The Khalida Jarrar Solidarity Campaign welcomes organizational and individual endorsements on the following sign-on statement. Please sign the statement below – the stronger the visibility of international support for Khalida, the stronger our call will be to cancel the expulsion order! Please use the form below or email
We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, write to demand the immediate cancellation of the expulsion order against Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian Legislative Council member, prisoners’ rights activist and political leader.
On August 20 at 1:30 AM, Ms. Jarrar’s Ramallah home was raided by 50 Israeli occupation soldiers who presented her with a “special supervision order,” written in Hebrew and read aloud in Arabic. This military order, signed off by an Israeli military court on the basis of unspecified and secret evidence, orders Jarrar expelled from her Ramallah home and forcibly transferred and confined within the city limits of Jericho for an initial period of six months; it was deemed effective within 24 hours.
This order is a blatant injustice and is part and parcel of the ongoing Israeli occupation attempt to silence the voices of Palestinian political leaders and to confine and expel Palestinians. From the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948 – including members of Khalida Jarrar’s family – and the denial of their right to return for over 66 years; to the attempted deportation of Palestinian mayors outside Palestine; to the stripping of the Jerusalem ID’s of elected PLC members Mohammad Abu Tir, Ahmad Atoun, Mohammed Totah and Khaled Abu Arafah; to this expulsion order, there is a long line of Israeli attempts to threaten Palestinian life through displacement and expulsion.
Khalida Jarrar has refused to sign the expulsion order, saying “you, the occupation, are killing our Palestinian people. You practice mass arests, demolish homes, kidnap people from their homes and deport them. It is you who must leave our home.” She has moved to stay in a “protest tent” outside the legislative council building in Ramallah. She announced that she is going to stay and continue her work from there until the decision is revoked.
Jarrar is a Palestinian political leader in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Palestinian Leftist party; she is a frequent leader and participant in demonstrations and popular actions for Palestinian freedom. She is a long-time Palestinian political prisoners’ advocate, former executive director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and a member of its board; she chairs the Prisoners’ Committee of the Palestinian Legislative Council.
She is also active in the Palestinian women’s movement from her earliest days as a university student organizing with other women students to challenge the occupation. A feminist and prominent voice for the defense and expansion of women’s rights, she is a leading organizer of International Women’s Day events in Palestine and coordinates closely with Palestinian women’s organization. “Palestinian women are full partners in the Palestinian struggle,” she emphasizes.
Since 1998, she has been forbidden to travel outside occupied Palestine; when she needed medical treatment in Jordan in 2010, she struggled for months in a public campaign before finally receiving her treatment.
The forced transfer of Khalida Jarrar violates international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits so-called “assigned residence” unless it is “absolutely necessary” and forbids forced collective or individual transfer of protected persons from one area of occupied territory to another. The military order for Jarrar’s forced expulsion contains only vaguely worded references to “intelligence information” and “protecting the security of the region.”
It is clear that Khalida Jarrar is being targeted in order to suppress Palestinian political organizing – particularly as she has been a visible and prominent participant in the West Bank demonstrations in support of Palestinians in Gaza, denouncing the occupation military’s killing of over 2,000 Palestinians.
The invasion of Jarrar’s home and the delivery of the expulsion “special supervision order” took place within so-called “Area A,” allegedly under the complete security control of the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Agreements. Despite this, Israeli occupying forces were allowed to enter Ramallah and invade Jarrar’s home; as Addameer notes, “the so-called ‘security co-ordination’ between Palestinian Authority security forces and Israeli occupying forces allowed for the expulsion of an elected representative of the Palestinian people, an elected representative who has continuously called for an end to such ‘coordination.'”
Khalida Jarrar has been targeted for an expulsion order because she is a Palestinian woman, a Palestinian parliamentarian, and a Palestinian leader. Today, we stand with justice, we stand with Palestine, and we stand with Khalida to demand the immediate cancellation of the “special supervision” expulsion order.
Thanks to all for your support! Khalida has achieved victory and the expulsion order is no longer in effect!
Organizational Endorsements – Updated September 16, 2014:
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
AFPS Alès-Cévennes
AFPS Pays de Saint-Malo
AFPS Clermont-Ferrand – France
AILES- femmes du Maroc
AK Nahost Berlin
Al-Awda, The Palestine right to Return Coalition
Albany-Corvallis Friends of Middle East Peace
Alianza por la Solidaridad
Alliance for People’s Health
Almanbar Alfalastini Berlin
American Jews For A Just Peace
Anti-Racist Action Calgary
Antiwar Committee Chicago
Arab Kultur Club AKC Germany
Asamblea por los derechos de la Ninez y la Juventud (Rosario) – Argentina
Association Belgo-Palestinienne
Association Comm’Unique
Association for Protection of Democratic Rights (APDR)
Association France Palestine Solidarité
Association Franco Chilienne CORDILLERA
Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
Associazione Culturale Zone
Associazione Senza Paura, Italy
AURDIP (Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine – the Association of Academics for the Respect of International Law in Palestine)
Bay Area Intifada
Bay Area Women in Black
BDS Berlin
BDS South Africa
BDS Switzerland
Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign
Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within
Brigada Eva Peron de solidaridad con Venezuela
Brigada Internacionalista Dessalines de solidaridad en Haiti
Brigate Solidarietà e per la Pace-Italia
Campagne BDS France
Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
Canada Palestine Association
Canada-Palestine Support Network (Winnipeg)
Canadian Friends of Sabeel
Canadian Palestinian Federation of Quebec
Casa Nicaragua (Belgium)
CCIPPP (Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien)
Centro de Estudiantes de Ciencia Politica (UN Rosario) – Argentina
Chesterfield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Circolo interuniversitario “G. Ardizzone” – PRC Milano (Italy)
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, Toronto, Canada
Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel
CODEPINK Women for Peace
Collectif 69 Palestine
Collectif 69 pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien – Lyon
Collectif des Féministes Pour l’Egalité (CFPE)
Collectif Dunkerquois pour le respect des droits du Peuple Palestinien France
Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
Collettivo Palestina Rossa
Comision Etica Contra la Tortura (Francia)
Comitato del Martire Ghassan Kanafani – Italia
Comite Democratico Palestino – Chile
Comité Justice sociale des Soeurs Auxiiatrices
Comité poitevin Palestine
Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient
Committee Against Political Repression
Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Committees for a Democratic Palestine – Brazil
Committees for a Democratic Palestine – North America
Committees for a Democratic Palestine – Venezuela
Comunità Cristiana di base Oregina di Genova
Coordinadora de Unidad Barrial
Coordination Namuroise Belgo-Palestinienne
Coup Pour Coup 31
CPPI Saint Denis
Culture and Conflict Forum
Danish Communist Party
Delaware Valley Veterans for America
DelNATO (Delaware Neighbors Against The Occupation)
Demokratische Komitees Palastinas – Berlin
Dordogne Palestine
Earth Heal
ECCP – European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine
Education Equals Making Community Connections
Escuela Jose Carlos Mariategui desde Nuestramerica (Argentina)
Evry Palestine
Faculty for Palestine (F4P), Canada
Federación de Entidades Argentino-Palestinas
Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires (FUBA)
Federación Universitaria de Comahue (FUC) – Argentina
Federación Universitaria de La Plata (FULP) – Argentina
Football Against Apartheid
Forum for Unity and Social Progress BiH
Free Palestine Alliance USA
Freedom Archives
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Socialist Party
French Jewish Union for Peace (Union Juive Française pour la Paix)
Friends of Palestine Wisconsin
Frome Friends of Palestine
Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires
Fronte Palestina
Gay Liberation Network
Gaza Action Ireland
German-Palestinian Association
Groupe Non-Violent Louis Lecoin, Union Pacifiste de France
Grupo BDS Madrid
Hammerhard MediaWorks – Chicago
Interfaith Peace Builders
International Action Center
International campaign to free Georges Abdallah
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Canada
International Solidarity Movement – Northern California
International Solidarity Movement France (ISM France)
International Women’s Peace Service
Internationalt Forum – Denmark
Intifada Solidarity Association of Greece
Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
Jewish Socialists’ Group
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Joining Hands for Justice in Israel & Palestine
Justice for Palestine Matters, Australia
L’inter-collectif de solidarité avec les luttes des peuples du monde arabe (l’Inter-Co)
Labor for Palestine – US
Les Alternatifs/ensemble!
Leuvense Actiegroep Palestina
Ligue des droits de l’Homme section “Istres-Ouest Provence”
Liverpool Friends of Palestine
London Palestine Action
Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land – Central Lutheran Church (Portland, Oregon USA)
Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Mandela Legacy Trust
Massachussetts Peace Action
MAYA (Media Action with Youth and Adolescents), Kerala
Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France – Union des Etudiants Communistes
Movimento Popular Patria Grande – Argentina
MRAP (France)
Nation Trade Union Initiative (NTUI), India
National Lawyers Guild International Committee
Netherlands Palestine Committee
Network of Solidarity to the Palestinian Resistance
New York City Labor Against the War
NH Peace Action
Not In Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste
NPA 65 – France
One Democratic State in Palestine (England) Ltd
OPIRG Carleton (Ontario Public Interest Research Group)
Ottawa Cultural Boycott of Israel (OCBI)
Palästinakomitee Stuttgart
Palestine Action Group–Corvallis, OR
Palestine Committee of Norway
Palestine House
Palestine Legal Action Network (PLAN)
Palestine Link
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK)
Palestine Solidarity Group – Chicago
Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton
Palestinian Community in Belgium and Luxembourg
Palestinian Solidarity Committee of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Palestinian Youth Movement
Palestinian Youth Organization (PYO) Lebanon
Parti Communiste du Québec
Parti de Gauche (France)
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista
PCF Section du Cap Corse
People’s Architecture Commonweal, Chennai, India
PeterCares House
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid Vancouver
Radical Women
Raindance Film Festival
Red Flag newspaper
Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupación de Palestina RESCOP-BDS (Spain)
Red Sparks Union
RISE: Refugees, Survivors and Ex-detainees
Risolidarité Palestine
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Secours rouge du Canada section Québec
Sinn Féin Ireland
Socialist Alternative – Australia
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) Calgary
St. Lawrence Holy Land Committee
Stop the War Coalition, Sydney
Students Against Israeli Apartheid – Carleton
Students Against Israeli Apartheid – York University
Students for Justice in Palestine – Cornell
Students for Justice in Palestine – The New School
Tadamon! (Montreal)
The Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark, APK
Union de Juventudes Comunistas de España
Union des Démocrates Musulmans (Algérie)
Union Syndicale Solidaires Ariège
United for Palestine – Uniti per la Palestina
United National Antiwar Coalition
UNM Red Student Faction
US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
US Palestinian Community Network
Vancouver for Peace
VEGA (Verts et de Gauche), Belgique
Vlaams-Socialistische Beweging (V-SB)
Voice of Palestine
Voices for Justice in Palestine
Vrouwen in het Zwart, Maastricht
West Surrey Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
Wirral Green Party
Women Against Military Madness
Women for Peace
Women’s Organization for Political Prisoners (WOFPP)
Workers International to Rebuild the Fourth International
Yale Divinity School Seminarians for a Democratic Society
Young Tamil Nadu Movement, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Individual Endorsements:
Khadijah Aadam
Kalim Aadan
Berit Aaker, The Palestine Committee of Norway
Philip L. Aaronson
Mamdouh Abbara
Stella Abbas
Ahmed Abbes
Alice Abboud
Abdel Abdalla
Samir Abdallah
Mahmoud Abdelal
Atia Abdelkader
Azizi Abdellah
Dehbi Abdellatif
Abdelghani Abdelmalek
Nahla Abdo, Faculty for Palestine
Zaheer Abdoola
Rabab Abdulhadi, Senior Scholar, Arab and Muslim Erhnicities and Diasporas Initiative at SFSU
Faiha Abdulhadi, Al Rowat for Studies & Research
Asiri Abdul-jabbar
Rana Abdulla
Jean-Marie Abgrall
Sonia Abid
Hayatte Abid
Jaoudat Abouazza
Djamel Abouda
Fatima Abouelmal
Youssef Abou-Youssef
Paula Abrams-Hourani, Women in Black (Vienna)
Yusef Abu Khadra
Rev. Fahed Abuakel, Presbyterian minster
Yousef Abudayyeh, The Free Palestine Alliance USA
Elías Abugattas
Reem Abu-Hayyeh
Ali Abzouzi
Ali Abzouzi
Mary Acosta
Freddy Adam
Robert Adams
Suzanne Adely, Co-Chair, International Committee, National Lawyers Guild
Fawzia Adjali
Cathy Adlington
Nasser Ahmad
Faouzi Ahmed, ATMF Strasbourg
Tasleem Ahmed
Manai Ahmed
Nanice Ahmed
Bissan Ahmed, Palestinian Community in Belgium and Luxembourg
John Airs, Liverpool Friends of Palestine
Max Ajl
Imad Ajouz
Armand Ajzenberg
Kim Akdi
Maria Alami
Raneen Alarja
Imran al-Bakh’kam
Nancy Albert
mosele albin
Maria Alcala
Ammiel Alcalay
Abdul Aleem
Greta Alegre
Elise Alessandrini
R Alexander
Faisal Algahtani
Zoha Ali
Mehran Ali
Quesiyah Ali
D. Ali
M. A. Ali
Muhammad Ali
Afroze Ali
Bertrand Alizon
Zaid Alkintar
Gabriel Alkon
Catherine Allame
Ma Allard
Michèle Alleau
Max Alleau
Monique Allègre, AFPS
Richard Allen
Mirage Allen
René Allera
Mohamed Alllaoui
Touria Allouch
Angel Alonso, CSCA
Bruno Alonso
Martin Alonso
Monica Alonso, Mundubat
Ilknur Alpay
Amy Alpert
Lydia Alpizar Durán
Sammy Alqasem
Mohannad Alsaidi
Zeina Alturk
Paula Alvarez Ossorio, BDS Madrid
Sarah Alysha
Danielle Amadieu
Radia Amari
Nadia Amari
Hector Amaro
Jacques Ambroise
Isabelle Amédée
Loren Amelang
Nitza Aminov, Committee for One Democratic Secular State
Chantal Ampeau
Lakhdar Amrani, Algerian author
Lyes Amrouche
Rima Isam Anabtawi, M.A., Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Shobana Anandan
Nils Anders
Jeff Anderson
Glen Anderson
William Anderson
Gary Anderson
Gert Andersson
Ben Oscar Andersson
Angela Andes
Pierre Andre
Unn-Elin Andreassen
Ioanna Andrews
J. Angell
Afaf Aniba
Marimad Anquetil
Rebecca Anshell Song
Salah Aoufi, VPJM
Jean-Claude Aparicio, Ligue des droits de l’Homme section “Istres-Ouest Provence”
Murielle Apsit
Susaan Aram
Kamal Aranki
Tuula Aranki
France Arets
Manon Arfeuillère
Anne Arfeux
Javier Arias Segui
Monique Arleo
Hale Armani
Yolanda Armengol
P. Armstrong
Phillippe Arnal
Janie Arneguy, Les Alternatifs/ensemble!
Alan Arnold
Solange Arsac, Collectif Palestine 43
Afaf Asad
B. Ross Ashley
Nayeem Aslam
Catherine Asquier
Zohra Asri, FNV Trade union
Elias Assad
Iman Assaf
Nahla Assali, Project Loving Care
Robert Assaly, Canadian Friends of Sabeel
Fouad Assouab
Astrid Astolfi, CUP
Pierre Aterianus
Ana Atienza
Mourad Attarca
Alessandra Atzeni
Magali Audion
Layla Auer
Pierre Aurejac
Martine Auzou
Jack Avé
Mustafa Awad, Right to Return
Charles Awad
Mohammad Awadallah
Aicha Ayari
Karl Azemar
Souad Azibi
Fatirah Aziz
Maaras Aziz, ATTAC Maroc
Stefano Azzolini
Béatrice Bachelier
John Backwell
Gwen Backwell
Thiam Badara
Rola Badran
Elisabeth Bagana
Mina Baghdadi
Andrea Baglioni
Zoubida Bahmni
Harry Bahnen, FNV Holland
Daniela Baiardi
Michèle Bailet, ATTAC
Beverly Bailey
Abigail Bakan, University of Toronto (personal capacity)
Abeer Baker, Abeer Baker Law Office
Phillippe Balan
Tobias Balke
Monique Ballard
Wanda Ballentine
Frances Ballin, National Justice and Peace Network
Annie Baloge
Paul Balta, SELEFA : Société D’études Léxicographiques et Étymologiques Françaises et Arabes
Daphne Banai
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, Co-Chair, International Committee, National Lawyers Guild
Fenna Baouz
Sofiane Baouz
Yoav Bar, Abna Al-Balad
Angelo Baracca, University of Florence
Miri Barak
Khaled Barakat, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Frank Barat
Paulette Barbera, France Palestine Solidarité
Lia Barberini
Dino Barberini
Simona Barberini
Jean-Paul Barberot, SPMO
Barbara Barclay
Linda Barclay, National Lawyer’s Guild, Baltimore, MD, USA
Rabea Bargach
Farah Barham
Ronnie Barkan, Boycott from Within
Brenda Barnard
Rudi Barnet
Paul Barnouin
Maria Baroody
Fred Barrere
Jean-Claude Barthe
Hugh Barton
Vincent Basabé, AFPS St. Etienne
Roland Basha
S.P. Bashir
Abdul-Nasser Jonathan Griffith Baston
Bernard Batt
Alan Batterman
Viviane Baudry
Jacqueline Baumel
Robert Baussay
Nicholas Baylis
Mohammad Bazlamit
Monique Beaumer
Jacques Beauzamy
Janet Beck
Jafar Bedru
Sarona Bedwan
Joanne Beemon
Maren Behrend
Thomas Beilman
Joel Beinin
Stefan Bekier
Tahar Bekri, Writer
Josette Bel
Louis Belanger
Amar Belarbi
Naddari Belgacem
Michel Bélis
Rosemary Bell
Riccardo Bella, BDS+39 Oudah
Vincent Bellamy
Latifa Bellaoui
Martine Bellet
Camille Belot
Fayrouz Belrharib
Riadh Ben Khalifa
Zaïneb Ben Lagha
Amel Ben Mahidi
Mohamed Ben Said, MD
Kamel Benamar, Ensemble pour la paix et la fraternité
Yassine Benamara
Salem Benbourek
Zohra Benbouzid
Andrea Benedetti
Yanis Benekaa
Jean-Paul Bénetière
Smail Benhouhou
Santiago Benitez
Nadia Benmami
Fatma Benmosbah, ATIDE
Azza Benmosbah
Michael Bennett
Houda Bennini
Michel Benoit
Fatiha Benou-Halima
Amina Bensalah
Isabelle Benterkia
Nadia Benzait
Nacera Benzait
Kadou Benzid
Tsouria Berbar, CICUP
Angela Berbel-Huguet
Chantal Berby
Anna Berg
Tamar Berger
Lincoln Bergman
Ingrid Bérioux
Janet Berketa
Greta Berlin, Free Gaza movement
Craig Berman
Christian Bermejo
Sara Bernal
Martine Bernard
Michel Bernard, AFPS44
Angela Bernardini
Jacques Berneuil
Simone Bernillon
Marcia Bernstein
Hakim Berrad
Florian Berrie
Danielle Berson
Olga Bertaina
Joseph Bertholet
Manuel Bertoldi, Secretaria Operativa del ALBA Movimientos
Etienne Berton
Jacques Besrest
Max Besse, CGT Educ’action
Georges Besson
Darja Betocchi
Tariq Bettahar
Nadia Bettendorf
Wendolyn Beukers
Christine Biancarelli
Phil Bianco
Roger Bichon
Praful Bidwai, Writer, Columnist India
Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Gigi Bigot
Michel Bilis, UJFP
André Billaud
Hedwige Billault
Regina Birchem, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Rica Bird, Merseyside Jews for Peace and Justice
Walter Birdwell, Alternative Systems Information
Barbara Birkett
Ghassan Bisharat
André Bittar
Rudolf Bkouche, UJFP
Alain Blaise
Rosemary Ann Blanchard, Instructor in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of New Mexico
Annick Blanchard
Claude Blaque
Edgar Blaustein
Maya B-Legrand
Laurence Blin
Aleid Blink
Elizabeth Block, Not In Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Dominique Blondeau
Gail Bloomer
Don Blumberg
Alison Blunt
Mark Bobbitt
Nuria Bobe
Michel Bock, EELV conseiller régional IDF
Patricia Bocos
Malène Bocquin, AFPS
Albert Bodet
Nouara Boettcher
Coraline Bogard
Regine Bohar
Francois Bohy
Laurent Boichard
Eric Boiron
Jacques Boivin
Pamela Bond
Graham Bond
Arnaud Bondon
Brigitte Bonin
Christiane Boniol, ACAT
Christian Bonnaud
Aude Bonnin
Gilles Bonnin
Fabienne Bony
Richard Booth
Hervé Bordes
Emily Borhi
Pessi Borrell
Gabriella Borroni
Joan Jaume Borrut
Bertrand Bosc
Johan Bosman
Hamdache Boualem
Said Bouamama, Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires
Olivia Bouaniche
Mohamed Bouazzi, ERESSH-espace d’étudeset de recherches en sciences sociales et humaines
Saïd Boubekri
Bernadette Bouchard, Ensemble ! Front de Gauche
Johanna Bouchardeau
Juliette Bouchery
Michel Bouchet, FSU – PCF
Gwenael Bouchet
Jonathan Boud
Slimane Boudaoud
Marianne Boudet
Sedira Boudjemaa
Boucif Bouhasson
Najib Bouhout
Saâd Bouhsina, Collectif Dunkerquois pour le respect des droits du Peuple Palestinien France
Samia Boukhari
Abdel Boukoult
Kamel Bouksani
Terry Boullata
Rachida Boumedine
Herve Bourde
Dominique Bourdel
Claire Bourdil
Claude Bouret
Nadège Bournas
Didier Boursier
Hassan Bousetta
Pierre Boussard
Alia Boussouf
Christian Bouteau
Dominique Boutrolle
Sabrina Bouziane
Ali-Mehdi Bouznada
Marie Bové, EELV
Anne Bowers
Mary Boyce, Law Union of Ontario
John Boyd
Nancy Boyer
Sara Bozzano
Sai Brace
Benoit Braconnier
David Bradley
Alice Brahim
John Brair
Peter Brammer, 3cr community radio
Salih Branki
Yasmina Branki
Philippe Brassart
Florence Braud
Danae Bravarski
Gwenyth Bray
Kevin Bray
Linda Brebner
Anne Brenon
Jean Bretaudeau
Denise Breton
Jean Breton
Armelle Briere, AFPS
Virgil Brill
S. Wolf Britain, Wolf ‘s Enterprises Human and Civil Rights Advocacy
Augusto Brito
Lauren Brokenbrough
Dr. Robert Brooks
Mireille Brouillet, Parti de Gauche
Sandra S. Brown
Holly Brown
Judith Brown
Florence Brown
Sophia Brown
Qennefer Browne
Vincent Bruand
Susan Bruce
François Brun
Jacqueline Brun, Women in Black
Annick Bruneau
Jean Marc Bruneel
Juliette Bruyndonckx
Nora Buch, JVP
Paul Bucknall
Patricia Bucknell
Monique Buckner
Rami Budeiri
J-J Buge
Claudine Bultez Le Comte
Anna Buonocoire
Rose Burelle
Paul Buret, AFPS
Ken Burge
Jan Burger
Evelyne Burlot
Carrie Burton
Vic Burton
Burton Steck Burton
Neli Busch
Martha W. D. Bushnell, Amnesty International
Jacqueline Butaeye
Mike Butkiewicz, St. Lawrence Holy Land Committee
Michael Butler, UNM Red Student Faction
Myriam Button
Katrina Byrne
Alessandra Cabrini
Jeanne-Marie Cadot
Maria Cal
Enrico Calamai
Claude Calame, Prof. Dr., EHESS, LDH, Paris
Loris Caldana
Mark Calderbank
Alain Calderon
Hervé Calderoni
Marie Calise
Marie-Christine Callet
Lou Callewaert
Jessica Calosci
Nicodème Camarda
Scott Campbell
Rocio Campos
Hemants Canaran
Nicodème Canarda
Paola Canarutto
Daniel Candas
Bernard Canet
Adriana Canu
Simon Caplan
Valentina Capurri
Dan Carbonnel, BDSF34
Annie Carcedo
Geneviève Caré
Dave Carew
Valerie Carlenc
Robert Carlier
Catherine Carrascal
Muriel Carrié
Michele Carrion
Merrill A. Carter
Maggi Carter
Matt Carthy MEP, Sinn Féin Ireland
Patricia Cartigny
Antoine Casado
Ales Casale
Teresa Casalino
Patrick Casanova, PCF
Dominique Casari
Daouia Cases
François Castandet
Michel Castillo
Florencia Catelani, Secretaria de Extension y miembro ejecutiva de la FUA
Bernard Cauchetier
John Cavaliere
Eva Cavard
Stephen Cecrle
Julien Cendres, Writer
Mayra Cerda
Monique Cerisier Ben Guiga, AFPS
Claudine Chaffard-Ibáñez
Layachi Chagraoui
Sylvie Chahed
Stephen Chalk
Zohar Chamberlain Regev
Jacques Chambon, AFPS82
Hana Chamoun
Roger Champ, AFPS LYON
Jean-Marc Champarnaud
Roqayah Chamseddine
Jamie Chancellor
Mei Wan Chang
Khaldoune Chaouli
France Chapa, AFPS Pays de Saint-Malo
Colette Chapdaniel
Malcolm Chapman
Lacovos Charalambous
Régine Chardel
Halevy Charensol
Meredith Charlton
Jacqueline Charre
Alain Charrier
Christian Chartier
Fred B. Chase
Jean-Pierre Chasse
Solange Chassot
Odile Chatellier
Faouzia Chatti
Najwa Chebbi
Gérard Cheirézy
Luc Chelly
Jean-Claude Chemier
Birgit Chengab
Perle Chenoufi
Joy Cherkaoui
Georges Cherpentier
Monique Chevalier, AFPS 30
Gérard Chevrot
Dolores Chew
Yves Chilliard
Rocio Chironda, Presidenta del Centro de Estudiantes de Trabajo Social (UN La Plata)
Hervé Chirouze, AFPS
Ahmed Chokairi
Chassia Chomsky Porat
Castro Christian
Stephan Christiane
Stefania Ciccillo
Paulette Ciesla
Chapman Clark Jr
Kevin Clark
Margaret Classey
Denisse Claude
Jocelyne Clavelloux, BIU
Germaine Clavreul
John Clayden, Unison
Ted Clement-Evans
Therese Clement
Raymonde Cloutier
Alice Coffey
Sarah Colborne, Executive Director, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) – UK
Mayonne Coldicott
Tim Coldicott
Hannah Cole
Judy Coleman
Laurette Colin
Melanie Colin
Marie Collet, PCF
M. Collins
Claire Collister
Philippe Collod
Agnès Comby
Pierre Comby
David Comedi
Anne Consani
Marcello Contini, Associazione Culturale Zone
Mike Coogan
Wesam Cooley
Dee Coombes
Ronda Cooperstein
Jacques Corbel, PCF
Marie-Françoise Cordemans
Claire Corlouer
Tonny Cornielje
Lucas Corsini
Giuseppe Coscione, comunità cristiana di base Oregina di Genova
Marta Cossettini
Joana Cossevin, Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France – Union des Etudiants Communistes
Luisa Costalbano, United for Palestine – Uniti per la Palestina
Pierre Couchet
Michelle Couchet
Jean Couchet
Jean-Luc Coudray
Richard Coullet
Helen Coulon
Isis Coulon
Nicole Coulon
Françoise Courbon
Jean Courtaudier
Sabine Courtois
Jean-Louis Cousin
Patricia Couthon
Thomas Cox
Luciana Crestani
Gerard Creux
David Cronin
Marie Dominique Croquette
Barb Crossing
Conleth M.C. Crotser, MD
Lawrence Crowley
Ruben Cuevas
Eithne Cunningham
Alain Cuny
Michel Curiel, AFPS 82
Hervé Curtenaz
Connie Curtis
Letizia Cuscela
Mike Cushman
Alain Cymbler
Christian Czingula
Marie-Jeanne Daga
Karima Dahloum
Dimitris Dallis
Sam Dally
Florence Dalzon
Camille Dame
Yasmina Damerdji
Claude Daneault
Bucker Dangor
Dr. Edwin E. Daniel, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Clement Daniel, CCFD Terre Solidaire
Christine Dardalhon, Association France Palestine Solidarité
Luc dArras
Amitav Dash
Sam Dassonville
Lucile Daumas
Marie Davée, ATTAC
Susan Davenport
Leila Davey
Karl David, Jeunesse Communiste
Eva Davidson
Claire Davies
John Davies
James Davis
Mary Ellen Davis
Dr. Uri Davis, FATH Revolutionary Council
Miriam Davis-Rosenbaum
Faycal Dawoudi
Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Professeur émérite à l’université Paris-Diderot
Marie-Pascale de Bonviller
Michel de Bonviller
Philippe De Henau
Ranier-Clement de Intinis-di Matteo
Corinne de Lacroix
Herman De Ley
Mariano de Nardis, Sec. de Organizacion de SUTEBA Ensenada
Cecile de Noblens
Johan De Nys, Vlaams-Socialistische Beweging (V-SB)
Bernadette De Schacht
Bruno De Seauve, retraités CGT
Guy de Villers
Laurent de Wangen, AFPS
Saloua Debeche
Anne-Gaelle Debroise
Michel Decker
Anne-Sophie Decoigne
Vincent Decroly, VEGA (Verts et de Gauche), Belgique
Th-Marie Deffontaines
Therese Defroment
Phillippe Defurnes
Geneviève Degeorge
Rita Dei Cas
Erica Dekens
Arn Dekker
Daniel Dekkers, Association belgo-palestinienne
Jean Marc del Percio
Mignonne Del Piero
Mark del Piero
Benjamin deLee
Rafaelle Della Rosa
Marie-Christine Delmas
Paul Delmotte
Christian Delneste
Christian Delord
Guy Delort, CANVA
Dominique Delort
Claude Deloume
Catherine Delprat-Opsomer
Claudine DeMarcy
Demba Moussa Dembelle
Diana Demchenko
Joelle Dendale
Jean-Marie Deniellou
Christine Dennefeld
Jacques Deplace
Yannick Derrien
Serge Deruette
Bernard Dervaux
Marie Odile Desbonnet
Marie-France Desbruyeres, AFPS
Bernard Deschamps, Ancien député (France)
Blandine Desjardins-Kaiser
Christophe Deslignes
Cyril Deveautour
Suzanne Devers
Jason Devine, Anti-Racist Action Calgary
Rebecca Devitt
Daniele Dewasmes
Janice Dewey, 2 Crafty Chix
Larry Deyab
David Di Benedetto
Michele Di Bianco
Adrian Clemens Di Ruscio
Aissatou Diallo
Gaston Diaz , Presidente del Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades Mar Del Plata
Simon Diaz Preso, Presidente del Centro de Estudiantes de la Facultad de Humanidades (UN La Plata)
Rose Dickinson
Pierre Differt
Mette Dige-Hess
Sheila Dillon
Ramata Diop
Ornella Discanno
Mohamed Djaffar
Dina Doany
Gordon Doctorow
Maggie Dodson
Adrienne Dollard
Jean-Marc Domart, CGT, PCF
Olivier Domenach
Bianca Domenica
Monique Domergue
Emmanuel Domergue
Chuck Donegan
Elaine Donovan
Gary D’Orazio
Jean-Claude Dorléans
Chris Dorling
Smygol Dorphy
Odile Dot
Salim Douair
Barbara Doucet
Richard Doughty
Chris Doumani
Shakun M Doundiyakhed
Houalla Douraid, Association France Palestine Solidariré
Gérard Doz
Danièle Dravet
Joss Dray
Denise Dreher
Laurence Dreyfus
Patrick Drigny, CFDT
Nancy du Plessis
Zaneb Dualeh
Bertrand Dubard du Gallarbois
Marie-Pierre Dubarry
Claire Dubois
Jacqueline Dubois
Claudine Dubois
Irene Ducharme
Paul Duckworth
Jean-Luc Ducotterd
Patricia V. Dudek
Carol Dudek
Odile Dudouet
Cedric Duillon
Robert Duncan
Ellen Duncan
SInead Dunn
John Duqesa
Norbert Duquet
Myriam Durand
Evelyne Dury
Jacqueline Dutel
Nilanjan Dutta, Association for Protection of Democratic Rights (APDR)
Evelyne Duval, CICUP
Annie Duval
Bertrand Eberhard
Martha Eberle
Alfons Ebing
Claudia Echavez
Daniel Edinger
Sussan Eftekhari
Miriam Eguchi
Arlene Eisen, Writer
Julia Eisenstein
Ali El Baz
Leila El Fani
Halima El Feddi
Lina El Herfi
Nacer El Idrissi, ATMF
Abderrazzak El Maloui
Anass El Marrakchi
Jihad El Obbadi
Giselle El Raheb
Ghias El Yafi
Mhamed El Yagoubi
Khaled El Yamani, Palestinian Youth Organization (PYO)
Satu Eleftheropoulou
Lila Elfoul
Yasmin El-Hakim, Palästinakomitee Stuttgart
Susan Elias
Rafael Elie Huerta
Jeanne Eliot
Driss Elkherchi, ATMF
Ruth Elkin
Liz Elkind
Sarah Ellingham, Teesside University
Bernadette Ellorin, BAYAN USA
Said El-Said
Heba El-Sherif
Haithem El-Zabri
Lisa Emeott
Howard Emerson
Françoise Enet
Irit Engel
Didier Epsztajn
Noura Erakat, Assistant Professor, Georgetown University
Angela Erazo
Aysegul Ergul
Yara Erian
Allande Errezarret
Herbert Escher
Marie Eschevins
Maxime Escobosa
Octavio Espirito Santo
Catriona Rueda Esquibel
Iñaki Etaio
Joseph Etchebarne
Taoufik Eussma
Rick Evans
Munia Ewanjé Epée, NPA37 – D’ailleurs Nous Sommes d’Ici 37
Jacques Eyssautier
Odette Eyssautier, Mouvement de la Paix
Ayman Fadel
Mohamed Fadhel
Didier Fagart
Nuiri Faiz
Manal Fakhoury
Sonia Faliu
Richard Falk, Albert G Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University, former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights
Maria Fallon
Dr. Ernest Far
Hammam Farah, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), Students Against Israeli Apartheid at York University (SAIA York)
Hala Farah
Ali Faraj
Nelly Farkas
Andrew Farrington
Mohammad Faruq
Ageliki Fatourou, OLME
Laura Fauconnet
Colette Fauriaux
Marianne Faurobert
Nancy Fautre
Marc Fayard
Henriette Faye, ARCADE
Yvan Fayet
Sonia Fayman, IJAN and UJFP
Betsam Faynel
Nadia Felices
Elena Feliziani
Sue Ferguson, Wilfrid Laurier University
Petrina Ferguson
Nadjat Fergusson
Sabrina Fernandes
Henri Fernandez
Sinfo Fernández,
Alicia Fernandez-Gomez
Susan Ferner
Anne Ferot-Vercoutere
Maria Cristina Feruglio
Nathalie Fessol
Felicity Figueroa
Béatrice Fillios
Jean-Marc Fillon
Nerea Filomarino
Cinzia Filoni
Errikos Finalis, Dep. Coordinator, International Relations Department of SYRIZA (Coalition of Radical Left), Greece
Arye Finkle
Sylvia Finzi
D. Fischer
Barry Fisher
Suzanne Fitzpatrick
Jordan Flaherty
Pierre Flament, Mouvement de la Paix
Marie Fleuchard
Fantxoa Fleury
Salha Flicoteaux
Georgina Florentino, Sec. Geremial (Federacion Universitaria de Mar del Plata)
C.A. Flot
Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Johanne Foirien
Alroy Fonseca
Jacques Fontaine, Ensemble ! Les Alternatifs
Anna Louise Fontaine
Lynda Forgues
Guillaume Formet
Manzar Foroohar
Giorgio Forti, Ebrei Contro L’Occupazione (Italy)
Mathilde Fossaert
Harboula Foudil
John Fouere
Marie-Pierre Fournet
Georges Fournier
Marie-Hélène Fournier
Steve France, Sabeel DC
Murat Francis
Matthew Franck
Nadav Franckovitch
Jourdan François
Irkhine Françoise
Gilles Francois-Xavier
Frank Fredenburg
Thierry Fredriksson
Larry French
Leanne Friedman
Monique Frigara
Analia Fritz
Joyce Frohn
Emmanuel Froissart
Christian Fruhauf
Kenny Fryde
Fleur Fuentes
Ridgely Fuller
Etienne Funck
Sherrill Futrell
Mireille Gabrelle, AFPS 59/62
Benedicte Gabrielli
Johnny Gagnon
Nicole Gagnon
Michel Gahon
Sylvie Gaiguant
Noemie Gaillard
Françoise Gaillardon
Jose Luis Gajate Galante
Pablo Galanakis
Gia Galeano
Gérard Galland
Magdalena Gallego
Checho Galleguillos, Association Franco Chilienne Cordillera
Denis Galvier
Claire Gannon
Kathe Garbrick
Edith Garcia
Aritz García Gómez
Barbara Garnett
Annette Gartland
Robert Gartner, Fathers for Justice
Lydia Garvey
Jocelyn Gaskell
Cheryl Gaster
Bernadette Gaubert
Rémy Colette Gaudillier
Nathalie Gaugry
Ros Gaul
Félix Gautier
Linden Gawboy, Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Carol Gay
Steven Gaylord
Reena Geevsrghese
Chantal Gehin
Ravelli Georges
Christian Gerbelot-Legris
Maria Jose Gerez, Sec. Generos CTA Rosario
Vincent Gerin
Michel Gerland
Nicholas Germain
Marvin Gernigon
Marie Gerome
Jean Géron, France-Palestine Poitou
Michel Gervaise, CCFD terre solidaire
Sandrine Gey
Doris Ghannam
Mohamed Gharbi
Cheryne Gherbi
Marcel Ghesquiere
Nadim Ghodbane
Michel Ghys
Nadine Ghys
Guy Giani, Ensemble!
Mark M Giese
Antoine Giffard
Ayesha Gill
Philip Gilligan
Michel Gilquin
Terri Ginsberg, Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism
Hervé Giot
Arturo Giraldez
Geneviève Girard
Michel Giraudeau, Mouvement pour une Alternative Non violente
Bert Giskes, FNV Mondiaal Noord
Jean-Marie Glantzlen
Jacques Glaser
Jérôme Gleizes, EELV
Rebecca Glotfelty
Hamath Gning
Yves Goaër, AFPS
Veronique Goel
Kyle Goen
Françoise Goerg
Kate Goetz
Tsilli Goldenberg
Donald Goldhamer
Jean Goldman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Sue Goldstein, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Canada
Alfonso Gomez
Maria-Cecilia Gomez
Christian Gonnella
André Gonnet
Arthur Good, Unite the Union
Trevor Goodger-Hill
Arifa Goodman
Annie Goossens
Arnold Gore
Peter Gose
Christophe Gotti
Lynn Gottlieb
Marie Claire Gourinal
John Gouvas
Yerah Gover
Stephen Gowans
Amar Grabsia
Héctor Grad
Michelle Granas
Pascal Grandjeat
Pierre Granet
Colette Grange
Andre Greder, PCF
Wynne Greenhalgh, Al-Awda
Judy Greenspan
Marie-Noëlle Greg, Women in Black Lyon
Charlot Grégoire
Anne Gregson
Jean-Guy Greilsamer, French Jewish Union for Peace
Sylvan Grey
Sergio Grez
Mercy Grieco
Michel Grimal
Paul Groisard Groisard
Fabienne Gros
Olivier Gros
Silvia Gruner
Catherine Guettard
Pablo Guevara
Marie Guidicelli
Didier Guilbaud
Nadine Guilhou
Jany Guillaud
Richard Guillemette
Alice Guillon
Mathieu Guilloteau
Claire Guillotin
Henri Guillou
Andre Guimond
Agnès Guitet
Peter Gunther
Elin Anisha Guro
Andrew Paul Gutierrez
Freda Guttman
Hilde Guvåg
Beney Guy
Michèle Guy
Anssi Haapala
Françoise Haas
Danielle Haase-Dubosc
Lana Habash
Marilyn Hacker
Ilse Hadda
Habib Haddou
Renate Haeberle
Mark Hagers
Sheila Haigh
Jean-Marc Hainaux
Jorge Halaby Ascaso
Kamel Halaoui
Philippe Halévy
Ahmad Hallak
Jean-Marie Haller
Marcia Halligan, Kickapoo Peace Circle
Fabienne Haloui, Parti communiste Français – Front de Gauche
Dee Halzack
Mohammad Hamad, Students for Justice in Palestine – The New School
Nabil Hamadeh
Mounir Hamami
Nina Hamich
Ghaleb Hamid
Majdi Hamid
Abbas Hamideh, Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Lawrence Hamilton
Chuck Hamilton
Cynthia Hamman
Lisa Hammermeister
Adam Hanieh
Michael Hanish, Free Lunch Media
Telche Hanley-Moyle
Larry Hannant
Robert Hanson, Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center
Natalie Hanson
Art Hanson
Sassiha Haoueche
Egbert Harmsen, DocP (BDS Holland)
Sue Harrington
Brandon Harris
Carolyn Harris
Janet E Harris
Douglas Hart
Ruth G Hart
Robert Hart
Tim Hart
Christian Hartleben
Dora Haslet
Jeannette Hassberg
Marc Haudiquet
Jack Havraneck
Kamel Hawwash
Peter Hawxhurst, Education Equals Making Community Connections
Tasneem Hayat
Dr Richard Hayes
Jessica Heaton
Johke Heerkens Thijssen, Women in Black
Iris Hefets, European Jews for Just Peace
Bertrand Heilbron, AFPS
Joachim Heinemann
Jenny Heinz
Hassan Helmy
Annick Hemmer
Rossi Henri, Ligue des droits de l’Homme FRANCE
Joël Henry
Sylvie Henry
Anne-Marie Hermet
Yazmin Hernandez Banuelas
Patricia Herrera
Martine Herrmann
Marie Thérèse Herry, Agir pour la Palestine
Monadel Herzallah, USPCN
Catherine Hess, Women in Black – Geneva – Switzerland
Paul Hesse, AFPS
Christiane Hessel, Voix de l’Enfant
Dalia Hettfield
Aurélie Heu
Shir Hever
Anne Hévin
Angela Hidalgo
Cynthia High
Hala Hijleh
Jacques Hildenbrand
John Hill
Monica Hill, Freedom Socialist Party
Ginger Hill
Marian Hillar, Center for Philosophy and Socinian Studies
Dominique Hilt
Jean-Francois Hilt
Hakima Himdi
Arnold Hindhaugh
Mares Hirchert
Wieland Hoban
Michele Hobart
Harry Hoffman, Minot State University-Sociology
Heidi Hoffmann
Molly Hogan
Mark Hollinrake
K. Holmdahl
Isabella Holtes
Marie Honey’Jones
Tikva Honig-Parnass, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Lisa Hooper
Sue Hooper-Lawrie
Blair Hornung
Abdelmalek Horri
Pierre Housez
Nazir Houssen
Glenn Hufnagel
Ronald Hughes
Yves Hugon
Saladin Huguette, AFPS
Colette Huguin
Amin Husain, TIDAL
Marium Husain
Jacqueline B. Husary
Tayba Hussain
Dilwar Hussain
Hassan Husseini, Unifor L. 2025
Ghadeer Husseini
Samah Idriss
Zineb Igrouche
Judy Ilan
Shahriar Imam, World Centre For Democracy Practice
Mohamed Imossayer, ATTAC Maroc
Jorunn Indrefjord
Meriem Inoubli
Nadine Insa
Nick Iolau
Sarah Irving
Fouzi Isard
Fawzi Ismail, Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
Madeeha Ismail
Nagaz Itmas
Marie Ival
Wajib Jabali
Ahmad Jaber
Robert Jacobson
Daniel Jacopé, Secours Catholique
Jean-Marc Jacot
Marie-Thérèse Jacot-Descombes
Agnes Jacquemin
Jean Jacquemond, AFPS 21
Alain Jacques
Avril Jacques
Maurice Jacquet
Patricia Jacquet, AFPS Lyon
Belle Jamal
Hassan Jamali
Nick James
Aziz Jamous
George Janszen, University of Amsterdam
Yves Jardin
Yafa Jarrar
Suha Jarrar
Dr Jacques Jausseran-Schmidt
Gérard Jaussoin, AFPS
Claude Jaussoin, AFPS
Julianne Jaz
Danièle Jeammet
Joseph Jiries
Dada Jitendrananda, Ananda Marga
Jean Louis Joannin, EELV
Vincent Joel
Alain Joffre
Mary Johnson
Brad Jolly
Cliff Jones
Christine Jorelle
Pierre Joris
Jasmine Joseph
Joelle Joseph
Robert Joseph
Alexandra Josse
Catherine Jouffre
Talia Joundi
Andrée Jouvenot
Cecilia Joxe
Jameela Jubran, Socialist Alternative
Gérard Jugant, Rouge Vif 13
Janine Juillan
Michael Julien
Shaheen Junaid
Anne Junk
Claude Junod
Marie-Stéphanie Kaczmarek
Amina Kadi
Nicole Kahn
Chris Kaihatsu, (affiliation only)
Maile Kaku
Michele Kalifa
Jacques Kalifa, CJPP5
Soumia Kanouni, CFPE
Afifa Karake
Judith Karas, Palestinian Solidarity Committee/Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Sylvie Karbia, LDH Talence
Said Karim
Fred Karlson
Mohammed-Said Karrouk
Sana Kassem, Network of solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance
Michele Kastner
Charlotte Kates, Coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Philippe Katia
Vasileios Katsardis
Tarak Kauff, Veterans For Peace
Philippe Kauffmann
Anne Kauppi
Yasmine Kavass
Indira Kaveri
M. Kavinprakash
Arnold Kawano
Hanna Kawas, Chairperson, Canada Palestine Association, Co-Host, Voice of Palestine
Katy Kay
Rama Kayyali
Raghida Kayyali
Fayrouz Kayyali
Mirna Keegan
Paul Kellogg, Athabasca University
Janice Kelly
Robert Kennedy, Stop the War Coalition Sydney
Alin Kerambellec
Jean Kersaudy
Odile Ketterer
Sylviane Kezel
Rafik Khalfaoui, LCR-SAP
Issam Khalidi,
Aziza Khalidi
Munir Khamashta
Amine Khamlichi
Mustafa Khan
Pervaiz Khan
Khadija Khan
Lara Khattab
Yousri Khattali
Leila Khazaz
Nanaa Khebbab
George Khoury
Rana Khoury
Ameera Khreisheh
Wangui Kimari
Karen King
Gary Kinsman
Sergio Kips
Alice Diane Kisch
Mohamed Kismi
Monira Kitmitto
Tara Kitty
David Klein, California State University Northridge
Génia Klukowski
Claude Knepper
Margaret Knight
Kolin Kobayashi, Echo-Echanges
Ulle Koiv
Steve Korn
Sara Korol
Dennis Kortheuer
Steven Kostis, KKI
Steve Kowit, Jewish Voice for Peace, San Diego
Emmanuelle Kraemer
Cathleen Krahe
Stephanie Krayer
Monique Krif
S.U. Krithika
Elfriede Krutsch, member of IPPNW, ATTAC
Isabelle Krzywkowski, Snesup-FSU
Gerty Krzywkowski, Attac78Nord
Elian Kteily
Agnes Kueng
Ragul Kumar
Oscar Kuperman, Coordinadora de Unidad Barrial
Catherine Kuraschinski
Linda Kuruhara
Annie Laarousi
Brigitte Labourot
Jacqueline Lacroux
Alok Laddha
Dominique Laffont
Gisèle Lafforgue
Jérôme Lafréchoux
Jean-Claude Lagarde
Jean Jacques Lagarde
Ali Lahmer
Zbayer Lahsen
Peter R Lake, P.Lake and A.Wilhelm MDs Inc.
Jean-Pierre Lalbat
Jean Lallemand
Nassima Lalmi
Larry Lambert
Eric Lambert
Marie-José Lambert
Michel Lamboley
Rui Lameiro Pedro
Christiane Lamourette
Leanne Lancaster
Edward Lander
Christine Lander, AFPS
Marie-Noëlle Landot
Michelle Landy
Caroline Lane
Stig Lång
Pierre Langlois, AFPS
Abdelati Laoufi
Pierre Laperrelle
Evelyne Lapeyre
Debbie Lapointe
Maurice Lapointe
Katherine Lapointe
Jean Marie LaRose
Oihana Larrinaga
Marian Larsen
Paul Larudee
Maurice Latapie
Farid Latrech
Anne-Marie Latrémolière
Michel Lattuga
Jean-Louis Laurent
Catherine Laurenti
Julie Lauret-Noyal
Irene Lavallee
Maryline Lavaud
Dominique Lavergne
Sandra Law
Holly Law
Zoe Lawlor, Gaza Action Ireland
Alain Layec
Jacques Le Breton, AFPS France Palestine Solidarité 56
Catherine Le Breton
Nicole Le Drogo, AFPS
Chantal Le Goff
Vanina Le Guillou
Renée Le Mignot, MRAP (France)
Catherine Le Port
Vincent Le Ratif
Lynda Lebcir
Roland Lebeau
Christian Leblanc
Françoise Leblon, AFPS Alès-Cévennes
Sophie Leblond
Jean-Pierre Lebrun
Bernard Lebrun
Marie Lechevrel
Stephane Lecluse
Philippe Lecourt
Florence Lederer
Françoise Ledru
Nic Lee
Joseph Wang Lee, Chinese Planning Council
E Leeton
Juliette Lefebvre
Michel Lefeuvre
Jean Lefevre, retraité EDF
Pierre-Henry Leflaec
Cedric Lefort
Clara Legene
Darrell Legge
Jean-Yves Leisen
Eveline Lelieur
Claude Leloup, Syndicaliste
Anne-Marie Lemaire
Simon Lemerle
Daniel Lenfant
Sonia Lenti
Christine Leostic
André Lepage
Hervé Leridon
Jean Paul Leroux, FASE
Claude Leroux
Olivier Leroy
Michaël Lessard
Laure Lethel
Brigitte Leturc
Michael Letwin, Former President, Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW Local 2325
Jean-Bernard Leullier
Marilyn Levin, United National Antiwar Coalition
Michael Levin
Tyler Levitan, Independent Jewish Voices – Canada
Philippe Lewandowski
Alice Lewis
Daniel Leymarie
Marie-France L’Heriteau
Sophie Lhomelet-Chapelliere
Nathalie L’Hopitault
Aisha Liakthoesein
Amandine Liegard
Michael L. Lindberg
Christer Lindholm
Joakim Lindskog
JoAnne Lingle
Priscilla Linsley
Pierre Liotard
Agnès Liperi
Abby Lippman, Professor Emerita, McGill University, Montreal
Sue Lister
Ioana Literat
Stuart Littlewood
John Livingston, William Paterson University
Marie Lloyd, IJV
Claire Lobstein
Lee Loe
Eve Loftus
Chantal Loichemol
Françoise Loiseau
Miguel Lolo
Leslie Lomas
Roland Lombard
Mary Long
Gisela Lopez
Lonnie Lopez
Allain Lopez
Martine Loscos
Dominique Loth
Kelly Lough
Sabrina Louimi
David Louis
Cyrielle Lourde
Patricia Lovinger
Patsy Lowe
Marie Paule Loyatho
Jean-Marie Lucain
Julia Ludmer-Duberman
Philippe Lugan
Joël Luguern
C. Luidens
Erna Lund, Women In Black International, Seattle chapter
Marie Lundberg
Helena Lut
Rashmi Luther
Rick Luttmann
Jacqueline Lutz Lafarge
Anne-Marie Lyant, CFDT Retraitées
Cilla Lynch
Kathleen Lyons
Denise Lytle
Breandán Mac Cionnaith, General secretary, éirígí, Ireland
Aidan Macdonald
John Macdonald
Aindriu Macfehin
Pierre Maciet
Sandrine Macigno
Anouk Macquet
Karen MacRae
Rania Madi, United Nations Geneva, consultant: BADIL Resource Center
Pierre Madic
Bontemps Magaly
Rosalind Maggs
Paul Magnan
Stefane Magnus
Samira Mahiaoui
Maurice Mahieu
Hakim Mahious
Hélène Mahious
Stephane Mahon
Rahma Maine
Anne Main-Farkli
Jean Paul Mais
Sophie Maison
Dan Maitland
Francoise Majorel
Lorraine Malcoe
Cristina Malcolmson
Andrea Maldonado
Ghadeer Malek, Association for Women’s Rights in Development
Line Mallez
Samia Mallies
Cyril Maniscalco
Jim Manly
Eva Manly
Polly Mann, Women Against Military Madness
Snehil Manohar Singh
Ya’acov Manor
Maria Manrique
Jill Manske
Nicholas Mantas
Rochet Marcel
Kériane Margez
Hanane Margoum
Florence Marin
Miriam Marino, ECO- Ebrei contro l’occupazione
Alejandra Mariscal
John Markham
Claude Marks, Freedom Archives
Michele Marliere
Daniel Marlin
Esti Marpet
Jennah Martens-Forrester
Jany Martin
Robby Martin
Steinmetz Martine
Cécile Martine
Robert Martine, AFPS
Damien Martineau
Irmgard Martino
Aleksandra Martinovic
Irene Masala
Hassane Masnaoui, BDS 37 France
James Mason
Sharon Masri
Rania Masri
Jean Masse, CGT Retraites
Jacqueline Masseron Pommier, AFPS & UJFP France
Jacques Masseron Pommier, AFPS & UJFP France
Odile Masset
Gustave Massiah
Christian Masson
Hugo Masson-Montminy
Anam Matariyeh
Philippe Matet
Annette Mateu Casado, PRCF
Mary Mathai
Alain Mathieu
Gisèle Mathonnet, Association France-Palestine-Solidarité
Lea Mathy
Philippe Maton
Mark Matthews
Henriette Matthijssen
Florence Mattozzi
Gerri Matusewitch
Alain Maupin
Jacques Maurice
Lise Rose Maurin
Joris Maury
Fatiha Maury
Marita Mayer
Tom Mayer, Middle East Collective
Catherine Mayer
Sophie Maziane, Risolidarité Palestine
Joan McAllister
Maeve McCarthy
David McCarthy
Krista McClelland
Helen McCue
Judy McDowell
Jim McGinley, Wirral Green Party
Jack McGinn
Frank Mcginty, Philadelphia Catholic Peace fellowship
Brenda McGlynn
Sarah McGrath
John McHale, PSG Chicago
Patricia McHugh
Kait McIntyre, Antiwar Committee Chicago
Yosra McKee, Kent State University, retired
Colin McKean
Martin McLaren
Terri Mclaughlin, SPSC
Natalia McMahon
Robert McManus
Sandra McMullen
Megan McNamara
Fedor Medina
Jean Meffre
Douglas Meggison, Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism (ECAWAR)
Paul Megreant
Patrick Megret
Malika Mehallel
Soraya Mehdid
Gerri Mehlenbacher
Mehrzad Mehrbeomid
Khadija Mehter
Axel Meier
Hans Meijlof
Yossef(a) Mekyton
Lindsay Melia
Maurice Méline
Daniel Mémain, Union Syndicale Solidaires Ariège
Jacques Menigoz
Marcelle Mercier
Jean-Luc Mercier
Claude Mercier
Serena Mercurio
Chirine Merhi
Geneviève Mericq
Hannah Mermelstein
Paul Merrell
René Metallaoui
Philip Metres
Yves Meunier, AFPS
Eliane Mevoillon
Michel Meynier, asso ECOREFE
Daniel Meysson
Mathieu Micault
Pierre Michard, Cadre retraité du LIVRE – CGT
Yves Michel, Editions Yves MICHEL
Pedussaud Michel
Chris Michel
Michel Mietton
Nicole Migault
James Miles
Ali Mili
Alain Mille
Kerby Miller
Gail Miller
Robert Miller
Claudine Millet
Elisabeth Millet
Johnny Mims
Josette Mingot
Wim Minnaard
Martine Mir, Amnesty International
Mirna Miranda, Ground Zero Gaza Network
BAYLET Mireille
Urbain Mireille
Jonathan Mitchell
Solange Moal
Gautam Mody, General Secretary, NTUI, India
Jerry Moe
Ronnie Moehrke
Susan Moffat
Natalia Mogannam
Anne Mogensen
Iman Mohamad
Naser Mohamedi
Fahad Mohammed
Gerard Moine
Luc Moineau
Luc Moineau
Boujjouf Mokhtaria
Elizabeth Molchany, Attorney at Law
Ben Molinaro
Fred Mollon
Monique MonBeernard, P.C.F.
Sagrario Monedero Lopez
Eugenia Monferini
Monique Monfort, AFPS
Loïc Monfort
Laurie Monique
Vincent Monique
Martine Monnier, CGT
Sylvie Monnin, PCF-Front de Gauche
Marie Françoise Monteil
Guy Monteillet
Jennifer Montion
Tania Monville
Angela Mooney
Dwight Moore
Joy Moore
Kristine Moore
Chivvis Moore
Justin Morahan
Peter Moran
Claire Moran
Milie Moratille
Mary Morcos
Claire Morelle
Laura Morettini
Luisa Morgantini, Former Vice President of the European Parliament
Patrick Morin
JP Morin
Micheline Morisi
Jean-Hugues Morneau
Ray Morris Morris
Marie Thérèse Mort
Thierry Morvan
Franc Moscato
Fred Moten, University of California, Riverside
Khaled Mouammar
Munir Moubarak
Ben Mouffok
Joseph Mougel
Hervé Moula
Rabia Mounir
Christian Mouysset, Confédération Paysanne
Cary Moy
Marie-Thérèse Moyer
Hanady Muhiar
Bill V. Mullen, Purdue University
Jennifer Muller
Jacqueline Muller
Patrick Muller
Roberta Muner
Andre Munerez
Armand Munoz
Ester Muñoz
Anthony Murphy, Liverpool Friends of Palestine
Elizabeth Murray
Maria Murray
Jennifer Musial
Monica Musri
Dunia Muti
Georgia Mylonaki, Intifada Solidarity Association of Greece
Hamrit Nabil
Mary-Jo Nadeau
Mustapha Nadi
Sonia Nadia
Souad Naji
Loai Najjar
Rima Najjar
SA Nargiss
Nadine Nasir
Dominique Natanson, Union Juive Française pour la Paix
Noëlle Naudet, Si les femmes comptaient
Michel Naudin
Amador Navidi, Communist Party of Australia
Rana Nazzal
Rehab Nazzal
Elisabeth Nectoux
Inge Neefs
Ofer Neiman, Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within
Catherine Neiss
Virginia Nelder
Foissac Nelly
Brad Nelson
Marlene Newesri
Christine Newport
Robert Newton
Richard Nice
Charles Nichols
Anne Nieddu
Gerard Nieuwenhuijsen
Michael Nightingale, Correspondants Diplomatique
Michele Nihipali
Bill Niles
David Nir, AgainstWall
C. Nishanthi
Philip Noel
Colette Noel
Danielle Noisette
Sean Nolan
Dominique Noly, Collectif 69 Palestine
Elaine Nonneman, Channel Foundation
Hacha Cecilia Norris
Olivier Noterman, FGTB
Pierre Nouzarede
Angel Nsenga
Lizzie Nunnery
Olmez Nurretin
Dennison Nyberg
Yvonne O Meara
Patrick O’Brien
Patrick S. O’Donnell
S. O’Neill
Corey Oakley, Red Flag newspaper
Dennis Ober
Sam O’Brien, RS21
Françoise Occhard
Jesus B Ochoa Jr
Frédérique Octor
Yvonne Oddos
Nahed Odeh
Louay Odeh
Annie Ohayon
Eleonora Oldani
Mireille Olioso
Aime Olivera, Presidenta del Centro de Estudiantes d. Bellas Artes La Plata (UN La Plata)
Burnet Oliveros
Robert Olivier
Corey E. Olsen, CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm
Evan Olsen
François Olyff
Dan O’Neal
Eeva-Leena Onnismaa
Ikenna Onyegbula
Michel Orenga
Carlos Oropeza
Stephan Orphee
Naomi OSullivan
Hervé Ott, Le Cun du Larzac
Bennis Ouafae
Ahmed Ouarab
Anne Marie Oudrer, Europalestine
Éloïse Ouellet
Khaled Oueslati
Michel Ouisse
Zahia Oumakhlouf
Jonathan Ovanesian
Julianna Overland
Sue Owen, Chesterfield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Denis Page
Pénélope Paicheler
Luca Paindelli
Joise Palazon
Paolo Palazzo, associazione SENZA PAURA
Simon Paljevic
Dominique Pallares, Evry Palestine comite AFPS
Parimala Panchatcharam
Claire Paque
Samia Paret
Jerry Parker, Unitarian WorldPeace Activists
Stephen Parker
David Parsons
Gerry Pascal
Joël Pascal
Henno Pascale
Jeanne Pasqualini
Florence Patang
Ayesha Patel
Marie-Claude Patin, AFPS
Hubert Patrick
Agata Patyna
Chandra Paul
Michael Paul
François Paumier, Couserans-Palestine
Helene Pavamani
Jean Pays
Marick Payton
Sarah Peek
Mireille Peloux
Robert Penelon
Claudine Penen
Penet Penet, adhérente eelv, attac, colibris, kokopelli
Marie Pepin
Andreia Pereira
Antoine Pereniguez
Lourdes Perez
Aïda Périssé
Myriam Périssé
Timothy Perkins
Wendell F Perks Jr
Genevieve Perrin
Bill Perry, Delaware Valley Veterans for America
Nicola Perugini
Vivian Petit
Paul Petit
Maryse Petit
Clément Peyrard, Union Pour le Communisme
Jean Peyrebrune
Jo Phillips
Amelia Philpott, Ottawa Cultural Boycott of Israel
Françoise Piaget
Ewa Piasecka
Michelle Pichette
Valérie Picquet
Henri Pidoux
Charles Pierce
Alain Pierrot
Jimmy Piget-Gladiator
Claudine Pigot
Ryan Pike
Mila Pilz
Mike Pincus
Flora Pino Garcia
Florence Pinon
Bernard Pinot, AFPS France
Prof. Yona Pinson
Janna Piper
Frédéric Piqué
Leslie Piquemal
Adrien Pistono
Victoria Pitchford
Brigitte Pithois
Amelie Piton
Juliette Planckaert, AFPS
Martine Platel
Marika Plater
Karen Platt
Daniel Play
Glenna Kay Plitt
SuSanne Plumb
Bertrand Plus
Jean-Jacques Poignant-Ganuel, Front de Gauche/Front Citoyen Vitryat
Philippe Pointon
Martine Poirot
James Poke, West Surrey PSC
Bianca Polato
Bret Polish
Pascal Polisset, Parti de Gauche (France)
Lucette Pomathiod
Joanny Poncet
Servane Poncet
Nadia Pons
Brigitte Pons
Andrea Poole
Alexandra Popov
Shae Popovich
Katherine Porebski
Véronique Porteneuve
Sylvia Posadas
Françoise Poteau
Rick Potthoff
Christian Pouget
Roger Poulet
Josiane Poulin, PCF
Tristan Poullaouec
Jamshid Pouranpir
Philippe Pourbaix
Michelle Pradel
Jacques Pradel
Clare Prangley
John Prangley
Ramakrishna Prasad
Christiane Prebet
Nada Pretnar
Monique Prevot
Raphaelle Primet
Fernand Prince
John Pritchard
Laurent Prodeau
Hélène Provost
Marc Prunier, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste
Mai QingXiang
Mohammed Qnouch
Jean Michel Quentin
André Querré, EuroPalestine
Gregory Quiery
Giovanni Quitadamo
Jean Rabinovici, Comité de Vigilance pour une Paix Réelle au Proche Orient
Chandrika Radhakrishnan
Issam Rafeedie
Christian Raffaelly, AFPS
C. Raghavi
Rachida Rahou
Genevieve Rail, Simone de Beauvoir Institute of Concordia University
Claire Raimbault
Mahmoud Rakha
Manal Ramadan
David Rammler, Philadelphia Chapter, National Lawyers Guild, USA
Vanessa Ramos
Qamar Ramzan
Amal Rana
Marcel Rannou
Beth Raps
Doris Rausch, Committee for Palestinian Rights
Linda Ray
Sumana Raychaudhuri
Jeanne Raymond
Vanessa Raymond
Céline Raymond
Joel Rayner
Fareed Rayyis
Carla Razzano, Donne in Nero
Damian Read
Eugenie Rebillard
Chandana Reddy
Claude Redele
Jean-Laurent Redondo
Didier Regeon
Monika Reger
Paul Reguer
Christiane Reguer
Elliot Reichert
Richard Reilly
Dave Rendle
Yann Renoult
Pastor Dave Reppert, Emanuel United Church of Christ
Serge Ressiguier
Maurice Restivo, St. Joseph’s College
Dominique Revaux, Association France Palestine Solidarité Landes
Oscar Revilla
Michèle Reviron
Suzette Rey
Danielle Rhéty
Carmen Ribeiro
Fred Richard
Arthur Riding
Reinhold Riedel
Theresa Rieve
Michel Riffard
Yves Rigot
Seppo Rinne
Robert Riochet
Jessie Rivet
Stéphane Robert
Nicole Robert
Jean-Paul Robert-Rompillon
Heliane Robert-Rompillon
Les Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Anna Robertson
Gwenette Robertson
Michael Robeson
Prof. Stewart Robinson
Dorothy Robinson
Alex Robinson
Eric Robson
Jacqueline Roche
Michele Roche
Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Code Pink Greater Boston
Marie-Claude Rochet
Pierre Rochet
Elaine Rock
Maurizio Rodeschini
Reed Rodger
Rosanna Rodriguez
Dominique Roffino
Nicole Roger
Jérémy Roggy, Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France – Union des Etudiants Communistes
Jelica Roland
Angelika Roll
Luna Rolle
Olive Romain
Mark Roman, CODEPINK Women For Peace
Nora Roman
Florencia Romano, Presidenta del Centro de Estudiantes de Veterinarias (UN La Plata)
Angelika Romeik
Denise Romesburg
Daniel Romet, Les Alternatifs
Margaret Rooney
Jean Ropert
James Rose
Françoise Rose
Dr. Richard Rosenstein
Dr. Carolyn Rosenstein
Ernest Rosenthal
Yehoshua Rosin
Pete Rossetti
Aurelie Rossi
Camille Rossignol
Kathryn Roston
Jean Claude Rouanet
Luc Rouault
Dorothée Rouffiac, NPA
Marie-Thérèse Rouffignac
Claude Rougemont
Sylvette Rougier, Comité poitevin Palestine
Monique Rougier
Yolanda Rouiller
S. Rainsford Rouner
Andre Rousseau
François Rousset de Pina
Gilles Rousset Dupuis
George Roussopoulos, West Surrey Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
Claude Roux
Danielle Roux, PCF
Robert Rowland
Guy Roy, Parti Communiste du Québec
Gerald Rozner
Marc Rubaud
Ed Rubenstein
Edith Rubinstein, Women in Black
Imen Rubio
M. Rosario Rubio Gonzalez
Christine Ruel
Julie Rufo
José Manuel Ruiz
Cristina Ruiz-Cortina Sierra, Al-Quds Association for Solidarity
Ed Rukab
Mireille Rumeau, International Solidarity Movement France (ISM France)
Ida Rump
Vicky Russell
Khadija Ryadi, Prix ONU pour les droits de l’Homme 2013
Stuart Ryan
Gérald Ryckeboer
Andrew Ryder, International Socialist Organization
Amsad Saad
Nicole Sabalos
Elias Sabbagh
Jean Sabench
Rachel Sachs
Soudana Sadi
Maria Dalal Safa
Dana Saifan
Ben Saifer, Independent Jewish Voices
Farzana Saker
Haitham Salawdeh
Natasha Salgado
Marie-Claude Saliceti
Pat Salomon
Dominique Salomon
Monique Salvayre
Daniel Samek
ouanes samia
Clint Samuel
S. Samyukkthaa
Pat Sanchez, Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group
Alexandra Sanchez Cardoso
Michel Sanciaud
Monique Sanciaud, PG – ATTAC
Déborah Santana
Kathryn Santana
Inês Santo
Mario Santos
Yveline Saoudi
Carole Sarcinello
Camil Sari, Association ASPECT
Renzo Sartori
Natasha Saunders, University of St Andrews, Scotland
Benoit Sauvage
Gaspard Sauzieres
Julie Savary, city councillor in France
Anna Maria Savoia
Sabina Sawhney
Nicolas Sayegh, CPFQ
Jasmine Scarf
Frances Scarrott, Vrouwen in het Zwart, Maastricht
Marie Schaffter
Robert Schaible, Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Bernard Schauer
Joseph Schellenbaum
Carol Scheller
Daniel Scheppler
Carl Schieren
Eric Schiller
Angela Schleihauf
Marcel Schlewer, AFPS
Michel Schmid
Gladys Schmitz
Erik Schnabel
Ginny Schneider
Antony Schofield, Unison
Christiane Schomblond
Ziona Schulthess, Women for Peace
Laurent Schuman
Edith Schumann
Judith Schwab
Louis-Georges Schwartz, Ohio University
Donna Schwarz-Nielsen
Daniela Scordino
Asmaa Seba, Freelance photographer
Alain Sebillet
Abderrahim Sedqui
Halena Seiferling
Micheline Seignabou
Hassan Sekkat
Genevieve Sellier
Aida Selman
Joseph Selmani
Sophiane Senni
Christophe Serafin
Chantal Sergeant, AFPS
Lynda Sergeant
Francois Serveau
David Sevilla
Fatima Shaban
Joshua Shaffer
Suhail Shafi
Aneesa Shah
Noa Shaindlinger
Dina Shamlawi
Samia Shannan
Ann Sharifi, Hampstead Amnesty International Group
John Sharkey
Marie Sharkey
Kayid Shawish
Cindy Shayma
Hatem Shehadi
Ismat Sheriff
Anouche Sherman
Carolyn Sherrard
Butair Shikari
Keiko Shingo
Merle Showers, United Methodist Church
Frank Showler
Marina Shpirt
Julia Shpirt
Artur Shtishi
John Shubert
Margaret Shurdom
Belkacem Si Ahmed
Christiane Sibillotte, Comité Justice sociale des Soeurs Auxiiatrices
Michele Sibony, UJFP French Jewish Union for Peace
Khalil Sidki
Yann Sido
Martine Sido
Françoise Silvestri
Jeannette Simon
Catherine Simon
Laetitia Simon, Parti communiste Français
Christine Simonis
Kevin Skerrett, Solidarity Against Austerity
Bill Skidmore
Anne Slater, Radical Women
Fouad Slimani
Sakina Smati
Gerda Smid
L. Sminia
Jessica Smith
Patricia Smith
Michael John Smith
Newland Smith
Peter Smith
Janie Smith
Shirley Smith
Cayce Smith
Jean-Yves Sneyaert
Fatma Snoussi
Daniel Soares
Yasser Soave
Paolo Sogeco
Jody Sokolower
Grete Soleng
Cristina Soler, BDS Valencia
Thomas Sommerhalter
Karen Sorensen
Husson Souad
Geneviève Soulard
Christine Soulier
Nasser Soumi
Jean-Louis Sounes
Marie-Claude Sour
Samia Souss
Edna Spennato, Earth Heal
A. Sprakelaar
Lynn Squance
Richard Stainton
Pierre Stambul, UJFP
Jean Stampfli
Jim Stasheff
Bistra Staykova
William Stearns
Jean Aul Stef, PCF
Cletus Stein
Sallye Steiner Bowyer, Jewish Voice For Peace
Irène Steinert
Hilary Stephenson
Basil Stergiou, Stergiou Engineering Consultants
Roberta Stern
Philip J Stewart
Isobel Stewart
Maddy Stoltz
Adam Stout, Frome Friends of Palestine
Pierre Strauss
Kristine Stroad Moore
Catherine Strout
Dale Stuepfert
Sandra Suchet
K. Sudhir
Lisette Sudic
Jackie Suire
Nathan Sullenberger
Bilha Sündermann
Franck Sureau
The Rev Max B Surjadinata, United Church of Christ (UCC)
Ellyn Sutton
Linda Sweiss, Muslim Arab Moms of Mississauga
Sara Elizabeth Swerdlyk
Qurrat ul Ayn Syeda
Michel Sylvestre
Jerome Symons
Helene Tabry
David Tacium, FNEEQ/CSN
Srividya Tadepalli
Zohreh Taher
Lhouss Tahmed
Rabah Tahraoui
Sonia Taleb
William Tamblyn
Peter Tammer
Vicki Tamoush
Anne Yvonne Tanguy
Chahrazed Tarkoum
Laurette Tartivel, PCF
Kristin Tassin
Tirtza Tauber
Francis Taupiac
Michel Taussig
Amanda Taylor
Renate Taylor
Sibel Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Jean-François Téaldi, Membre Conseil National Parti Communiste Français
Edwin Tegenfeldt
Claudio Tennant
Allal Tewfik
Régine Teyssendier
Marcel Teyssier
Pierre Thivend, AFPS
Nick Thomas
Frank Thomas
Isabelle Thomas
Jason Thomas
Annic Thomasset
Edward E Thompson
François Thonier, CNT
Kolin Thumbadoo, Mandela Legacy Trust
Anna Thurman
Maureen Thwaites
Foster Tilin
Houria Timezouaght
Michael Tomczyszyn
Harley Tompkins
Serge Tonnere
Cate Tono
Chakoura Topal
Khal Torabully
George Totari
Fatma Touatioui
Safia Touidjine
Doaa Toukhy
Marjorie Tourette
Patrick Tournois
Omar Tourougui
Hocine Traikia
Marie-Zita Trancart, UJFP
Stephanie Trasoff
Karl Traub
Sara Traub
Lily Traubmann
Evelyn Traveller
Jeanine Trentesaux
Claude Trouche
Paul Troyano
Troy Troyer
Maeva Tual
Liliane Tucci
Jean Marc Turine
Karen Turney
Denni Turp
Ralph Tuscher
Françoise Tüscher
Tekeste Tzeggai Correri
Martine Ullmann, Women in Black
Ekrem Unnu
Masa Urbancic
Chantal Urbaniak
Reyes Urmeneta
Ulises Urriola, Comision Etica Contra la Tortura (Francia)
María Inés Urrutia Fischer, Religiosa Católica
Massimo Usel
Laurence Va
Enrique Valderrama
Daniela Valdiserra
Françoise Vallade
John Valleau
Isabelle Vallée
J-Jacques Vallienne
Stéphane Valter, University of Le Havre (FRANCE)
Corrie van der Hart
Fay van Dunk
Theo van Ede
Natalie Van Leekwijck
Marianne van Ophuijsen, WILPF, WfP, WiB
Maryse Van Walleghem
Achin Vanaik, University of Delhi (Retired Professor of International Relations and Global Politics)
Lino Vancauwenberge
Lander Vander Linden
David Vanetti
Daniel Vanhove
Laurette Vankeerberghen
Anne Vanoosthuyse
Eleni Varikas, Université Paris 8
Emmanuel Varlet
April Varli
David Varnum
Patricia Vazquez
Lujan Veiga, Sec. de Communicacion de SUTEBA Ensenada
Anne Isabelle Veillot
Sylvie Venuat
Mireille Verbeke
Véronique Vercheval
Jean-Michel Vercoutter
Marie-Christine Vergiat MEP, Députée européenne
Christine Vergnaud
Monique Vérillon
André Verlaine, Coordination Namuroise Belgo-Palestinienne
Hetty Verlinde
Marie-Claude Vermeersch
Samuel Vernhes
Claude Verrel
Jaime Veve, Transport workers union local 100 NYC (retired)
Veronique Viala
Guy Vian-Lierde, FDG
Monique Vidal
Miguel Viegas, MEP, Portugal
Giovanni Vieira
Harini Vijayakumar
Jacques Villette
Bernard Vincent
Philipp Vintejoux, Attac Marsan
Joan Vis
Margherita Vismara
Cohen Viviane, UJFP
Biancarelli Viviane, Parti communiste français
Barbara Vodopivec
Irène Voiry
Erin Wade
Saad Wafi
Peter Wagner
Ismail Waja
Neta Walden
Harsha Walia
Barbara Walker
Fred Wallich
Jacques Walter
Jacques Danièlle Walter
Anne-Marie Wandoch
Kathleen Wang, Women in Black LA
Rabab Ward
Dawn Waring
Laurence Warot
Dror Warschawski
Diane Warth
Arild Warud
Yasmine Wasfi
Sophie Waterhouse
George Waterston
A Watson
Derek Watts
Julie Webb-Pullman
Dale Weide
Janet Weil, CODEPINK
Anjuska Weil
Henry Weinberg
Bonnie Weiss
Eileen Weitzman
Leo Welch
Neal Wells, IT Works Northwest
John Welte
Bill Weston
Derek Wharton
Edwina White
Philip White
Judy Wiley
Mary Williams
Gregory Williams, Yale Divinity School Seminarians for a Democratic Society
Terrie Williams
Debbie Williamson
Tamar Diana Wilson
Esther Wilson
Nancy Withington
Ron Witton
Jackie Wolf
Muriel Wolff
Betsy Wolf-Graves, S J Peace and Justice Center
Jo Wood
Mirah Wood
Simon Wood
Sandra Woodall
Paul Worms
Chantal Wright
Colonel Ann Wright
Emma Wright
Agnes Wurth
Jean-Luc Wüttmann
Antoine Xavier
Joe-Alexy Yagchi
Souad Yahiaoui
Jim Yarbrough
Nukata Yasuko
Ismail Yattoun
Ofra Yeshua-Lyth, Jaffa ODS
Amel Youcef
Brahim Younessi, Union des Démocrates Musulmans (Algérie)
Hadeel Younis
Musab Younis
Cambon Yvonne
Zuni Zacutti
Carol Zakaib
Stephen Zakaib
Apolonia Zakrzewska
Auke Zandstra
Jérémie Zani-Vessiler
Meriem Zaoui
Sondos Zayed
Michel Zebib
Ghada Zeidan, Palestine Link
Smina Zekrini
Angie Zelter
Mohamed Zerara
Ettore Zerbino, Medici contro la tortura ONLUS
Mafida Zeroual
Gabriele Zimmer, GUE/NGL, Member of European Parliament
Rachiq Zhor, Womanactjion
Nicole Ziani, Association France Palestine Solidarité Nîmes
Chraibi Zineb
Saâd Zouiten
Christian Zueras, NPA 65
Vince Zwiers
Nicole Zylber