24 October, Brussels: Freedom for Georges Abdallah!

Saturday, 24 October
5:30 PM
French Consulate, 42 Boulevard de Regent, 1000 Brussels
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/514728688702141/

On 24 October, Georges Abdallah enters his 32nd year of detention. He has been imprisoned since 1984 for his participation in the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Forces, who, in response to the invasion of Lebanon and the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, engaged in armed actions against US and Israeli officials in Europe.

Georges has been eligible for parole since 1999, but due to continued pressure by the U.S. government and the French-Israeli relationship, his parole has been repeatedly rejected and overturned at the highest levels.

Despite this seemingly endless confinement, Georges remains true to his communist and anti-Zionist convictions. It is this commitment and determination that the French government wants to undermine.



Le 24 octobre, Georges Abdallah entamera sa 32e année de détention. Il est enfermé depuis 1984 pour sa participation aux ‘Forces Armées Révolutionnaires Libanaises’ qui avaient répliqué à l’invasion du Liban et aux massacres de Sabra et Chatila par des actions armées contre des agents américains et israéliens en Europe. Georges est libérable depuis 1999, mais des pressions continues de l’administration américaine ainsi que l’amitié franco-israélienne ont saboté toutes les demandes de libération qu’il a pu faire jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
Malgré cet interminable enfermement, Georges reste fidèle à ses convictions communistes et antisionistes, c’est son engagement et sa détermination que l’état français veut miner avant d’envisager sa libération.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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