Malik al-Qadi freed, transferred to Palestinian hospital after 68-day hunger strike


Former hunger striker and freed prisoner Malik al-Qadi was transferred on Saturday, 24 September to the Palestinian Istishari Arab hospital in Ramallah from the Israeli Wolfson medical center following his release from administrative detention in an agreement concluded on 21 September. Al-Qadi, 20, a journalism student at Al-Quds University, conducted a hunger strike for nearly 70 daya, beginning on 16 July. Arrested on 23 May, he was ordered to four months in administrative detention without charge or trial. The agreement concluded on 21 September secured the release of al-Qadi and fellow hunger strikers Mohammed and Mahmoud al-Balboul at the termination of their administrative detention periods.

Al-Qadi’s detention term ended on 22 September after four months of imprisonment; he has previously served another four-month term in administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. His health condition was very severe by the end of his hunger strike and included nearly a week of unconsciousness. He is expected to stay in the hospital for some time to come as he recovers from the effects of his hunger strike on his body.


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes Malik al-Qadi and his fellow strikers, Mahmoud and Mohammed al-Balboul, on their steadfastness and determination to struggle for their freedom, and we congratulate Malik al-Qadi on his freedom – an achievement which must come for all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

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