Brazilian organizations call for release of Palestinian prisoners

Organizations in Brazil joined the call to the International Committee of the Red Cross to take action and intervene to protect Palestinian prisoners from the severe threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic should it spread inside Israeli jails. They made an urgent appeal upon the ICRC to pressure Israel to immediately release the Palestinian and Arab prisoners inside Israeli jails.

The letter emphasized that the Palestinian prisoners’ movement has issued multiple declarations and calls to free the detainees, especially the sick prisoners, elderly and child prisoners; there are currently over 180 children imprisoned in Israeli jails. Like other Palestinian prisoners, they are denied sanitary conditions, family visits or access to their lawyers. While Israel has claimed its restrictions protect prisoners from COVID-19, multiple jailers infected with the virus have been allowed to enter the prisoners and raids and arrests continue, putting the prisoners’ lives and health at extreme risk. This is especially true as Palestinian prisoners are routinely subjected to medical neglect within Israeli prisons.

The full letter is below in PDF and is signed by:

1- Comitê da Palestina Democrática
2- Sociedade Árabe Palestina de Corumba
3- Sociedade Árabe Palestina de Brasilia
4- Partido Comunista Brasileiro
5- Partido Comunista do Brasil
6- Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz – Cebrapaz
7- União da Juventude Comunista.
8- Coletiva Feminista Classista Ana Montenegro.
9- Centro Cultural Árabe Palestino Brasileiro de São Paulo – SP.
10- Centro Cultural Árabe Palestino Brasileiro do RS.
11- Centro Cultural ÁrabePalestino Brasileiro do MS.
12- Portal
13- Cooperativa comunicacional sul.
14- Casa de America Latina seção Santa Catarina.
15- Comitê Catarinense de solidariedade ao povo Palestino.
16- Ashjan Sadique Adi, Doutorando pelo USP/ Ribeirão Preto e Diretora de Secretaria de Mulher pela FEPAL.
17- Edmilson Costa – PCB
18- Georges Latif Bourdoukan Jr – Restaurador.
19- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra MST
20- Campanha Global pelo Retorno a Palestina
21- Comitê de Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino ABCDMRR/ SP
22- Estudantes em Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino – ESPP – USP
23- Casa da America Latina -Nacional.
24- Máximo Augusta Campos Masson, professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
25- Sociedade Árabe Palestina Brasileira da Grande Porto Alegre.
26- MMM…Marcha Mundial das Mulheres (Coordenação Internacional).
27- União da Juventude Socialista – UJS

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