On Monday, 16 November, join us and speak out as Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the US Palestinian Community Network, National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and the National Lawyers Guild
for our social media storm to demand the immediate release of beloved and important Palestinian feminist leader and the president of The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, Khitam Saafin!
Khitam Saafin, president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, is jailed without charge or trial by the Israeli occupation under an indefinitely renewable six-month administrative detention order. She is a well-known international advocate for Palestinian women and freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. She has spoken around the world about the struggle of Palestinian women, including at the World Social Forum, and served as chair of the Global Women’s March Palestine.
Visit Collectif Palestine Vaincra to join this campaign in French: https://palestinevaincra.com/2020/11/lundi-16-novembre-participez-a-la-mobilisation-freekhitamsaafin-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux/
Use this USPCN toolkit for your social media posts: bit.ly/FreeKhitamSaafin
And here are even more sample tweets for you to use: bit.ly/KhitamTweets
On Facebook: Tag @uspcn, @naarpr, @caarpr, @samidounprisonersolidarity, and @nlgnational in your posts on Facebook! Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin.
On Twitter: Tag @USPCN, @NAARPR, @SamidounPP, @CAARPRNow & @NLGnews. Use the hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin
On Instagram: Tag @uspcn @samidounnetwork @nationallawyersguild @caarprnow in your posts
Use hashtag #FreeKhitamSaafin
Also, please join the Art Challenge to #FreeKhitamSaafin! Post drawings, videos, signs, chalkings and more to free Khitam Saafin and all political prisoners, and tag three of your friends in each post – as well as our organizations above!
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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