Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is one of numerous Palestinian and international organizations who have signed on to the following call for actions on 9 November against Walls of oppression, from Palestine to the US-Mexico border. See the original call and sign on at
From Israel’s apartheid Wall on Palestinian land to the US Wall of Shame on indigenous land at the border with Mexico – Walls are monuments of expulsion, exclusion, oppression, discrimination and exploitation. As people affected by these walls and as movements that pose justice, freedom and equality as our tools to resolve the problems of this planet, we join the call for the 9th of November as a Global Day of Action for a World without Walls.
Read and endorse the Call for Action below.
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Click here to endorse the Global Call for Action.
See the actions you can take and download materials
“There is no word for wall in our language. We’ve asked our elders. We have searched. There is no word for wall because there shouldn’t be walls.”
Verlon M. Jose, Tohono O’odham tribal vice chairperson. The Tohono O’odham people’s land is divided by the US/Mexico border.
From Israel’s apartheid Wall on Palestinian land to the US Wall of Shame on indigenous land at the border with Mexico – almost 70 walls across all continents are today ripping through people’s lives and lands as they fortify often unilaterally defined borders or limits of state control. They cause thousands of deaths every year and destroy means of livelihoods and hope for many more. They are monuments of expulsion, exclusion, oppression, discrimination and exploitation.
15 years ago Israel started building its up to 8-meter high and over 700km long Wall on Palestinian occupied land as an integral part of its policy to confiscate over 60% of the West Bank and imprison the Palestinian people on not more than 13% of their historical homeland. This adds to its wall surrounding and completely isolating the Palestinian Gaza Strip since 1994. Palestinians have never stopped resisting these illegal Walls and the continuous expulsion of their people from their land and in 2003 called for November 9 – the day the Berlin Wall fell – as International Day against Israel’s apartheid Wall.
Today it is time we unite against the global proliferation of walls – we call for November 9 as Global Day of Action for a World without Walls.
Israel has been central in promoting this new global era of walls and the US has risen to back it up: From India, to Saudi Arabia, to Turkey, Western Sahara and Europe, today, the number of walls designed to forcibly define and seal borders has almost tripled over the last two decades. These walls bar the right to freedom of movement and self-determination. They have become are cornerstones in a world where wars, militarisation and exclusion are to substitute justice, freedom and equality.
Walls have not only risen to fortify borders of state control but demarcate the boundaries between the rich, the powerful, the socially acceptable and the ‘other’. They increasingly dominate our cities and societies. Tens of thousands linger as prisoners of conscience or under illegal and inhumane conditions behind prison walls. Visible and invisible walls, as is the case of the blockade of Cuba, aim to bar us from attaining economic, political, social and environmental justice.
Where they do not outright promote these walls, governments de facto condone their existence, while a veritable industry of walls literally makes a killing out of all of this. Selling their ideology, methodology and technology corporations team up in arms fairs, biddings and seminars to profit from the construction of these walls.
As people affected by these walls and as movements that pose justice, freedom and equality as our tools to resolve the problems of this planet, we join the call for the 9th of November as a Global Day of Action for a World without Walls.
We will unite in mobilisation to:
- Raise awareness about the devastating effect of the increasing dominance of walls in our world and our lives
- Create solidarity and links among the people affected by the walls and movements fighting the walls
- Demand an immediate end to the walls that expel, exclude, oppress, discriminate and exploit
- Resist and defund those that profit from the walls
From Palestine:
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall)
Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC)
Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (25 civil society organizations)
Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network (PENGON)
Palestinian General Union for Charitable society (PGCUS) (400 civil society organizations)
Palestinian Land Defense Coalition (11 civil society organizations)
Palestinian Non Governmental Institute PNIN (37 civil society organizations)
Palestinian Non Governmental organizations Network (132 civil society organizations)
The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem
The National and Islamic Forces in the West Bank (the coordination body of Palestinian political parties)
Addameer – Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
Al-Amal Association for Childhood and Development
Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)
Arab Agronomists Association
Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD)
Arab Women Union Society – Nablus
Association for Farmers’ Rights and for the Preservation of the Environment
Association Jadayel – Palestinian Center for Culture, Arts and creativity
Burj Al-LuqLuq Social Center Society
Defense for Children DCI – Palestine
First Sareyyet Ramallah
Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute (HDIP)
Huriyyat – Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights
Ibrahimiya kindergarten
Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center
Land Research Center
MA’AN Development Center
Mother school
MUSAWA – Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession
Ni’lin Society for Development and Community Work
Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy
Palestine Youth Forum
Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC )
Palestinian Counseling Center
Palestinian Family Protection
Palestinian Farmers Society-Tulkarem
Palestinian Farmers’ Union (PFU)
Palestinian Federation of New Unions
Palestinian Hydrology Group
Palestinian Postal services workers union (PPSWU)
Palestinian Women Development Center
Palestinian Working Women’s Society for Development (PWWSD)
Palestinian Youth Union
Popular Art Center
Popular Council to Protect the Jordan Valley
Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC)
Save the Jordan Valley Campaign
SAWA women organization
Union Of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
Women Center for Legal Aid and Consulting (WCLAC)
Youth Development Association
Youth Against Settlements
From Mexico:
Coordinadora de Solidaridad con Palestina – Corsopal (Coordination in Solidarity with Palestine)
Movimiento Nacional del Poder Popular (MNPP) (National Movement of Popular Power)
Movimiento Nacional del Poder Popular Zacatecas (MNPP – Zacatecas) (National Movement of Popular Power – Zacatecas)
Movimiento del Magisterio Democrático Nacional (Movement of the National Democratic Teachers)
Comité Ejecutivo Nacional Democrático del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación en Lucha (CEND del SNTE en Lucha) (National Democratic Executive Committee of the National Union of Education Workers in Struggle)
Asamblea de los Pueblos en Defensa del Territorio, la Educación Pública, Laica, Gratuita y los Derechos Humanos (Assembly of the Peoples in Defense of the Territory, Public, Secular and Free Education and Human Rights)
Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra en San Salvador Atenco (FPDT-Atenco) (Front of Peoples in Defense of the Land in San Salvador Atenco)
Consejo de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (CODEP-MNPP) (Council for the Defense of People’s Rights)
Council of Interdisciplinary Organizations Bounded for Oxaca (COIVO-MNPP)
Coordinación de Comunidades Indígenas de la Sierra Sur (COCISS) (Coordination of Indigenous Communities of the Sierra Sur)
Comité de Defensa Ciudadana (CODECI-MNPP) (Citizen Defense Committee)
Contingentes del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional Democrático del SNTE en Lucha (CEND SNTE en Lucha) (Contingents of the National Democratic Executive Committee of the SNTE in Struggle)
Congreso Nacional de Bases, Movimiento del Magisterio Democrático Nacional (National Popular Congress, Movement of the National Democratic Teachers): Sección III de Baja California Sur; Sección V de Campeche; Sección X de la Ciudad de México; Sección XIII y XLV de Guanajuato; Sección XIV de Guerrero; Sección XV de Hidalgo; Movimiento Magisterial Jalisciense, Secciones XVI y XLVII de Jalisco; Sección XVIII de Michoacán; Movimiento Magisterial de Bases, Sección XIX de Morelos; Consejo Democrático Magisterial Poblano, Secciones XXIII y LI de Puebla
Movimiento Magisterial de Bases (Grassroots Teachers Movement) de Querétaro, Sección XXIV de Querétaro
Bases Magisteriales Democráticas (Democratic Teachers Collective) de Quintana Roo, Sección XXV de Q. Roo
Bases Magisteriales (Teachers Collective) de Tabasco, Sección XXIX de Tabasco
Trabajadores del Colegio de Bachilleres de Tabasco (Workers of the Bachilleres de Tabasco high school)
Comité Estatal Democrático, Sección XXXII y LVI de Veracruz; Sección XXXVI del Valle de México; Consejo Nacional de Sistematización; Escuelas Integrales de Educación Básica de Michoacán; Colectivo Pedagógico “Francisco Javier Acuña Hernández”
Promotora del Poder Popular de Michoacán (Promoter of the Popular Power of Michoacán)
Caja Popular de Ahorro (Popular Savings Bank) “Emiliano Zapata”
Colectivo de Estudios (Study Collective) “Ricardo Flores Magón”
Movimiento de Unidad Social por un Gobierno del Pueblo (MUSOC-GP) (Movement of Social Unity for a People’s Government, Michoacán)
Coalición de Jubilados y Pensionados “Elpidio Domínguez Castro”; Talleres
Community of Nezahualcoyotl Municipality – Estado de México Comunitarios del Municipio de Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México
Federation Brazon: Estado de Mexico, Queretaro, Morales, Veracruz, Guerrero and Mexico City – Barzón Federación: Estado de México, Querétaro, Morelos, Veracruz, Guerrero y Distrito Federal
Coalición Nacional de Cooperativas y Empresas Sociales (CONACyES) (National Coalition of Cooperatives and Social Enterprises)
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular (ONPP) (National Organization of People’s Power)
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular de Morelos (ONPP-MORELOS) (National Organization of People’s Power – Morelos)
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular del D. F. (National Organization of Popular Power of the district of Mexico City)
Asamblea Permanente de los Pueblos de Morelos (Permanent Assembly of the Peoples of Morelos)
Instituto Mexicano de Desarrollo Comunitario (IMDEC), Mexican Institute of Community Development
Centro de Atención en Derechos Humanos a la Mujer y el Menor Indígena (CADHMMI) (Center for Human Rights Care for Women and Indigenous Minors)
Centro Regional Indígena en Derechos Humanos “Ñuu-Savi” (CERIDH) (Indigenous Regional Center on Human Rights)
Organización de los Pueblos Indígenas del Bajo Mixe (OPI) (Organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Bajo Mixe)
Organización de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Cuenca (OPIC) (Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Cuenca)
Coalición de los Pueblos Indígenas de Valles Centrales (COPIVAC) (Coalition of the Indigenous Peoples of the Central Valleys)
Coordinator of United Neighborhoods from Salina Cruz (CCU)
International signatures:
Academic committee against LawTrain @Leuven
AFSC (United States)
AFM Local 1000 (United States)
Al-Jisr: The bridge between Japan and Palestine
Alternative Law Forum (India)
Aman Biradari
American Humanist Association (United States)
Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights
Amigos de la Tierra de América Latina y el Caribe -ATALC
Anglican Church of Korea
Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions (United States)
Assdociation Belgo-Palestinienne – prov. Luxembourg (Belgium)
Association d’amitié franco-vietnamienne (France)
ATTAC España
BDS Berlin
BDS Colombia
BDS France
BDS Malaysia
BDS Nederland
BDS Switzerland
BDS Quebec Coalition (Canada)
BACBI Belgian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Biomystic Institute (United States)
Birmingham Interfaith Human Rights Committee (United States)
Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Bolivarian Agrarian and Community Movement from Venezuela – Movimiento
CEBRAPAZ – Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz (Brasil)
Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz-Paraná (Brasil)
Centro de Amigos para la Paz / Red de Solidaridad con Palestina – Costa Rica
Centro Memorial Martin Luther King, Cuba
Chelsea Area One World One Family (United States)
Chico Palestine Action Group (United States)
Cleveland Chapter INA
Coalisión para los derechos de los presos (United States)
CoherentSystems (United States)
Colectivo antimilitarista Mambrú de Zaragoza
Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
Collectif Palestine 12- Millau (France)
Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos (Ecuador)
Comisión Multisectorial del Uruguay (Multisector Commission)
Comitê Brasileiro em Defesa dos Direitos dos Povos Ocupados
Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient
Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Comité pour une paix juste au PO)
Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas, Indígenas y Negras (FENOCIN) de
Ecuador (National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous and Black Organizations)
Confederación Sindical Única De Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB) (Trade Union
Confederation of Peasant Workers of Bolivia)
Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA)
Correspondents Diplomatiqe (United Kingdom)
Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar y Zamora de Venezuela (Revolutionary Tendency Bolívar and Zamora)
Christian Church (DOC)
Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
Days of Palestine (United States)
Deya (Canada)
Democratic Socialists of America (United States)
Democratic Socialists of America, Boulder, CO (United States)
Donne in Nero Italia
Donne in Nero di Torino
Earth Is My Cathedral Ministry
Enlace Internacional
Fagforbundet (Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees)
FASE Brasil
Finca La Muda Lavandula y Bayas (Spain)
Frauen in Schwarz (Wien)
Frances Beal Society (United States)
Frente de Luta Amazonica por Defensores Direitos Humanos
Ford Mediation
Friends of Sabeel – North America
Fundación para la Cooperación APY – Solidaridad en Acción
Global Justice Alliance
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Holy Apostles Episcopal Church, St. Paul, MN (United States)
IJAN (United States)
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Derry Branch
Indian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (InCACBI)
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return (United States)
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Jewish Voice for Peace (United States)
Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue-Group Munich
Just World Educational
JVP Westchester
Kairós Palestina Brasil
KFF (Sweden)
La Concordia
La Coalición de Derechos Humanos
Labor for Palestine (United STates)
Las Cruces CIVIC (Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement, United States)
Legal Centre Lesbos (Greece)
LeNove studi e ricerche sociali (Italy)
Los Angeles County Democratic Party (United States)
LNC, LLC (United States)
Marquette UU Congregation
Milieu-infocentrum (Belgium)
MidEast: JustPeace
Middle East Crisis
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB)
Movimiento de Mujeres Palestinas Alkarama (Spain)
Nebraskans for Peace (United States)
Nederlands Palestina Komitee
Network Against Islamophobia (United States)
New Zealand Palestine Solidarity Network
Non Violent Peaceforce (United States)
NorCal Friends of Sabeel (United States)
Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos (Observatory of Human Rights of the People)
Observatory of Human Rights of the People, USA and Swiss chapters
Ocean Tree Books (United States)
Pax Christi (Canada)
Palestina Solidariteit vzw (Belgium)
Palestine Israel Working Group (United States)
Palestine Solidarity Committee in India
Palestine Solidarity Campaign South Africa
Palestine subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild (United States)
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (Canada)
Palestinian Rights Committee (United States)
Piwg (United States)
PNHPWW (United States)
Portland Network Against Racism and Islamophobia
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
PSC Thailand
PSC (United Kingdom)
Quaker (New Zealand)
Red de Colectivos La Araña Feminista de Venezuela (Feminist Network ‘ The Spider)
Red de Integración Orgánica – Rio – Por la Defensa de la Madre Tierra y los Derechos Humanos de Guatemala (Network of Organic Integration – RIO – for the defense of Mother Earth and Human Rights)
Ontario Humanist Society (Canada) (United States)
REDES-Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay
Renewed HOPE (United States)
Right to Migrate Institute
Rumbo a Gaza (Spain)
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Sanctuary Hill Farms (United States)
SBIA (United States)
SOA Watch – Observatory for the Closure of the School of Americas
Soldepaz – Pachakuti
Solidarity International (Germany)
St. Louis Jewish Voice for Peace
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church (United Sates)
Stichting Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina (DocP)
Students for Justice in Palestine (Stony Brook University, United States)
Tadamon! Montréal (Canada)
The Association of Norwegian NGOs for Palestine
The Hampton Institute : A working Class think tank (United States)
Trade Union Friends of Palestine, Ireland
Transnational Institute (TNI)
Tucuman por Palestina
UCC Church (United States)
Ulster People
United Methodist Church (United States)
Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP, France)
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Vancouver for Peace (United States)
Veterans For Peace
Victoria Coalition against Israeli apartheid
Voices for Justice in Palestine
War on Want (United Kingdom)
WESPAC (United States)
White Rabbit Grove RDNA
Women in Black Vienna
Women In Black Seattle
Worcester Palestine Friendship (United Kingdom)
WSA (United States)
Yorkshire Friends of Sabeel
Zawaya, Bay Resistance, No Migra
ZEPA (Slovenia)
Zoroastrian Association (United States)
9/11 Truth Action Project
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