November 1, Paris: Massive concert for Palestine benefits Addameer

From Midday to Midnight for a Free Palestine

Docks of Paris, Eurosites
50 Av. du President Wilson 93200
La Plaine-Saint Denis
Metro: Front-Populaire, Line 12
Paris, France
November 1, 2014
More information:

frontJoining musicians and personalities from around the world, thousands will attend a massive concert for freedom for Palestine and boycott, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation on Saturday, November 1, 2014 in Paris.

Performers will include: Mohammed Assaf (of “Arab Idol”) La Compagnie Jolie Môme, Phil Mansour, Palestine Dabke troupe, HK and the Saltimbanks, Gnawa Diffusion – Amazigh Kateb, Rim el-Banna, Jony McLoad, Al-Quds Orchestra, La Jonction, Abdel and the BDS Choir.

Speakers will include: Sahar Francis of Addameer from Palestine, former Palestinian political prisoner Mahmoud Sarsak, Hana Salah (Palestine), Ronnie Kasrils (South Africa), Jean Ziegler (Switzerland), Iyad Burnat (Palestine), Jacques Gaillot (France), Carlos Latuff (Brazil), Maurice Rasjfus, Nabil Abu Shammala (Palestine), Annette Groth (Member of Parliament in Germany with DIE LINKE)

Tickets are on sale now: €15 for the whole day, from noon to midnight (€20 on-site on November 1), free for children under ten years old.

Proceeds will benefit: Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, and Nebras Al-Ajyal, the Association for the Disabled in Gaza)

Tickets are available

backIn Paris, at Librarie Resistances, 4 Villa Compoint, 75017, Paris (open Tuesday through Saturday, 2 PM to 8 PM)

By writing to CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, 16bis rue d’Odessa, 75014, Paris – we will send tickets to you when receiving your check

From our members, for more information, email [email protected]

From FNAC and online stores:,,

More information on Facebook:

Sponsors: Union of Palestinian Associations in France, Abna Philistine, EuroPalestine

Endorsers: INTERNATIONAL : Boycott National Committee (BNC, Palestine) – Australian Friends of Palestine – Women for Palestine (Australia) – Codepink (USA)- Scottish PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)- CPJPO (Luxembourg)- ABP Liège (Belgique) – BDS Suisse- ACOR (Association Romande COntre le Racisme, Suisse) – Football Against Apartheid (UK)- Association Belgo-Palestinienne de Liège (Belgique) – – BDS Maroc – PALMED (Association de médecins européens pour la Palestine).

FRANCE : Femmes en lutte 93, Les Amis d’Al-Rowwad, Nanterre Palestine- Droits Devant, Collectif Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Collectif Palestine 69, Musiciens pour Gaza, PALMED (Association de médecins européens pour la Palestine), Club de foot « FREE PALESTINE 93 » ( FSGT 93 Foot à 7), Association Repères (Libourne), Collectif Caladois pour la Palestine, Comité Poitevin Palestine, Collectif de Soutien à la Résistance Palestinienne 59-62, Croissant Fertile, LGBT/OM, Fédération Total Respect (Tjenbé Rèd), Shechora Ani Venava (Amicale juive des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bi & trans de couleur), Onzième DOM, Collectif « Non à Guerlain ! Non à la négrophobie ! », UJ2FOM (Union juive des Françaises & Français d’outre-mers), Cégom (Collectif des Etats-Généraux d’Outre-Mer – Fédération des Français/es d’outre-mers), Collectif Freedom For Palestine Belfort-Montbéliard, Les Désobéissants, Collectif Palestine 43, Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs

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