Friday, 3 November
6:00 pm
32nd Street and Broadway
No Trump Day Action – International Solidarity Rally & Sign the Peace Treaty Now!
“They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before,” “tthey won’t be around much longer,” “I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night. Asked him how Rocket Man is doing,” “military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded,” etc.
Actually, Trump has escalated military tensions in Korean peninsula to which this world has not seen before. Coined with his visit to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines from Nov. 3 – Nov. 14, people in these countries are mobilizing big mass rallies, especially South Koreans are calling November 4 as “No Trump Day” in order to show the world their will for peace and reunification.
Accordingly, we oppose the Trump administration’s escalation of tension with North Korea, call for signing of the peace treaty, fully support citizens in these countries mobilizing to protest Trump’s visit to their countries and preparing for mass demonstrations around “No Trump Day”, and stand in solidarity with all people – Koreans, citizens of the United States, and others throughout the world – unconditionally committed to preventing a second Korean War.
In New York, endorsers list is still in formation:
Nodutdol for Korean Community Development,
Peace & Justice Committee-TLTC,
International Action Center,
United Nat’l Antiwar Coalition,
Students for Justice in Palestine – NYC,
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network,
U.S. Peace Council
Veterans For Peace – Chapter 34 NYC & Chapter 21 NJ,
VFP – Iran Working Group
Raging Grannies
Catholic Workers
National Lawyers Guild
In the U.S., the dates of “No Trump Day” actions are as follows:
<뉴욕 (New York)>
1) When: 2017년 11월 3일 (금) 오후 6시
Friday, November 3rd @ 6 p.m.
2) Where: 맨하탄 코리아타운 (Koreatown, Broadway & 32nd St.)
<워싱턴디씨 (Washington DC)>
1) When: 2017년 11월 4일(토) 오후 2시
Saturday, November 4th @ 2 p.m.
2) Where: 백악관 앞 (Pennsylvania Ave NW in front of the White House)
<로스앤젤레스 (Los Angeles)>
1) When: 2017년 11월 4일(토) 오후 4시
Saturday, November 4th @ 4 p.m.
2) Where: 윌셔/ 웨스턴 지하철역(Wilshire + Western Ave.)
<시카고 (Chicago)>1) When: 2017년 11월 3일(금) 저녁 7시
(실내집회) Friday, November 3rd @ 7 p.m. 2) Where: 장충동
연회장(9078 W Golf Rd. Niles, IL 60714)
Additional locations where the above statement will be delivered:
<샌프란시스코/오클렌드 (San Francisco/Oakland)>1) When: 2017년 11월
3일(금) 오후 7시 Friday, November 3rd @ 7 p.m.2) Where:
East Side Arts Alliance (2277 International Blvd, Oakland,
California 94606)Screening “Blue Butterfly Effect” documentary on
THAAD 사드반대 다큐상영에서 성명서 낭독
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