Ride Human Sacramento, the Sacramento Regional Transit Riders for Human Rights, are organizing a campaign to get Sacramento (California, United States) Regional Transit (Sac RT) to not extend its contract with G4S, the British-Danish security multinational that provides security systems and control rooms to the Israeli prisons that imprison Palestinian political prisoners.
Palestinian prisoners have urged action to boycott G4S, and over 220 international organizations have called on the United Nations to drop its contracts with G4S.
Below is the call to action from Ride Human:
Please support the effort to get Sacramento (California) Regional Transit (Sac RT) to not extend its contract with human rights-violating G4S.
G4S, the largest private security company in the world, is complicit in and profiting from violation of human rights and international law around the globe. Churches, foundations, colleges and universities have divested from and refused to contract with G4S.
1000 Black activists, artists and scholars have recently called for join struggle again G4S, because “G4S harms thousands of Palestinian political prisoners illegally held in Israel and hundreds of Black and brown youth held in its privatized juvenile prisons in the US. The corporation profits from incarceration and deportation from the US and Palestine, to the UK, South Africa, and Australia.”
You can support this effort by:
– Signing and sharing the petition
– Liking & sharing our Facebook page
– Following us on Twitter @RideHuman.
Learn more at: www.SacRideHuman.org
Contact us at: SacRideHuman@gmail.com
If you live in Sacramento County or ride the SacRT light rail, please consider sending a personal message to the Sac RT Board.
More on G4S: