March 24: March to BBC for Palestinian Prisoners – Glasgow, Scotland

ASSEMBLE GEORGE SQUARE at 4PM to march to BBC SCOTLAND Headquarters at Pacific Quay
Saturday 24 March, Glasgow
All of the Student Palestinian societies in Scotland, with support from various other organisations (all listed below) have called for a mass demonstration on Saturday to protest the continued detention of Hana Shalabi and all the other Palestinian prisoners.
We will march from George Square to the BBC Scotland Headquarters to protest the complicity of the mainstream media through their refusal to report on the hunger strike of Hana and 25 other prisoners.
Hana Al-Shalabi like some 300 Palestinians is being held under arbitrary ‘administrative detention’, which allows Israel to hold Palestinians without charges or recourse to a trial.Hana was arrested on February 16th and immediately began a hunger strike, after 33 days her health is deteriorating and she can no longer stand,**UPDATE: Hana’s life is now in danger according to doctors** 23 other prisoners and Hana’s elderly parents have since joined the hunger strike and all the while the Western media stays silent.

It took almost 50 days for Khader Adnan’s hunger strike to receive the limited coverage it received here in the UK and we must take the streets of Glasgow to show that we will not accept or be party to this wall of silence that we will not let Hana and the others die in silence.

The BBC has a woeful record in covering the Palestinian issue and we will marching down to the BBC building to hand-in a letter of complaint and an appeal to them and all media outlets to give this story the coverage it deserves.

Students in Scotland led the way in calling for a Global Hunger Strike day of action on Friday 16th March, which saw hundreds worldwide fasting for one day in solidarity.
To keep the momentum and to do our very best to raise awareness students will be joining the rolling hunger strike called by Glasgow University Palestine Society which began on Saturday 17th March. One person has been fasting for 24 hours to be replaced by someone else the next day and will continue as long as Hana Shalabi remains on hunger strike. Saturday’s demonstration will also to be to mark week #1.

Silence is complicity, we refuse to be silent, join us and help make the message from Scotland loud and clear:

“No to arbitrary detention, Freedom for Hana Shalabi, Freedom for all the prisoners, Freedom for Palestine

Called by:
Glasgow University Palestine Society
Dundee University Action Palestine
Glasgow Caledonian University Palestine Society
Edinburgh University Students for Justice in Palestine
Supported by:
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Glasgow Human Rights for Palestine Campaign
International Socialist Group (Scotland)
Scottish Socialist Youth
Stop the War Coalition (Scotland)
Socialist Workers Party
Boycott From Within (Israel)
General Union of Palestinian Students
Youth Against Settlements (Hebron, Palestine)
Scottish Friends of Palestine

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