In just a few weeks after its launch, the #Palestine2022 campaign, highlighting Palestine in the French presidential elections, has already received the support of more than 1000 people for its demands and its objectives. The campaign aims to denounce the collaboration of French governments with Israeli apartheid and introduce the subject of the Palestinian cause into the debates of the presidential election. While Amnesty International recently published a report emphasizing that the Palestinians are subjected to apartheid by the Israeli occupation, it is unacceptable that the alliance between France and Israel continues with deafening political silence.
During the trade union demonstration on January 27, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra unfurled a large banner to promote the campaign website and distributed campaign materials to participants in the march. The reception was very positive and many people stopped at the information table set up for the occasion along the route.
Thursday, February 10, the journalist and anti-racist activist Taha Bouhafs affirmed his support for the campaign at the end of the evening presentation of his book at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès.
On Friday, February 11 at the Petit Palais des Sports in Toulouse, a delegation from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra intervened at the gates of the meeting of the Union Populaire in order to promote the #Palestine2022 campaign. At the same time, other members took part in a meeting with the MP of La France Insoumise, Danièle Obono, in Rabastens . On this occasion, she reaffirmed her support for Georges Abdallah and the Palestinian people.
In different districts of Toulouse, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is distributing flyers to promote the campaign. The #Palestine2022 platform demands the end of the criminalization of support for Palestine, freedom for Georges Abdallah and the end of cooperation between France and Israeli apartheid. This is always an opportunity to have many discussions on this subject, as many people are curious to know the positions of the various candidates on Palestine. The same experience has been the case during the various stands that we organized at the University of Mirail, in the Bagatelle district and at the Capitole metro.
At the same time, campaign posters adorn the walls of the city, particularly in the districts of Reynerie, Mirail, Bagatelle and La Faourette.
The campaign also aims to decipher and denounce when necessary the positions of the various candidates on the subject of Palestine. We have already done this with Yannick Jadot, Sandrine Rousseau and Christiane Taubira. For her part, the Lutte Ouvrière candidate Nathalie Arthaud responded to our inquiry and other teams of candidates have also pledged to do so.
While the discusion of the presidential election has been captured by the far right and its deadly agenda, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra calls upon all to join the #Palestine2022 campaign so that solidarity with the Palestinian people is felt as the campaign progresses! Do not hesitate to mobilize on social networks with our action kit and use the hashtag #Palestine2022, sign the petition and contact us if you wish to participate or organize initiatives in your area of France.
Source: Collectif Palestine Vaincra
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