14 July, Beirut: Freedom for Georges Abdallah!

Friday, 14 July
5:30 pm
Palais des Pins (French Ambassador’s Residence)
Beirut, Lebanon
More information: http://liberonsgeorges.samizdat.net/combats-solidaires/14-juillet-a-beyrouth-liberte-abdallah/

The International Campaign for the Freedom of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah calls for a rally on 14 July in front of the Palais des Pins, residence of the French Ambassador in Beirut, to declare: no French national holiday in our country as long as Georges Abdallah is in captivity in theirs.

It condemns the participation of the Lebanese government and its official representatives in celebrating this French national holiday while the resisting Georges Abdallah has been held in French prisons for 33 years.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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