Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network extends our deepest congratulations to the working class and the Indigenous people of Bolivia, on the front lines defending their people, all of Latin America and indeed all of humanity from the most vicious forces of imperialism and their collaborators, defeating the coup and refusing to give up their project of sovereignty, self-determination and socialist development.
The victory of President-Elect Luis (Lucho) Arce and the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) in the Bolivian elections on 18 October 2020 is a victory for Palestine, a victory for Indigenous resistance to colonialism, and a victory for all who seek a better future free of the ravages of capitalism, exploitation, colonialism and imperialist domination. It is a smashing rebuke to all of those forces that were complicit in the violent, imperialist-backed, anti-Indigenous coup against legitimate Bolivian President Evo Morales in November 2019.
This momentous occasion makes clear that all of the money, power and weapons of U.S. imperialism and its puppets were unable to suppress the will of the people. On this occasion, we underline our support and solidarity with the resistance movements of indigenous peoples continuing to fight back against colonialism and put forward a clear vision for a just society and a just world, despite centuries of genocidal colonialism.
We pledge to stand by the Bolivian people, just as the Bolivian people have stood consistently with Palestine. We are confident that the people of Bolivia, alongside the Palestinian people and all of the struggling peoples of the world who continue to resist the attacks of imperialism, Zionism and reaction, will continue to march forward towards a just and liberated future.
From Bolivia to Palestine, long live indigenous resistance and the global struggle to defeat imperialism!
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