Take urgent action to demand ICRC intervention and protection for tortured Palestinian detainee Samer Arbeed and prisoners on hunger strikes

Tomorrow (Tuesday) Palestinian prisoners’ groups and organizations will hold a sit-in and deliver a letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross office in Ramallah. We demand their urgent intervention and protection of tortured detainee Samer Arbeed and prisoners on hunger strikes. Join the prisoners’ movement’s appeal by calling the ICRC offices tomorrow, 1 October 2019, and demanding they immediately visit Samer and ensure his safe and immediate release. Samer has been on life support since Friday from the severe torture and abuse during his interrogation, but the ICRC has yet to visit him or make a statement.

  • Geneva Office: +41 227346001
  • Ramallah Office: +970 2 2414030/ +970 2 2400484
  • Jerusalem Office: +972 25917900
  • Tel Aviv Office: +972 35245286
  • UK: +44 20 7877 7303
  • Washington DC: (+1) 202 361 1566 (Elizabeth Gorman Shaw, media contact person)
  • New York City: (+1) 917-455-9035 (Diana Santana, media contact person)

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