At the request of Emmanuel Macron, French interior minister Gérald Darmanin officially administratively dissolved (essentially, banned) the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which will soon file an appeal before the Council of State, the relevant appeals court.
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This purely political decision comes at the end of a defamation campaign led by the Israeli far right and its agents in France. For three years, together with other organizations, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra has organized multiple information stands, rallies, demonstrations and mobilization campaigns in support of the Palestinian people, clearly displaying its anti-racist and anti-colonialist positions.
The dissolution that today affects the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is therefore one more step in the criminalization of the Palestine solidarity movement, because it is indeed all the progressive and solidarity-oriented organizations that are targeted today through this attack. More than ever, we must stand up against this extremely serious offensive against freedom and these recurring attacks on the most basic rights of association and expression!
The Committee against the Dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, which brings together trade unions, political organizations, collectives and associations, calls for a week of mobilization from 15 to 25 April 2022 against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and against the criminalization of solidarity with Palestine, in the days leading up to the appeal to the Council of State by the Toulouse collective.
Committee against the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra
AFA Tolosa, AFPS, ATTAC Toulouse, BRIC, Campagne BDS Toulouse, CASA, CDK Toulouse, CGT 31, CLRR31, CNT 31, Comité Vérité et Justice 31, Couserans Palestine, CREA, Ensemble 31, FSU 31, LDH Toulouse, Le Poing Levé Toulouse, LJR, Mouvement de la Paix 31, NPA 31, PCOF 31, Planning Familial 31, POI 31, Révolution Permanente 31, Secours Rouge Toulouse, Solidaires 31, Sud Education 31-65, Survie, Syndicat des Avocats de France Toulouse, Toulouse Anti-CRA, UCL, Union des Etudiant-e-s de Toulouse
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