23 October, Oakland: Room No. 4 – Israeli Arrests of Palestinian Children in Silwan, Jerusalem

They left me in the room for 5 hours with my hands tied behind my back and legs tied to each other. When I refused to confess, they slapped me and tightened my hand ties even more.” – 15-year-old prisoner

Children and families in Silwan face constant violence—both physical and psychological. Illegal and armed settlers are taking over Palestinian homes and land. These settlers often harass and viciously attack Palestinians on the street. Meanwhile bulldozers carry out “administrative demolitions” which leave many homeless and threaten thousands more. And hundreds of people each year—including children as young as six and many, many teenagers—are arrested, beaten, and tortured by Israeli police.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2015 – 7:30pm
Uptown Body & Fender
401 26th Street, Oakland
(5 blocks from 19th St. Bart)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1706236192941781/

Event includes:
Room Number 4 photo exhibit about violations of Palestinian children’s rights, accompanied by written testimonies from the children themselves

Presentation by Sahar Abbasi Baidon – direct from Palestine! Sahar is Deputy Director of Madaa Silwan Creative Center where she works with children who have been arrested, runs the women’s program and more. She is also a mother of four.

Scratchboard drawing used to create the wedding mural just painted at Shoruq Cultural Center in Dheisheh Refugee Camp – plus photos of Palestinian students creating tiles for the mural

Videos and photos of community murals painted in Silwan by US-based Art Forces & Madaa Silwan Creative Center –in response to Israel’s violent evictions and confiscation of land, house by house

Donation requested at the door, no one turned away. Benefit for the Madaa Silwan Creative Center, to raise funds for a staff psychologist to support the children and their families after the trauma of arrests, home demolitions and violence.

This event is a collaboration between Middle East Children’s Alliance & Art Forces

Cosponsored by Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Friends of Sabeel- North America, Jewish Voice for Peace/Bay Area, and more!

For info: www.mecaforpeace.org, 510-548-0542.


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