26 May, Berlin: Rally Against Siege of Gaza and In Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Friday, 26 May
6:00 pm
Potsdamer Platz
Berlin, Germany
More information: http://palaestina-solidaritaet.de/2017/05/25/berlin-fr-26-05-2017-kundgebung-gegen-gaza-blockade-und-zur-solidaritaet-mit-den-hungerstreikenden-gefangenen/

Palestinian and Arab associations in Berlin call for solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike for freedom and dignity in Israeli prisons since 17 April 2017. We want to draw attention to the situation of all 7,000 Palestinian prisoners. We also want to demand an end to the blockade of Gaza going on for nearly 12 years. Various solidarity activities, including the Freedom Flotilla, have worked to end this siege and blockade. We will remember the massacre on the Mavi Marmara together with Haneen Zoabi.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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