A message to the Palestinian comrades from Robert Abdallah

gia3Robert Abdallah, the brother of imprisoned Arab struggler for Palestine Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, addressed the following message of solidarity to the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, on 24 October, the anniversary of his brother’s arrest in France in 1984. Robert, based in Beirut, is internationally active and a leader of the Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah:

Georges Abdallah is entering his thirty-second year in the prisons of French imperialism; there has been no implementation of justice in France since the life sentence was pronounced against him in 1987.

Since then, Georges has proclaimed that this “justice” is designed to criminalize all those who defend the rights of the people, particularly against the US and the Zionist executioners. This justice has made the Arab peoples, especially in Lebanon and Palestine, into lab rats on which to test the latest products of the arms factories, leaving hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded in Lebanon and Palestine, in the eyes of the justice of the West: victims of their projects of control. Anyone who criticizes the Zionist project – even just criticizing – is accused of anti-Semitism in the civilization of the colonial West.

On the thirty-second anniversary of the arrest of the prisoner Georges Abdallah, the Palestinian people have been fighting the battle of their right to life, to freedom, confronting the most notorious criminals of the times. However, despite their blood and suffering, the hunger of their families, and the mass arrest of their people, the Palestinian people have always responded to those who are struggling with salutes and solidarity. Georges Abdallah, his comrades, his family and loved ones, salute the prisoners of freedom in Palestine, the activists imprisoned in Zionist jails, and express their strongest and full solidarity with their strruggle for freedom.

Message from Robert Abdallah to the French movement to free Georges Abdallah: http://www.couppourcoup31.com/2015/09/robert-abdallah-envoie-un-message-de-solidarite-a-la-campagne-de-liberation-de-georges-abdallah-en-france.html

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