Take action: Follow our new Telegram channel after imperialist censorship!

On Tuesday, 29 October, the primary Telegram channel of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has been banned in the US, Canada, and some European countries, following the sanctions imposed on Samidoun by the United States and Canada.

We urge all to follow our NEW CHANNEL:

Follow in Spanish:

The attempt to silence Samidoun on Telegram is part and parcel of the attack on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the Palestinian resistance. It comes hand in hand with attacks that aim to suppress Resistance News Network, media outlets and all organizations confronting Zionist/imperialist genocide and upholding the resistance!

This ban comes after baseless sham accusations by the US, Canada, Netherlands, and zionist entity, all aimed at silencing the liberation movement and scaring other organizers. Framing Samidoun’s activities in support of Palestinian prisoners for the last 13 years “terrorism” is part of an increasingly aggressive stance that seeks to criminalize Palestinian solidarity, undermine grassroots mobilization, and obscure the injustices and genocide faced by the Palestinian and Arab peoples, especially the prisoners’ movement.

We urge all to resist censorship and silencing of the movement for Palestinian liberation! Join our new channel and also follow the channels below for important information and updates on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.

We urge all to follow our NEW CHANNEL:

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