7 April, Sheffield: Protest Against Israel’s Killings of Land Day Protesters in Gaza

Saturday, 7 April
12:00 pm
Sheffield Town Hall
Sheffield, UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1933925190251425/

During Land Day protests, the Israeli army killed 18 Palestinian demonstrators and injured over 1500, around 800 were injured by live ammunition. Palestinians marched in thousands to commemorate 30 March 1976 when six unarmed Palestinian citizens of Israel were killed by Israeli forces during protests against the Israeli government’s further expropriation of Palestinian land.

Adalah, a legal centre for Palestinian rights in Israel, condemned the Israeli army’s use of force and stated: “Live gunfire on unarmed civilians constitutes a brutal violation of the international legal obligation to distinguish between civilians and combatants.”

B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organisation, called the use of lethal force against demonstrators a crime and stated: “Armed soldiers and unarmed demonstrators are not “at war.” The illegal open fire regulations and the compliance with them are the reason for the number of dead and injured today in the Gaza Strip.”

Israeli violent repression is aimed at stopping the people of Gaza from drawing attention to their plight under the world’s largest open-air prison. Over 80% of Gaza’s people are refugees and their descendants expelled from Palestine in Nakba, the initial catastrophic event of ethnic cleansing in which Palestinians lost lives, their homes and their country in the violent establishment of the settler colonial and apartheid state of Israel in 1948. The majority of the 1.8 million residents are under the age of 15. Their conditions are desperate and “unliveable” as noted by the UN, Save the children, and several other international organisations. Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2008/9 killed 1300 Palestinians. Its 2014 bombardment lasting 51 days reduced entire neighbourhoods into rubble and killed over 2000.

This ongoing genocide against Palestinians has been aided by the impunity they receive from international governments, with key support coming from the UK. Rather than holding Israel to account for what are well-documented human rights abuses and breaches of international law, they have failed to impose a single sanction against Israel’s regime and continue to openly support what a UN report described as a system of apartheid. As UK citizens, it is our responsibility to pressure our government and corporations to end their complicity in Israeli crimes.

Join us this Saturday at 12 noon in front of Town Hall for an emergency protest in solidarity with Palestinian civilians in Gaza and all over Palestine and in exile. Stand with us to condemn Israeli killings of peaceful protestors, to support Palestinians’ rights to freedom, justice, equality and return, and to call upon the UK to end its complicity with Israel.

Stop Arming Israel. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel. Free Palestine.

Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Sheffield Hallam Palestine Society
University of Sheffield Palestine Society
Palestine Education Network
Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine.

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