“Rise up against racism” rally in Charleroi (Photos)

A rally against racism, organized by around twenty Charleroi associations, brought together around a hundred people in Charleroi, Belgium, including the Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine.

Members of the Plate-Former Charleroi-Palestine drew attention to the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah , Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, locked up for more than 37 years, who, from his prison in Lannemezan, supports the struggles against racism and colonialism in France and around the world.

It was also an opportunity to display our signs against Israeli racism and apartheid and for freedom of action for Palestine, challenging the recent French government dissolutions, essentially bans on, two collectives engaged in Palestine solidarity activism.

The struggle continues, against racism, Zionism and apartheid, for the release of Georges Abdallah and for freedom of action for Palestine. Let’s all take part in campaigns to boycott Israel!

Photos: Sandro Baguet and Myriam De Ly

Source: Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine

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