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Palestinian liberated prisoner re-arrested in Jerusalem

The Palestinian Information Centre reported on July 8, 2012 Israeli occupation forces re-arrested liberated Jerusalemite prisoner Samer Al-Aisawi from his home in Aisawiye town east of occupied Jerusalem on Saturday night, July 7.

His sister and lawyer Shireen Al-Aisawi said that the Israeli soldiers took away her brother without giving a reason.

Samer, 34, was released in the first batch of the Wafa Al-Ahrar exchange deal late last year between Hamas and Israel after serving ten years of his 30-year sentence.

The Israeli occupation forces have thus re-arrested eight prisoners liberated in that deal despite an article in the deal prohibiting their re-arrest. The Israeli prosecution is demanding that some of those re-arrested should complete their sentences after claiming they violated their release conditions.

Palestinian prisoner hospitalized with serious leg injury

The Palestinian Information Centre reported that  Israeli jailors transferred Palestinian prisoner Noor Jaber to hospital in serious condition on Thursday after he fainted, the Palestinian prisoner’s association said.

Amjad Al-Najjar, the chairman of the association, said that Jaber, who is serving 17 life sentences, was injured in his leg on his arrest ten years ago. He explained that Israeli interrogators soon after his arrest put salt on his injuries and hit him on his wounded leg other than using the “stapler” on his body for more than 50 times.

Najjar said that the interrogators were punishing Jaber for his role in planning an Islamic Jihad attack in Al-Khalil that killed military commander of Al-Khalil area and 16 soldiers.

Najjar said that Jaber tabled dozens of requests with the Israeli prison authority to treat his leg but to no avail, adding that the Ramle prison clinic told him that his leg has to be amputated to prevent further deterioration in his health.

Freedom Theatre Artistic Director on hunger strike in Israeli prison

Press Release from The Freedom Theatre, Jenin, Occupied Palestine, July 5th, 2012

Today Nabil Al-Raee, the Artistic Director of The Freedom Theatre was accused in an Israeli military court of possessing guns, helping a wanted person (Zakaria Zubeidi) as well as three other wanted but unnamed persons. The help Nabil is accused of rendering Zakaria – who years ago was granted amnesty by the Israeli authorities – is that he has driven him in his car and given him food and cigarettes. In response to these accusations Nabil declared that he is starting a hunger strike from tomorrow. “I don’t understand why I’m here [in detention]. There is no reason for them to keep me here”. Nabil’s lawyer says: “This shows that that they are desperate, they have nothing to hold against him.”

Nabil was taken by the Israeli army on June 6th at 03:00 in the night from his house in front of his family. For two weeks he was not allowed to communicate with his lawyer or have any contact with his family. Nor were any charges made against him. Once suspicions were eventually put forward, Nabil was first suspected of keeping information that could lead to the identification of Juliano Mer Khamis’ murderer. In a later court hearing the Israeli prosecution claimed that Nabil was involved in “terror activities”. Then in a recent court hearing the military judge declared that no evidence of any illegal activity had come up during the almost one month of interrogations and that Nabil would be released. However the prosecution was given a 48 hour period to appeal and put forward this third, equally absurd accusation against Nabil.

Micaela Miranda, Nabil’s wife, attended the court hearing today: “This farce started with them accusing Nabil of being involved somehow in the murder of Juliano, then they accused him of terror activities and now it’s something else. Every court hearing we go to there’s another accusation, it’s ridiculous and it’s obvious that they are trying to find a justification for having kept Nabil incarcerated for so long.”

Smadar Ben-Natan, Nabil’s lawyer, says: “This shows that they really don’t have anything to hold against him. If these are crimes then it means that everybody in Jenin camp are guilty of them. I hope that the judge in the next court hearing will understand this and that they will release him.”

The Freedom Theatre Foundation in Sweden and The Freedom Theatre association in Jenin with its friends associations in USA, France, Italy, Scotland and Germany rebuke these accusations as pure fabrications that are part of the Israeli occupying force’s attempt to destroy The Freedom Theatre entirely.

“Maybe they thought we would break down when Juliano Mer Khamis was assassinated, but we kept on and now they are trying to suffocate us slowly but surely by harassing our employees, members and supporters with various accusations, one more absurd than the other. This systematic harassment has gone on for a year now, it’s enough!” says Jonatan Stanczak, the Managing Director of The Freedom Theatre.

Distinguished public figures such as Danny Glover, Noam Chomsky and Judith Butler along with almost 200 other people from the artistic community in the USA have called for the immediate release of Nabil and Zakaria in a statement in TimeOut magazine in New York. Artistic communities in Germany, the UK and elsewhere have made similar calls and thousands of individuals from all over the word have signed petitions and made complaints to Israeli and Palestinian representative bodies. A few weeks ago 56 members of the European Parliament signed a letter urging Catherine Ashton to take action and 19 members of the Portuguese parliament, from all political parties except the extreme right, called for Nabil’s release.

For more information, please see previous Press Release here: http://thefreedomtheatre.org/news.php?id=254

Addameer: Concern mounts for the life of Akram Rikhawi on his 85th day of hunger strike


An independent doctor from PHR-IL visited Akram Rikhawi yesterday and an Addameer lawyer visited him today, along with Samer Al-Barq and Hassan Safadi. Samer and Hassan are still denied access to independent doctors.

Joint Press Release, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

Take Action: Demand freedom for Akram Rikhawi! Click here to send a letter of protest!

Ramallah-Jaffa5 July 2012­

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-IL) and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association are gravely concerned for the life of Akram Rikhawi, who is now on his 85th day of hunger strike. An independent doctor from PHR-IL visited Akram in Ramleh prison medical center yesterday, 4 July, which was made possible only after an appeal to the Israeli District Court, where the judge eventually ordered the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) to allow the entry of the independent doctor no later than 3 July.

Following the visit to Akram, the PHR-IL doctor reported the alarming deterioration of Akram’s asthma, which continues to be unstable. The doctor believes Akram has been given very high doses of steroids as treatment, which can cause severe long-term and irreversible damage. The doctor reiterated recommendation for immediate examination by a lung specialist, which was not performed as recommended after the last visit by an independent doctor on 6 June.

Akram also reported that he is experiencing severe dizziness, can no longer walk and is having difficulty standing. Even more troubling, Akram has not been given any assistance in these matters, leaving him vulnerable to the danger of falling, which could result in fatal injury due to his osteoporosis. The doctor further noted that Akram is experiencing tingling and numbness in his left thigh, which could indicate peripheral nerve damage, and recommended immediate examination in a public hospital, for fear of permanent neurological damage.

The IPS has continued to punish Akram for his hunger strike by confiscating his books and reading materials, isolating him from other prisoners and cancelling his daily break. He is also being held in a cell with no fan or air conditioning, despite the high humidity and how badly it affects his asthma.

Akram pointed out to the independent doctor and to Addameer lawyer Mona Neddaf in her visit today that he was recently hospitalized at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, but was shackled at all times to the hospital bed and felt his needs were mostly ignored by the medical staff. He emphasized to Ms. Neddaf his desire to have unrestricted access to the independent doctors from PHR-IL.

Ms. Neddaf also visited Samer Al-Barq, who is on his 45th day of renewed hunger strike in protest against the extension of his administrative detention. Ms. Neddaf noted that he seems significantly weaker than during her last visit on 25 June. He is consuming only water with glucose.

Samer’s family has reported that he suffers from kidney problems and high blood pressure and has lost more than 25% of his original weight. On 21 June, PHR-IL submitted a request to allow access for independent physicians. On 25 June the IPS denied this request without providing any reasons.

Hassan Safadi is on his 15th day of renewed hunger strike, after previously spending 71 days on prolonged hunger strike. His last administrative detention order was due to expire on 29 June and, according to the agreement ending Palestinian prisoners’ mass hunger strike, he was supposed to be released on that date. However, his lawyer was informed on 21 June of the renewal of his administrative detention order for a further six months, in violation of the agreement.

According to Ms. Neddaf after her visit with him today, Hassan’s lawyer submitted a request to the military judge that he review the agreement and consider his immediate release. The judge responded that he would give a decision on this matter in two weeks. Hassan stressed that he will not break his hunger strike until he is release to his home in Nablus.

Hassan was transferred to Ramleh prison medical center last week and is currently being held in an isolated cell. He is drinking water with salt and taking vitamins due to a low potassium level in his blood. He has lost approximately 8 kilos in weight since the beginning of his renewed strike. PHR-IL submitted a request to allow access for an independent doctor on 26 June and have not yet received a response from the IPS.

In light of the deterioration of the conditions of the remaining Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, PHR-IL and Addameer urge the international community to immediately intervene on their behalf and demand:

  • unrestricted access for independent physicians to all hunger strikers;
  • the immediate transfer of Akram Rikhawi and Samer Al-Barq to a public hospital, and the transfer of all prisoners on hunger strike for more than 40 days to public hospitals;
  • that no hunger striker be shackled while hospitalized;
  • that all hunger strikers­especially those in advanced stages of hunger strike­be allowed family visits, while they are still lucid;
  • that all information be given to families as to the medical condition of their loved ones, which is the responsibility of hospitals and medical staff in accordance with standards of medical ethics;
  • that Akram Rikhawi be granted release on humanitarian grounds;
  • that Hassan Safadi and Samer Al-Barq, along with all other administrative detainees, be immediately and unconditionally released.

Urgent: 83 Days of Hunger Strike- Take action for Palestinian prisoner Akram Al-Rikhawi!

Palestinian political prisoner Akram Al-Rikhawi is currently on his 83rd day of hunger strike, in severe danger of death. He is suffering from numerous medical conditions, including diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, glaucoma, kidney problems and immune deficiency. Addameer reports that “Prior to his arrest, Akram received injections of Kenacort to treat his asthma, but following his arrest, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) did not allow Akram to take this injection. Instead, it was replaced with injections of cortisone, which is most likely the cause of severe complications, resulting in additional chronic illnesses such as diabetes and osteoporosis, from which Akram now suffers.” Take action today to call for the immediate release of Akram al-Rikhawi!

Akram began his hunger strike on April 12 of this year to demand his early release due to his heath circumstances. He also has eight children, and he and his wife are also responsible for the care of the five children of his late brother. Despite his severe health circumstances and his difficult family and economic straits and responsibility for 13 children, his appeals for early release in 2012 and on June 5, 2012 were both rejected.

He did not stop his hunger strike on May 14 at the time of the agreement between prisoners and the Israel Prison Services because his unique circumstances were not addressed – namely, early release on medical grounds. Physicians for Human Rights were denied access to Akram for nearly two months, until June 6. He has lost 26.5% of his body weight – and was already very unhealthy. Akram has been refusing medical examinations since mid-May – and in response, the cortisone injections have only increased. PHR has stated that he must be transferred immediately to a civilian hospital in order to receive proper medical care, and filed suit to demand he be transferred – which was denied by an Israeli District Court on June 14.

On the heels of the victory achieved by Mahmoud Sarsak after an unprecedented 95-day hunger strike, in which Sarsak, held without charge or trial under a new law labelling uncharged detainees from Gaza as “unlawful combatants” – won his release, scheduled for July 10. Sarsak – a Palestinian football player on the national team – was released after international publicity – including statements from FIFPro and FIFA officials and players – was drawn to his case. It is urgent that we act now to free Akram Rikhawi and secure his much-needed medical care.

Akram al-Rikhawi is not the only Palestinian prisoner currently on hunger strike. Samer al-Barq has now been on hunger strike since May 22, for 43 days, protesting Israeli violations of the agreement with the prisoners – after his own administrative detention, rather than expiring as agreed by the Israelis at the end of the strike, was renewed for an additional three months. Samer al-Barq is now on hunger strike until his release is secured.

Samer al-Barq is not the only Palestinian victim of the Israeli violations of the agreement ending the hunger strike. Notably, Hassan Safadi, a long-term hunger striker who had been striking for 71 days at the time the agreement was concluded, had his administrative detention order renewed by the Israelis on June 21, despite the explicit agreement that the long-term hunger strikers such as Safadi serving in administrative detention without charge or trial would not have those orders renewed. Safadi is now on his 13th day of hunger strike and plans to continue until he is released.

Addameer reports that the cases of al-Barq and Safadi are not the only examples of Israeli intransigence and violation of the agreement:

In regards to the implementation of the agreement as a whole, one of the 19 prisoners in long-term isolation, Dirar Abu Sisi, has still not been moved to the general prison population, and an additional prisoner was moved to isolation last week. Furthermore, family visits to prisoners from Gaza have not yet resumed, though one month has passed since the agreement was signed. Addameer has observed no change in Israel’s overall administrative detention policy and fears that these practices will only continue without significant pressure from the international community.

Administrative detention, mass roundups, and military trials are continuing in Palestine. Activists like Walid Abo Rass, the financial and administrative manager of the Health Work Committees – a community based health organization – continue to be kidnapped and held arbitrarily in occupation prisons. International solidarity and action is needed to hold the occupation accountable for its ongoing imprisonment and abuse of the people of Palestine!


1. Sign a letter demanding the Israeli state transfer Akram Rikhawi, Samer al-Barq and Hassan Safadi immediately to hospitals and release them. Tell the Israeli Prison Services that the world is watching! Click here to sign.

2. Sign this letter, circulated by UFREE, to members of the European Parliament and demand action to save the life of Akram Rikhawi.

3. Sign this petition to demand the release of Palestinian health worker Walid Abo Rass and all other administrative detainees.

4. Join a protest or demonstration for Palestinian prisoners. Many groups and organizations are holding events – join one or announce your own. Organizing an event, action or forum on Palestinian prisoners on your city or campus? Use this form to contact us and we will post the event widely. If you need suggestions, materials or speakers for your event, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.ca.

5. Contact your government officials and demand an end to international silence and complicity with the repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In Canada, Call the office of John Baird, Foreign Minister, and demand an end to Canadian support for Israel and justice for Palestinian prisoners, at : 613-990-7720; Email: bairdj@parl.gc.ca. In the US, call the office of Elizabeth Jones, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209). Demand that Elizabeth Jones bring this issue urgently to his counterparts in Israel.

URGENT: Act now for Mahmoud Sarsak on 84th day of hunger strike; Palestinian soccer star at risk of death

Poster for Mahmoud Sarsak by Hafez Omar

As European soccer stars compete in the European Championship, the eyes of the world must turn to a soccer star at urgent risk of death: Palestinian national team member Mahmoud Sarsak, 25, has been imprisoned under Israel’s “Unlawful Combatants Law” – the only prisoner so held – without charge or trial – for three years. Sarsak, from Gaza, traveled to the West Bank to join the Palestinian national soccer team for training. Upon his arrival he was abducted by the Israeli occupation military and since that time has been held in Israeli jails, subject to this special version of administrative detention designed especially for Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip. Take action now – send a letter to Israeli officials demanding his freedom!

TWEET NOW: Free #FootballsHero #MahmoudSarsak from Israeli prison – no charge, no trial, no detention! Take action: http://samidoun.ca/?p=1282

Mahmoud Sarsak launched his own hunger strike demanding freedom following the strikes of administrative detainees Khader Adnan and Hana’ Shalabi, on March 19 of this year. He was joined by thousands of other Palestinian prisoners on April 17. When the prisoners’ general open hunger strike ended on May 14 with an agreement, Sarsak continued his strike; his situation was particularly precarious due to the unique form of administrative detention under which he is held.

According to Physicians for Human Rights and Addameer,

Despite the urgency of his condition, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) has denied Mahmoud access to independent doctors from PHR-Israel until today. The IPS also refuses to transfer him to a civilian hospital for proper treatment. Following today’s visit, the PHR-Israel doctor reported that Mahmoud has experienced extreme loss of muscle tissue and drastic weight loss. He has lost 33 percent of his body weight, from an original weight of 76 kilos down to his present weight of 51 kilos. He also suffers from frequent incidents of fainting and loss of consciousness, in addition to lapses in memory. The doctor further reported that Mahmoud is in danger of pulse disruptions (arrhythmias) that are endangering his life.

Palestinian human rights organizations have urgently called for international action and solidarity for Mahmoud Sarsak – and for his fellow continuing hunger strikers, Akram Al-Rikhawi, on his 57th day of hunger strike, and Samer al-Barq, who renewed his hunger strike (following his participation in the April 17-May 14 general strike) on May 21 in protest of Israeli continual violations of the agreement – rather than being released as promised, his administrative detention was renewed.

Sarsak and Rikhawi have released a letter to the world, calling for action on their cases, as translated by the Electronic Intifada:

This is an urgent and final distress call from captivity, slow and programmed death inside the cells of so-called Ramle Prison hospital, that you know that your sons and brothers are still struggling against death and you pay no attention to them and do not remember their cause – as if, after the end of the general strike all the demands of the prisoners were met.

We are still here, continuing our open-ended hunger strike and that battle has not endeddespite 78 days of strike for one of us, and 59 days for the other.

Regretfully, we thought that you would support us in our hunger strike, but instead you have stood on our wounds and our pain.

From here, we cry out to you, to our brothers, to dignified people, that you bear your responsibility, for after God, we have no one but you and the freedom loving people of the world to bring victory to our cause.

Second: As the hunger strike continues to erode our bodies and sap what is left of our strength, we cry out to you to help us in our battle on every level and field, local, regional and international, especially in the media, and especially Palestinian television which represents the Palestinian people.

And also in the newspapers, radio and electronic media, so that our voices can reach the freedom loving people of the world and expose this entity, and for the victory of our cause.

We say: there is still enough time and the support that comes late is better than that which does not come at all. It is better that you receive us alive and victorious rather than as lifeless bodies in black bags.

Therefore we two hunger strikers remain on our strike, Mahmoud Sarsak who has endured 78 days, and Sheikh Akram Rikhawi who has endured 59 days and was already ill, having spent 8 years in Ramle Prison clinic suffering from illnesses, and who now struggles against death.

We inform you that we will remain on our strike until all our demands are met and we will not submit to the demands of the Prison Service regardless of what we suffer in restrictions, provocations, and bargaining, and we will not accept promises and half-measures despite the deterioration of our health and our entry into difficult and dangerous situations, especially since we have lost more than 25kg and 18kg.

Our people, our leaders in Gaza, in the West Bank and outside, and freedom loving people of the world, we cry out to you, and to all people in the world who believe in the justice of our cause: do not abandon us to the vindictive hands of the jailers to take what they want from our frail bodies.

You are the ones able to support us for victory in our battle.

Your brothers who remain on hunger strike until victory or martrydom,

Mahmoud Sarsak
Akram Rikhawi

Sarsak’s family has also joined in a video call for his freedom:

Protests have taken place across Europe and more action is urgently needed. As the world’s eyes are on the best in soccer, take action for a true football hero – Mahmoud Sarsak – whose life is on the line for his freedom, and for dignity and justice for all Palestinians.


1. Sign a letter demanding the Israeli state transfer Mahmoud Sarsak, Akram Rikhawi and Samer al-Barq immediately to hospitals and release them. Tell the Israeli Prison Services that the world is watching! Click here to sign.

2. Join a protest or demonstration for Palestinian prisoners. Many groups and organizations are holding events – join one or announce your own. Organizing an event, action or forum on Palestinian prisoners on your city or campus? Use this form to contact us and we will post the event widely. If you need suggestions, materials or speakers for your event, please contact us at samidoun@samidoun.ca.

3. Contact your government officials and demand an end to international silence and complicity with the repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In Canada, Call the office of John Baird, Foreign Minister, and demand an end to Canadian support for Israel and justice for Palestinian prisoners, at : 613-990-7720; Email: bairdj@parl.gc.ca. In the US, call the office of Elizabeth Jones, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209). Demand that Elizabeth Jones bring this issue urgently to his counterparts in Israel.

This action is now closed. Thank you for your support and congratulations to Mahmoud Sarsak.

Student activist Khaled Abu Qash kidnapped by undercover Israeli forces

Khaled Abu Qash, a student activist at Bir Zeit University, was seized by undercover occupation forces from his home in the town of Abu Qash, Ramallah district on Friday, May 18, 2012. Abu Qash is the secretary of the Progressive Student Action Front at Bir Zeit University and was active in events at Bir Zeit and mass demonstrations in Ramallah in solidarity with the prisoners over the past month.

This arrest has come among a number of arrests that have taken place against youth and student activists in recent weeks, and Palestinian activists have noted that these arrests have specifically targeted students and youth who engaged in and led many of the protests and solidarity events supporting the 28-day hunger strike of over 2500 Palestinian prisoners.


Statement No. 8 – Statement of Victory from the Strike Leadership

We received the following from the International Group to Break the Chains (the media committee that follows the Strike’s Central Leadership Committee):

Statement Number 8, from the Strike’s Higher Leadership Committee

In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful
“If God is on your side, no one can defeat you” (Quran verse)

When we stand united and have a strong will, the arm must beat the stick, hunger and pain must beat the jailer’s dominance and arrogance, and as God says:

“God has blessed believers with his grace,” “We have granted you a great conquest,” and “God has made you a great victory.” To our free people inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora, and to all the free people of the world who raised their voices against oppression until it retreated, against the occupiers’ tyranny until they were defeated as they kneel when confronted by our pride and defiance, and signed the document of dignity that included:

First, the Higher Strike Committee commits that resistance work will not be conducted by the resistance fighters in solitary confinement after their release from solitary confinement, in particular military work from inside the prisons. In exchange for this commitment, the enemy entity and its General Security Service (Shin-Bet, Shabak), the General Intelligence and the Prisons Service, must execute the agreements it has made with the Egyptian brothers and the Palestinian leadership that include:

1. Releasing all solitary confined detainees out of solitary confinement within 72 hours from the time of this agreement and transferring them to general prison population.

2. Ending all illegitimate bans of visits to the prisoners from Gaza, and arranging this directly after the agreement is signed.

3. Ending all illegitimate bans of visits to the prisoners from the West Bank, and starting to arrange this directly after the agreement is signed.

4.Immediately starting to improve living conditions of the detainees in prisons through the formation of a committee that will continuously follow up, including a Shabak member and will meet with the Strike Higher committee periodically over time.

5. Administrative detention details:
a. About the six brothers who have been on strike for 2.5 months, which is the most important issue: Thaer Halahleh, Bilal Diab, Hassan al-Safadi, Omar Abu Shalal, Mahmoud Sarsak, and Jafar Izzedine:

After long talks that began Saturday evening and lasted until Sunday morning between the Higher National Committee members Jamal al-Hour and Juma’a al-Tayeh, and lawyer Jawad Boulos on one side, and the Shabak judicial counselor, Shabak General Intelligence, General Prisons Service Director (via direct contact) and a number of officers on the other side, it was agreed that these six brothers will be released on the day their current (previously renewed) time ends without any renewals in any case or circumstance with an Egyptian guarantee from General Nader al-Assar, representative of Egyptian intelligence.

b. Enforcing limits on the Shabak so that it can’t renew any administrative detainee’s time unless it gives material evidence to the court that proves the detainee guilty, or after interrogating him/her, and providing evidence to his/her lawyer that proves what was shown to the court after the court sees the evidence.

c. Egyptian brothers, led by the Intelligence represented by brother Nader al-Assar, pledged to follow up with the administrative detention issue until it’s solved. They also pledged to follow all issues including daily humanitarian conditions and problems of the prisoners’ movements inside Zionist jails.

To our heroic nation – men, women, elders, children, leaders and masses, especially the sons and daughters of the prisoners movement who took on this heroic battle, those who make Palestine proud when it knows it has loyal children and free people who can uproot mountains with their will, those freed prisoners who showed us solidarity and support in the sit-in tent in Gaza and everywhere, and all the free people of the world,

We present you this victory after the battle of dignity that we believe has restored our dignity and an important part of our rights, saving 6 human souls that were very close to death, putting an end to the torturous policy of solitary confinement, putting an end to the horrific isolation of prisoners from their families, and many humanitarian issues related to life inside the jails.

Finally, we all salute, and praise, everyone who contributed to forcing the occupiers to kneel and achieving this victory, and carving it into the walls of history. This includes our revolutionary nation inside and outside Palestine that rose like never before, and the free people who rose up around the world to call out in the name of our rights.

Your brothers,

The Higher Leadership Committee

May 16, 2012

eirigi: Dublin Vigil for Irish and Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Up to sixty éirígí activists and supporters gathered on the central isle of O’Connell Bridge in Dublin yesterday (May 5) to mark the 31st anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands during the 1981 hunger strike. The annual vigil commemorates not only Sands, but all ten republican hunger strikers who paid the ultimate price in the battle against Margaret Thatcher’s attempts to criminalise the republican struggle.

Hunger strike vigil

Yesterday’s vigil also highlighted the plight of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners currently on hunger strike in Israeli jails. One of the most high profile of the almost 2,000 protesting Palestinians, secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa’adat, was recently moved to a prison hospital. Sa’adat has taken no food since April 17.

Those at the vigil held images of the ten republican prisoners who gave their lives in 1981 along with placards which read ‘Free Ahmad Sa’adat – Support the Palestinian Hunger Strikers’ and ‘Remember the Hunger Strikers! Bobby Sands 1981, Ahmad Sa’adat 2012’. Tricolours and PFLP flags flew alongside dozens of black flags so closely associated with the tragic deaths of 1981.

Hunger strike vigil

The vigil was well revived by passers by and by passing traffic, with motorists signalling support by honking their car horns. Cathaoirleach éirígí Brian Leeson commended those who took part in the vigil, “Despite the fact that that more than three decades have passed since the summer of 1981, the valiant sacrifices of those who died on hunger strike and those who took part in the wider struggle for political status have not been forgotten. The fact that dozens of people took part in this vigil today is testament to that.

“Despite all that has changed since 1981, some things unfortunately remain the same. Here in Ireland the British state is again attempting to criminalise the republican struggle through the denial of political status for political prisoners in Maghaberry. And in Palestine the state of Israel continues with its criminalisation and brutalisation of the Palestinian people in general and Palestinian prisoners in particular.

Hunger strike vigil

“Those of us who aspire to carry the flame of struggle today salute the bravery of those who gave their lives in the 1981 hunger strike and from their sacrifice we are inspired to advance the cause for which they died.”

Violations continue despite hunger strike agreement: Sarsak, 3 others continue strike

Despite the agreement that ended the mass hunger strike, violations against Palestinian prisoners supposed to be ended by the agreement continue. Dirar Abu Sisi, Palestinian prisoner kidnapped from the Ukraine, remains in solitary confinement. As of Saturday, May 19, the Palestine Information Centre reported that Ibrahim Hamed also remains in isolation.

Prisoners in Gilboa prison are reporting that conditions are unchanged since the end of the strike, and that prison officials continue to threaten to take their mattresses. According to Addameer, there are four ongoing hunger strikers in Israeli jails: Mahmoud Sarsak, Mohammad Taj, Akram Rikhawi and Mohammad Abdul-Aziz.

Sarsak, a Palestinian footballer from the Gaza Strip who plays on the national team, was seized when he attempted to enter the West Bank for a game. He is the only prisoner held under a form of administrative detention for Gazan Palestinians, the “unlawful combatant law.”

Addameer writes:

Mahmoud Sarsak is still on hunger strike. The Israeli Prison Service had denied it, but it has just been confirmed by his brother that he never broke his hunger strike. Today is therefore his 60th day. Israeli authorities had made a deal with him to end his hunger strike and he would be released on 1 July. However, they have since said he will not be released until 22 August, the end date of his current Unlawful Combatant Law order. He continues his hunger strike in protest.

Mohammad Taj re-launched his hunger strike on 15 May (he had spent 58 days on hunger strike) because the Israeli Prison Service failed to treat him as a prisoner of war. He was immediately taken to solitary confinement in Al-Jalameh and was beaten yesterday in an attempt to pressure him to end his hunger strike….