Hamdouna: On Eid, remember the hunger striking prisoners

Rafaat Hamdouna, liberated former prisoner and director of the Centre for Prisoners Studies called upon Palestinian national forces to mark the occasion of Eid al-Adha remembering the prisoners on hunger strike. The coming of Eid is for prisoner Ayman Sharawna the occasion of his 117th day on hunger strike, and for Samer Issawi, coincides with his 87th day of hunger strike.

He called on the National and Islamic forces, all human rights organizations, and all Palestinian political forces to dedicate themselves seriously and responsibly with this issue to find solutions and ensure the victory of these heroic prisoners in their battle of empty stomachs. Hamdouna added that the lives of these prisoners are in grave danger and this Eid marks a sensitive and critical moment in their battle and must be met with serious effort equal to their sacrifice at the popular and official level. He called upon the broadcast and print media to publicize their strugge, saying that one of the most important ways to support the prisoners in their defiance of the Israeli prison management and its arrogant policies toward them is to publicize the issue of suffering families of prisoners and the striking prisoners on the occasion of the holiday.

Hamdouna called upon Palestinian, Arab and international television and radio, newspapers, magazines and websites, and Facebook and Twitter users, to salute the holiday by saluting the prisoners struggling on this day.

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