Days of Solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah: Palestinians from Gaza Speak Out

As people around the world prepare for actions for the global days of solidarity with imprisoned Lebanese struggler for Palestine Georges Ibrahim Abdallah as he enters his 34th year in French prison, Palestinians in Gaza joined the call for solidarity, issuing a video in support of Abdallah and demanding his immediate release.

Four separate, longer videos were recorded by Palestinian leaders and activists in Gaza expressing their support for the International Days of Action called for by the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network from 14-24 October.

Watch the videos below:

From Mohammed Shurafa, of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat:

From Allam Kaabi, former Palestinian political prisoner, on behalf of the Prisoners’ Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

From Fidaa Hunaideq, of the Palestinian Progressive Youth Union:

From Ahmad Tanani, of the Youth of the PFLP: