As part of the International Day of Action to Free Georges Abdallah, activists in Charleroi, Belgium, took the campaign to free the imprisoned Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine to Belgian media outlets on Friday, 1 April. The Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine urged Belgian media outlets to cover the case of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, jailed in France for over 37 years despite being eligible for release since 1999.
Activists gathered outside RTBF and TeleSambre de Charleroi, major media outlets, with signs and banners calling or the immediate release of Abdallah, receiving media coverage in Belgian media outlets and TV reports.
This action builds upon a number of activities, protests, open letters and campaigns in Belgium to call for Abdallah’s liberation. 2 April is Georges Abdallah’s birthday, and he will turn 71 behind bars today. As part of a call from the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, protests are being held in Tunis, Tunisia, as well as in multiple cities in France.
Protesters will gather in Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and outside the prison of Lannemezan to call for Abdallah’s immediate release.
One important way that people can express their solidarity directed to Georges Abdallah is to write letters and send them to him:
Monsieur Georges Ibrahim ABDALLAH
2388/A221 CP de Lannemezan
204 rue des Saligues
BP 70166
“Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” is a documentary film that traces the life, struggle and politics of Abdallah’s engagement in the Palestinian and Lebanese revolutionary movements. The film is available in French, English, Arabic, German, Italian, Catalan, Spanish and Turkish. To organize a screening of the film in your area, contact [email protected] and copy [email protected] so that we can help you promote the event.
Photos: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
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