15 May, Sydney: Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers + Nakba Rally

Several events are taking place in Sydney, Australia, to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike on Monday, 15 May.

Start your support for the strike by joining the Sydney #SaltWaterChallenge:

Monday, 15 May
1:15 pm
Harbour Master Steps
First Fleet Park next to Circular Quay Station
Sydney, Australia

Participants will video and photograph drinking salt water to support the prisoners.

Then, join the contingent to support the hunger strikers at the Sydney Nakba rally:

Monday, 15 May
6:30 pm
Sydney Town Hall
Sydney, Australia
Contingent Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1275850352511538/

Stand in support of all the heroic Palestinians participating in the mass hunger strike from inside the zionist prison walls (now numbering more than 1,700+ people) and in support of their families, comrades, and communities fighting for them on the outside.

Recognize and reaffirm their #RightToResist mass incarceration, political imprisonment and settler colonial occupation by any means necessary.

The Palestinian “Nakba” (“catastrophe” in Arabic) refers to the mass expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from British Mandate Palestine during Israel’s creation (1947-49).

The Nakba was not an unintended result of war. It was a deliberate and systematic act necessary for the creation of a Jewish majority state in historic Palestine, which was overwhelmingly Arab prior to 1948.

Many dispossessed Palestinians continue to hold and treasure the keys to their lost homes, and the key has become a symbol of Palestinian right to return home. United Nations Resolution 194, passed immediately following the Nakba, declares the right of all refugees displaced and dispossessed by the Zionist militias to return to their homes.

Nakba Rally Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/415303885512398/

May 15th 1948 marks the day that over 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and made refugees.

In 1948, the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine through violent ethnic cleansing not only forced Palestinians from their homes, but also led to massacres of indigenous populations and the destruction of villages.

After 69 years this bloodshed has not been forgotten, nor the right of Palestinians to return to their homeland.

Join us to commemorate 69 years since the Nakba (catastrophe) and to protest against the ongoing occupation of Palestine, on Monday May 15th, 6:30PM Town Hall.

Monday events in Australia also include a national day of action, organized by Australia Palestine Advocacy Network. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/661017800775813/

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