4 June, Vancouver: Protest 50 Years of Israeli Military Occupation at the JNF Gala

Sunday, 4 June
4:30 pm
Four Seasons Hotel (West Georgia and Howe)
Vancouver, BC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1644626292232046/

Protest against 50 Years of Brutal Israeli Military Occupation.
Protest against Illegal Israeli annexation and apartheid.
Protest against the JNF and its Racist Policies.
Protest against Canadian and US complicity in Israeli war crimes.
Protest against the JNF tax-deductible status.

2017 marks 50 years of Israel’s military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and other Arab territories. Join global protests on this 50th anniversary to demand an end to Israel’s brutal occupation as part of a commitment to justice for all Palestinians, whether in historic Palestine or in exile. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – Israel must end ALL its oppression of Palestinians! We call for freedom, justice, and equality for Palestine and its people. We also call for an end to Canadian complicity in Palestinian occupation and dispossession.

Here in Vancouver, we will be protesting at the annual Jewish National Fund JNF gala dinner on June 4, 2017, which boasts it is celebrating “the 50th anniversary of the reunification of…Jerusalem”. That means celebrating 50 years of illegal Israeli ANNEXATION and WAR CRIMES. And further, celebrating the JNF’s long history of complicity in the 100 years of Zionist SETTLER COLONIALISM and ETHNIC CLEANSING of the Palestinian people.
Enough! Come out and join with us to loudly say that we demand JUSTICE for all Palestinians!

Sponsored by Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and BDS Vancouver-Coast Salish Territories. We thank our indigenous brothers and sisters for their consistent support for the Palestinian struggle and we recognize that this event is taking place on their unceded territories.
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