom of Palestinian political prisoners.
She is imprisoned for her involvement in student organizations at Bir Zeit University. She is also a dancer, and participates in the cultural and political activities of her campus. For that, she was sentenced by a military court to 6 months in prison, three years probation and € 1300 fines. Her sentence is illegal under international law.
Today, every Palestinian student engaging in democratic student organization (unions, blocs), is likely to be arrested by the current government of Israel. Lina is now locked up in a military prison in extremely difficult conditions including humiliation and sexual harassment.
On your campus, mobilizes with the UEC for the release of Lina and Palestinian student political prisoners.
Sign the petition (in French) here:
The Red Student Faction and Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of New Mexico joined author Nora Barrows-Friedman (author of “In Our Power,” a book on student leadership in the movement for justice in Palestine) on March 2 to demand freedom for Lina Khattab:
And activists and organizers in Brussels, Belgium, joined in Café Palestine on March 6, celebrating International Women’s Day and Palestinian women’s resistance, and standing in solidarity with Lina Khattab:
In London, Inminds organized a protest on February 27, highlighting Lina’s case as well as that of 15-year-old Palestinian prisoner Khalid al-Sheikh, demanding their freedom in the event held outside the headquarters of security corporation G4S, the subject of a global boycott campaign due to its profiting from contracts to provide security systems to Israeli prisons where Palestinian women, men and child political prisoners are held. Video of the protest here:
Also in London, on March 8, an International Women’s Day protest demanded the freedom of all Palestinian women political prisoners:
To learn more about the campaign to Free Lina Khattab, visit the Call to Action or the facebook page:
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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