#PalestineDay: Actions around the world stand with the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle

29 November marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People — infamously, it marks the anniversary of the United Nations’ Resolution 181 in 1947, which planned for the partition of Palestine over the objections and resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. On this 75th anniversary of the partition of Palestine, organizers around the world held events and actions to reject the partition of Palestine and express that the Palestinian struggle will continue until return and liberation.

In Madrid, Spain, members of Samidoun Spain, together with the Masar Badil, Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement, and Al-Yudur Palestinian Youth Organization, dropped a banner with the slogan “No to the Partition of Palestine! Down with Zionism, down with Oslo, down with Balfour!” waving Palestinian flags and Samidoun banners.

In Toulouse, France, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra organized a Palestine Stand at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, where they distributed information and took solidarity photos calling for the freedom of the Holy Land Five and for Palestinian liberation on the International Day of Solidarity.

In Berlin, Germany, Samidoun Deutschland joined with a number of international organizations in a march on 27 November to call for freedom for all political prisoners, including Turkish political prisoners in European jails and Palestinian political prisoners in occupation jails.

In Essen, Germany, Samidoun Deutschland organized a public demonstration for the International Day of Solidarity on 26 November, carrying Palestinian flags and rallying in the city center for justice and liberation for Palestine.

In Paris, France, Samidoun Paris Banlieue participated on 26 November in the evening event in support of Palestinian political prisoners organized by the Collectif Boycott Apartheid Israel, sections of the Association France-Palestine Solidarité and the Forum Palestine Citoyenneté.


In Gothenburg, Sweden, Palestinian organizations — including Samidoun Göteborg — gathered in Brunnsparken on 29 November for a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance on the International Day of Solidarity.

In Vancouver, Canada, on 26 November, Samidoun Vancouver joined with the Canada Palestine Association, BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish and Independent Jewish Voices for a rally to #BoycottIsraeliWines, which included an action inside a BC Liquor Store selling “Israeli” wine, as well as statements of solidarity with Palestinian and Arab prisoners, including the Holy Land Five and Georges Abdallah, the Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in French jails for 38 years.

In New York, Within Our Lifetime organized an online community town hall on the case of the Holy Land Five, featuring presentations by Nida Abu Baker, daughter of Shukri Abu Baker, and Amith Gupta, lawyer with the Coalition for Civil Freedoms. Members of Samidoun participated in organizing the event and in the discussion that followed, with strategic planning to advance the campaign.

Watch the event:

Charlotte Kates of Samidoun participated in an online event, organized by Act 4 Palestine in Gaza, along with speakers from Palestine, Chile, Britain, the Czech Republic and Canada, speaking about international solidarity. The event took place on Tuesday, 29 November.


Of course, organizations around the world organized their own actions commemorating the International Day of Solidarity, with more scheduled to come over the coming days.

In Finland, members of Vapaa Palestiina, organized a banner drop and action in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and demanding the boycott of Israeli occupation goods:

The US Palestinian Community Network, together with Madison 4 Palestine, and endorsed by dozens of organizations, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, organized actions for #PalestineDay, calling for banner drops and other public events across the country. The #PalestineDay events culminated in a social media storm highlighting the hashtags #PalestineDay and #ZionismisRacism.

Some of the banner drops and actions that took place are highlighted below:

On the anniversary of the partition of Palestine, we join all of the Palestinian, Arab and international organizations and people around the world commemorating the International Day of Solidarity and standing together to reject partition and reject normalization, with the Palestinian people, their resistance, their return and their liberation, from the river to the sea.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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