The Communist Party in Sweden (Kommunistiska Partiet) issued a call on 30 March for a broad boycott of Israel and expulsion of the Israeli ambassador following the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza participating in the Great March of Return. Over 16 Palestinians were killed and 1,500 injured when occupation forces opened live fire on the mass demonstration of thousands of Palestinian refugees. People around the world are organizing actions and Palestinians are continuing to mobilize to demand their right of return and the liberation of Palestine, with activities for the Great March of Return to continue until the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, 15 May.
The Communist Party also issued an updated list of Israeli products and corporations to boycott:
Boycott the Killer State of Israel!
Right now, Israel is killing Palestinians. The number of deaths is increasing every hour. Right now, we hear about 12 dead – but there is no demand from the Swedish government for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador!
The Zionist occupation state of Israel continues to target the Palestinian people with siege, attacks, illegal killings, the imprisonment of children and the killing of children, the use of illegal weapons including white phosphorus, etc.
Our demands must be higher and higher, and broader and broader: Boycott Israel!
In the municipalities, we can boycott Israeli goods. We can also refuse official Israeli visits, including sporting and cultural delegations.
With the members of the Communist Party on your local council, we can promise that these demands will be pushed hard.
Bojkotta mördarstaten israel
Påskmord i Palestina
Just i detta nu dödar Israel palestinier och antalet döda ökar för varje timme. Just nu pratar man om 12 döda – men då hörs inga krav från Svenska regeringen på utvisning av Israels ambassadpersonal!
Den sionistiska ockupationsstaten Israel tillåts pina det palestinska folket med blockader, husrivningar, olagliga avrättningar, fängslandet av barn, mördandet av barn bland annat med vit fosfor osv.
Vårt krav måste bli högre och högre, bredare och bredare:
Bojkotta Israel!
Ute i kommunerna kan vi bojkotta israeliska varor. Vi kan också tacka nej till besök från israel, både idrottsliga och kulturella besök.
Med Kommunistiska Partiet i DITT lokala kommunfullmäktige kan vi utlova att dessa krav kommer att drivas hårt.