Boycott Israeli Dates!
Thousands of Palestinian prisoners are marking Ramadan inside Israeli prisons, deprived of their families and loved ones, while their communities and loved ones are kept from these strugglers for freedom by iron bars and prison walls of the occupation. Millions more Palestinians mark the holiday facing home demolitions, land confiscation, systematic racism and apartheid, a killer siege, extrajudicial executions, military occupation, and settler colonialisn. For 72 years, Palestinian refugees have been denied their right to return to their homes, lands and properties by the Zionist occupation.
At the same time, Israeli occupation companies are marketing the products of Palestinian land around the world – medjoul dates. 75% of Medjoul dates around the world are marketed as “products of Israel,” grown on stolen Palestinian land. Of those, the large majority are themselves grown on illegal Israeli settlements inside the West Bank. Up to 80% of all of these illegally settlement-produced dates are exported around the world. Israel is the world’s third-largest date exporter, with exports worth $181 million in 2017.
In most cases, these huge Israeli corporations exploit Palestinian labor as well as Palestinian land to bring these dates to market internationally, while the Palestinians who farm these dates and on whose land these dates are grown are denied access to, control over and the proceeds of their resources by the colonial occupation.
Hear the appeal of Palestinian agricultural workers in Gaza for boycotting Israeli dates:
Israeli settlement date producers often hire Palestinian child labor to produce and package dates in backbreaking, hazardous conditions. For workers of all ages, they often must stay 12 meters above the ground in the date palm trees throughout the day, denied even toilet breaks.
This Ramadan, be sure to not break your fast with apartheid: Boycott Israeli dates! Stand with the Palestinian people.
Keep these tips in mind:
- Check the label! Products marked “Product of Israel,” “Jordan Valley” or even “West Bank” are likely to be apartheid dates. Unfortunately, labeling regulations may lead legitimate Palestinian products to be labeled as “West Bank” dates in some countries.
- Checking the label might not be enough. Some Israeli dates are deceptive – for example, some Israeli settlement dates have referred to “Palestinian date trees,” used Arabic-language labelling on their packages or omit their country of origin entirely in order to deceive buyers who want to avoid apartheid products. Because Medjoul dates are considered dried fruits, some countries may exempt them from country of origin labeling laws.
- Look for known, reputable Palestinian date producers. While Palestinian date products vary from country to country, trusted vendors like Jericho Delights, fair-trade Penny Appeal Palestinian Dates and Zaytoun are known for their authentic Palestinian products supporting Palestinian farmers steadfast on their land.
- If you don’t have the answer, choose another country of origin! Dates are also available from Tunisia, Algeria, the United States and other countries of origin. In almost all cases, these dates will be labeled with their country of origin to properly identify them.
Many organizations around the world are highlighting campaigns to boycott Israeli dates and support Palestinian producers and farmers’ collectives by purchasing Palestinian dates. Information for several countries is provided below — to make sure your country’s information and campaigns are included on this list, please email us at [email protected].
United States
In the United States, American Muslims for Palestine is organizing a campaign to “Break Your Fast with Justice”. Download posters, letters to merchants and more at: https://www.ampalestine.org/dateboycott
AMP noted that Israeli date exports to the U.S. are down in recent years and emphasized the importance of the boycott in cutting down on apartheid dates.
Within Our Lifetime – United For Palestine also provides flyers and information about boycotting Israeli dates. Download materials and learn more about the campaign here: https://wolpalestine.com/campaigns/boycott-isreali-dates/
In the US — Brands to Boycott:
- Hadiklaim
- Jordan River
- King Solomon
- Jordan Plains
- Carmel
- Kalahari
- Karsten Farms
- Tamara Barhi
- Desert Diamond
- Rapunzel
- Bomaja
- Shams
- Delilah
- Mehadrin
- Premium Medjoul
- Fancy Medjoul
- Royal Treasure
- Red Sea
- Bonbonierra
Authentic Palestinian Dates:
Jericho Delights are authentic Palestinian dates available at many local stores. Online, Penny Appeal sells authentic Palestinian fair trade dates in cooperation with AMP. Ziyad Palestinian Dates markets Palestine Dates and Sultan Dates. This is not a comprehensive list of authentic Palestinian dates in the United States — to make sure ones you know of are added to the list, contact us at [email protected].
The Canadian BDS Coalition offers a guide to boycotting Israeli dates in Canada this Ramadan at: https://bdscoalition.ca/2021/04/01/boycott-israeli-dates-break-fast-with-palestinian-medjoul/
Download a resource flyer that you can distribute in your community at the BDS Coalition’s website!
Date brands to boycott in Canada:
- Hadiklaim
- Jordan River
- Bomaja
- La Palma
- Mehadrin
- King Solomon
- Prana
- NBF (unbranded)
- Any Medjoul dates where the country of origin is not clearly marked
Watch out! Check the label:
- Golden Valley Dates – Golden Valley Dates has repeatedly marketed Israeli Apartheid Dates in Canada. In 2021, Golden Valley has imported some legitimate Palestiniaan dates from Palestine Gardens/Sinnokrot. There are still unlabeled and unmarked Golden Valley dates in stores. If the origin is in question, do not buy!
Palestinian dates you can buy to support Palestinian farmers:
Jericho Delights, Lara, Green World and Palestine Gardens offer legitimate Palestinian dates that you may find at your local grocery or specialty food store. Palestine Just Trade is marketing legitimate Palestinian dates from Al-Rwad in Jericho, Palestine. As in the U.S., Penny Appeal is marketing legitimate Palestinian dates. Buycott Palestine offers Jericho Delights with pickup locations in various Canadian cities.
Collectif Palestine Vaincra offers comprehensive resources on the boycott of Israeli dates in France, including posters and flyers that you can download for your neighborhood or to share with local shops: https://palestinevaincra.com/2021/04/ramadan-2021-boycottons-les-dattes-israeliennes/
CAPJPO-EuroPalestine also offers resources and information on apartheid dates and
the campaign to stop them.
Brands to Boycott:
- Hadiklaim
- Mehadrin
- Mtex
- Jordan River
- King Salomon
- Jordan Plains
- Carmel
- Brousse
- Lidl Deluxe
- La Favorite
Authentic Palestinian Dates:
Among other sources, Solivr offers fair trade authentic Palestinian dates in France!
Le mois du Ramadan est la période de l’année où les dattes sont le plus consommées. Mais attention, le marché français est le premier marché d’exportation des dattes israéliennes. Israël est l’un des leaders sur le marché mondial. En 2012, elle dépassait l’Arabie saoudite et est désormais le 3ème exportateur mondial de dattes (en termes de dollars) après la Tunisie et l’Iran avec une valeur d’exportation de 181 millions de dollars en 2017.
La vallée du Jourdain est la région la plus fertile de la Cisjordanie. C’est sur cette terre palestinienne que se trouvent de nombreuses fermes israéliennes illégales, y compris des fermes de dattes.
Les dattes Medjool israéliennes ne peuvent être cultivées que dans la vallée du Jourdain et dans quelques régions du Sud d’Israël. Si vous achetez des dattes Medjool cultivées ou emballées dans la vallée du Jourdain ou en Israël, vous soutenez économiquement l’occupation sioniste de la Palestine.
Nous vous appelons en particulier à boycotter ces marques israéliennes : Hadiklaim, Mehadrin, Mtex, Jordan River, King Salomon.
Giovani Palestinesi d’Italia (Palestinian Youth in Italy) offer flyers, resources and information about the boycott of Israeli dates in Italy, including posters specifically for Ramadan.
Brands to Boycott:
- Mehadrin
- King Solomon
- Jordan River
- Hadiklaim
- Carmel
Giovani Palestinesi d’Italia:
Per questo Ramadan noi Giovani Palestinesi abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto.
Come ben sappiamo durante il mese di Ramadan vengono venduti e comprati datteri, un mercato dove israele ha preso pian piano sempre più spazio.
Ora israele è il terzo esportatore di datteri prodotti utilizzando risorse palestinesi rubate come l’acqua e la terra, infatti produce il 70% della “sua” frutta negli insediamenti illegali secondo il diritto internazionale.
- Non comprarli
- Spargi la voce, condividiti questo post!
- Stampa queste locandine a colori, affiggile in moschea o nel centro islamico della tua zona, nelle macelerie halal, nei fruttivendoli e ovunque nella tua città
- Stampa queste locandine in bianco e nero e distribuiscile durante il Ramadan
- Taggaci e/o inviaci le tue migliori foto, le più belle verranno postate
United Kingdom/Britain
Inminds Human Rights Campaign has launched Ramadan 2021 resources on the boycott of Israeli dates in Britain. Watch the campaign video:
As in the U.S., Israeli apartheid date exports to the UK are dropping. While the UK was once the third largest export market for Israeli dates, it now comes third, behind the Netherlands and France.
Download resources and information at the Inminds campaign page: http://inminds.co.uk/boycott-israeli-dates.php
Friends of Al-Aqsa also offers resources, an action item and videos in the “Don’t Eat Into Palestine”, Boycott Israeli Dates campaign: https://www.foa.org.uk/campaign/checkthelabel-dates/
Brands to Boycott:
- Waitrose
- Tesco
- Sainsbury
- Asda
- Morrisons
- M&S
- Hadiklaim
- Mehadrin
- Jordan River
- Jordan Valley
- King Solomon
- Tamara Barhi
- Desert Diamond
- Rapunzel
- Bomaja
- Shams
- Star Dates
- Jordon Plains
- Premium Medjoul
- Fancy Medjoul
- Royal Treasure
- Red Sea
- Delilah
- Bonbonierra
- Paradise Dates
Inminds warns that Israeli date companies have been found to export settlement dates with a “Made in Palestine” label, and that dates without company details designating the country of origin and the company responsible for production are likely to be apartheid dates.
Legitimate Palestinian Dates:
Among other sources of Palestinian authentic dates are Zaytoun and Yaffa, both of which offer trusted sources of Palestinian produce, recommended by Inminds. Holy Land Dates from Palestine and Al-Ard also offer verified Palestinian dates.
Boykot Israel DK offers information and resources on the boycott of Israeli dates, including where apartheid dates have been spotted.
Brands to Boycott:
- King Solomon
- Jordan River
- Medjoul Dates (unbranded)
Boykot Medjoul dadler fra Israel
Juletiden er dadel-tid. I øjeblikket sælges israelske Medjoul dadler i både Coop Danmarks og Dansk Supermarkeds butikker og i Magasin på Kgs. Nytorv i København.
Besættelsesmagten Israel producerer halvdelen af verdens Medjoul dadler, 60 % af disse produceres i ulovlige bosættelser på Vestbredden, bl.a. i den frugtbare Jordan-dal hvor besættelsesmagten pt er i gang med en etnisk udrensning af palæstinenserne. De israelske dadler sælges under følgende brands: King Solomon Dates, Jordan River eller blot Medjoul Dates. Der står ALDRIG på dadel-kasserne at dadlerne er produceret i en bosættelse. Der står som regel Israel som oprindelsesland – eller der mangler oprindelsesland! Ifølge dansk lovgivning er det obligatorisk at mærke frugt og grønt med oprindelsesland.
Boykot Israel opfordrer til at boykotte Medjoul-dadler – og alt andet fra besættelsesmagten Israel! Henvend jer til personalet i butikker hvor de sælger israelske Medjoul dadler og fortæl at ved at sælge israelske produkter støtter man apartheid-staten Israel! Klag hvis der mangler oprindelsesland! Send gerne små rapporter (og fotos) ind om butikkerne hvor man sælger Medjoul dadler til: Boykot Israel Kampagnens facebook: facebook.com/boykotisrael.dk.
Boykot alt fra Israel så længe der er israelsk besættelse og apartheid – Frit Palæstina”
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