21 May, NYC: People’s Monday for #YaserMurtaja

Monday, 21 May
7:00 pm
Grand Central Terminal
89 E 42nd St
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/200911590632686/

Yaser Murtaja was a 31 year old Palestinian man from Gaza City. He was a father and a husband. He was also a renowned photojournalist.

On April 6, 2018 he was covering a Palestinian demonstration at the Israeli border. Despite the fact that he was taking photographs and was wearing a blue vest that indicated he was a journalist, Yaser was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper.

5 weeks later, 60 Palestinians were killed in a demonstration at the Gaza fence, in a single day.

If you believe that Yaser Murtaja’s life mattered, then come meet us at the clock in Grand Central so we can tell Yaser Murtaja’s story.