8 October, London: Emergency Protest – Freedom for Palestinian Hunger Striker Suleiman Skafi


Date: Thursday 8th October 2015 3pm-5pm
Location: G4S HQ, 105 Victoria Street (Closest public transport: Victoria Tube/Rail station)
Web: http://www.inminds.com/article.php?id=10689

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/911356998931999/

Assalaamu Alaikum

Suleiman Skafi has been caged without charge or trial for 11 months (since 12th Nov 2014) as part of Israel’s illegal policy of punitive administrative detention where Palestinians are caged indefinitely on rolling 6 month detention orders. Israel is threatening Skafi with another 6 months detention when his current order expires next month. To protest his imprisonment without charge or trial, Skafi has been on hunger strike 38 days (since 1st September 2015) .


Without food Slafi has lost nearly a third of his body weight (23Kg) and he can no longer walk. He is suffering extreme pain in his stomach, head and joints, dizziness and has difficulty in speaking. As punishment for hunger striking he was moved to Israel’s remote G4S secured Negev prison in dessert. Caged in solitary confinement, he was denied personal possessions and adequate cloths and his family were denied permission to visit him. His health rapidly deteriorated and he has now been moved to Soroka hospital in Ber Sheeba (4th Oct 2015).

30 years old Skafi is from Al Khalil in the occupied West Bank. He has been imprisoned on five occasions having been caged for over 6 year in total. He has been on hunger strike several times, including the mass “Karameh” hunger strike in 2012. Skafi was tortured during interrogation and as a result suffers chronic pain in his joints and legs. Israel has denied him medical treatment for the wounds inflicted on him during torture.

Skafi has rejected Israel’s offer of release after 6 month renewed administrative detention. His demand is that his administrative detention not be renewed when it expires next month on 12th November, so its imperative that pressure be put on Israel now to release him before the next six month administrative detention order kicks in.

Please join us on Thursday 3pm outside G4S HQ to demand freedom for Suleiman Skafi; an end to Israel’s illegal practice of Administrative Detention; and to demand G4S end its complicity in Israel’s crimes against the prisoners.


We will, inshAllah, be tweeting live from the protest with live photos being uploaded to our twitter and facebook page. So if you can’t join us on the day, please help us by sharing the photos as they get uploaded.



If you support this activity please share this alert widely, thank you.


Abbas Ali

Palestinian Prisoners Campaign


The Palestinian Prisoners Campaign aims to raise awareness for the plight of Palestinian prisoners and build solidarity for their struggle and work towards their freedom. The campaign was launched by Innovative Minds (inminds.com) and the Islamic Human Rights Commission (ihrc.org) on the occasion of Al Quds Day 2012 (on 17th August 2012), since then we have held actions every fortnight in support of Palestinian prisoners, if you can spare two hours twice a month then please join the campaign by coming to the next action.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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