Registration: Samidoun teach-in on the regional Resistance
TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 - 7 pm - 1803 E 1st Ave, Vancouver
The Palestinian people and their Resistance are not confronting the Zionist regime and the imperialist powers alone. The forces of the regional resistance are mobilizing to confront Zionism & imperialism, from Hezbollah and the Lebanese Resistance emptying the north of Palestine of settlers and occupation soldiers, to the Yemeni people, armed forces, government and AnsarAllah movement shutting down the supply lines of genocide in the Red Sea, to the Iraqi resistance confronting U.S. empire's continued occupation, to steadfast Syria, to the firm base of Resistance in Iran, the Axis of Resistance is carrying out a strategy of the unity of all fronts.
Discuss the regional resistance forces, their role in the struggle, and our ability to build an international popular cradle of the Resistance -- including a global resistance front -- around the world. REGISTRATION REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS EVENT. Not for sharing/posting on socials.