Friday, 28 April
5:00 pm until 10:00 am Saturday, 29 April
Old Anderstonstown Barracks Site
Falls Road, Belfast, Ireland
Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers, Belfast, Occupied Ireland, Friday April 28, 5pm! Support the Strike for Dignity!
Palestinian Hunger Strike
On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, 17th April 1500 men and women embarked upon a hunger strike in prisons that are nothing more than torture chambers.
The strike comes under the slogan ‘Freedom and Dignity’ and they have basic demands such as regular family visits, appropriate medical care and the ending of solitary confinement. Their gaolers have consistently been criticised by human rights organisations but the Zionists continue to ignore them.
Here in Ireland we are only too familiar with the treatment of political prisoners and especially at this time which is the 36th anniversary of the hunger strike in which ten of our brave comrades died in the pursuit of five just demands.
For years we have stood with the oppressed in many countries and none more so than the Palestinian people and their imprisoned political prisoners.
A group of Irish Republican Socialists, from a number of different organisations and none, came together this week and decided we have to do something to highlight the injustice that still prevails in Israeli held gaols.It is not good enough for us sit at home saying how terrible the situation is. We believe that if the Irish people take to the streets it will encourage those in prison and if others throughout the world join with us in protest it will send a resounding message to the oppressors that we will not stand by and let men and women die for basic demands that should be afforded everyone.
We are calling on people to join us at a vigil at the old Andersonstown RUC barracks site. The vigil will start on Friday 28th April at 5pm and continue until 10am the next day. This will be a non-party event and we will be calling all to respect the site and not to bring food or to make a mess.
We the undersigned fully support the Palestinians on hunger strike and call for an immediate resolution to the ongoing issues they have to endure
Pádraic MacCoitir, Alex McCrory, Pól Torbóid, Tarlach MacDhónaill,Joanne Ní Donnghaile,Máire Óg Drumm, Bernard Fox, Martine Jackson, Darren Madden, Veronica Martin, Daniel McDonough, John McKinney,Aindriú MacRuaidhrí, Dee Fennell, Michael McKee,Cliodhna Níc Giolla Phádraig, Patrick Madden, Rab Jackson, Éamonn Digney,Jackie Bradley, Francis Brennan, Éamonn Ó Cleirigh,Kevin Hillick,, Harry Fitzsimmons, Martin Livingstone, Jean Madden, Aodh Ó hUrmaltaigh, Mary Clinton, Bernard McCrory, Liam McCotter, Tomás Fox, Sharon Pickering, Billy McKee, Damhnaic MacEochaidh,, Daithí Delaney, Brian Madden,Teresa Fitzsimons,Gary Kearney, Jackie McCotter, Martin McCrory, Míchéal Fitzsimons, Kevin Hannaway, Caoimhín Hillick Concetta Osborne,Gerard Hodgkins, Davy Clinton, Liam Martin, Clare Bradley, Francie McGuigan, Ann McCorry-Bell, Anthony Quinn JimmyMartin,James Osborne, Paul Finnegan, Stephen Cunninham, Alex Óg McCrory, Angie McFall, Ivor Bell, Robert Jackson, John Livingstone, Aiden Digney, Jim McDonald,Michael Nelson, Siobhán Hillick, Bridget McDonald, Réamann Ó Duibhginn. Nuala Perry, Joe Brannigan, Risteárd Pádraic Ó Murchú, Liam McAuley, Albert Allen,Debbie Cush, Seán Hannaway, Seán Clinton, Micky McAuley, Ciarán O’Brien,Seán Cahill, Danielle Meighan
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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