21 April, Chicago: Stop the Wars! March and Rally!

Saturday, 21 April
12:00 pm
Michigan Ave. and Congress Expressway
Chicago, IL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1651795418243658/

The U.S. government has been at war for over 16 straight years. It has killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated several countries in the Middle East and Africa, creating millions of refugees, all in flagrant violation of international law and the Constitution. It continues to regularly bomb and drone-strike in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia and is funding a murderous covert drug war in Mexico. Now it is threatening new wars against North Korea, Iran and Venezuela, and has adopted a dangerously more aggressive policy on nuclear war, while engaging in dangerous brinkmanship with Russia.

The result? We have literally been made to pay TRILLIONS of dollars to make our lives LESS safe and secure. This money has benefited only the wealthy owners of energy, weapons and other corporations, while millions of working people in Chicago and around the nation, especially communities of color, struggle to survive. Every bomb that’s dropped and every missile that’s fired is a theft from our communities, robbing us of the good quality jobs, schools, public services, infrastructure improvements and just transition to a clean energy future that should be created instead.

These wars have also devastated our environment. In addition to contaminating the nations under attack, the military is a huge consumer of fossil fuels and the wars are mainly being waged for rich corporate owners to control supplies of oil, natural gas and other valuable resources in order to profit from their consumption. Thus, these wars are major contributors to catastrophic climate change.

It’s time to stand up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH! END the WARS at HOME and ABROAD! If you have had enough of war, please JOIN US on Saturday, April 21st, marking Earth Day, for a RALLY and MARCH, beginning with a rally at noon at Michigan Ave. and Congress Expressway in Chicago, and marching to the Tribune Tower at 435 N. Michigan Ave. for a concluding rally. Featured speakers will include Dr. Anne Scheetz of Physicians for a National Health Program, journalist Randi Nord, Maria Hernandez of Black Lives Matter and Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Non-Violence.

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