In Toulouse and elsewhere, the launch of the international month of action for Georges Abdallah

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to participate in the month of action to free Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 39 years. On 19-20 October, the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, will hold two days of meetings in Toulouse, capped by a public event on Friday evening, 20 October. On Saturday, 21 October, a collective unified march will take place to Lannemezan prison, where Georges Abdallah is held. Georges Abdallah will enter his 40th year in prison this year. Collectively, we must demand Georges’ freedom and the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners, in Zionist, imperialist and reactionary regime (including Palestinian Authority) prisons. Join us on 21 October and in the coming weeks to rally, march and raise our voices for liberation and return, for Georges Abdallah, the prisoners’ movement, and all of Palestine!

Every year, a large international mobilization in October demands the release of Abdallah, who has been denied release and return to Lebanon despite being eligible for release since 1999. He is being jailed for political reasons by the French authorities, acting together with the United States and the Zionist regime. Samidoun and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network based in Toulouse, have joined an appeal alongside many organizations, issued by the Unitary Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah.

In Toulouse, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is dedicated to campaigning for the liberation of Georges Abdallah, postering and flyering throughout the city to inform people widely about the scandalous actions of the French state.

As students return to class at Jean Jaurès University in Toulouse, the Collectif organized a stand to publicize the campaign to free Georges Abdallah and support the Palestinian people’s struggle for national liberation; the stand received a warm welcome from many supportive students!

On Saturday, 30 September, the Collectif organized a stand in downtown Toulouse, displaying a banner, flags and signs in support of Georges Abdallah and Palestine. Participants distributed hundreds of flyers and engaged in many discussions with passers-by about the history of the case, denouncing the political and judicial assault on this resistance struggler. Several young Algerians participated in the stand, illustrating their profound attachment to the Palestinian cause, and we met several Palestinians from Gaza enthusiastic to see the support for Georges Abdallah and Palestine displayed so visibly in Toulouse.

Initiatives throughout France are growing as well. On 28 September in Paris, many people joined the Unitary Campaign for a rally outside the French Ministry of Justice demanding Georges Abdallah’s liberation.

On 30 September, Samidoun Paris Banlieue organized a solidarity stand for Georges Abdallah at its monthly Palestine stand at the Aubervilliers market.

More demonstrations and actions have been organized by collectives and groups in Marseille, Lyon, Limoges and Tarbes.

Activities for the release of Georges Abdallah are also organized in many countries, in particular by different chapters of Samidoun. For example, a delegation to Lebanon organized by Samidoun and Masar Badil called from the Shatila refugee camp to mobilize for the month of action for the release of Georges Abdallah.

In the Netherlands, Revolutionaire Eenheid and Samidoun NL issued a call from Shatila camp in Lebanon to join the mobilization to free Georges Abdallah.

All these initiatives will converge on Saturday, 21 October during a major march for the release of Georges Abdallah in front of the gates of Lannemezan prison, where he is detained. Several buses and carpools are organized from Toulouse and other French cities and neighbouring countries. Please do not hesitate to reserve a place by email at [email protected]. Furthermore, we are co-organizing a meeting the day before for its liberation and that of Palestine from 7 p.m. at the Bourse du Travail (Place Saint Sernin) with the participation of Palestinian, Lebanese and internationalist activists!

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