7 November, London: Zionism is Racism – protest the #Balfour100 Concert

Tuesday, 7 November
6:00 pm
Royal Albert Hall
Kensington Gore, London
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1546213502122672/

On November 2nd 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour signed the Balfour Declaration, addressed to the Zionist Federation of Britain, expressing the British government’s support for ‘the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people’. This marked the beginning of a colonising project which would see over 750,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes when the state of Israel was established, the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the suppression of Palestinian rights under an apartheid Zionist regime in alliance with British imperialism.

100 years on, the devastating effects of this alliance on the Palestinian people are still being seen today. Palestine remains occupied by the Israeli state which treats Palestinians as second-class citizens; demolition of Palestinian homes to make room for illegal settlements are commonplace; millions of refugees who were displaced from their land are still denied their right to return; and thousands of Palestinian political prisoners are locked up in Israeli jails, often indefinitely, without charge, and without access to basic rights and dignity. Britain provides unconditional political and military support to the Israeli state; in return, British companies like G4S and Barclay’s profit from the oppression of the Palestinian people through lucrative security and military dealings with the Israeli state, which also provides an important foothold for imperialist warmongering in the Middle East.

Despite the multiple, well documented atrocities unleashed upon the Palestinian people in the name of Zionism, there are those whose interests lie in the continuation of occupation and imperialist devastation of Palestine. Balfour 100, a self-described ‘Christian Zionist organisation’ are organising a concert in the Royal Albert Hall, the venue in which Lord Balfour celebrated with the Zionist leaders of his day Britain’s acquistion of the Mandate for Palestine.

Join us in voicing our support for the Palestinian resistance against Zionism and their call for a cultural boycott of Israeli and Zionist events, in conjunction with the wider campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Protest the Balfour 100 concert!

This is part of a series of events we are holding to mark 100 years of the Balfour declaration. We are also organising a meeting and discussion on the historical and ongoing implications of the Balfour declaration.

That event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1562151570512952/


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