Tuesday, 23 October
7:00 pm
Smedenes Hus
Strandgade 46
Helsingør, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/367791133761433/
Internationalt Forum Nordsjælland will screen the film, “Roadmap to Apartheid,” taking a look at the current situation in Palestine, comparing Israel to the former apartheid regime in South Africa
After the film, there will be a short presentation by Irene Clausen, a member of the IF’s Middle East Group who has just released her new book, “PFLP & Palestine.”
IF Nordsjælland inviterer til film og debat om Palæstina og apartheid-staten Israel.
Vi viser filmen Roadmap to Apartheid – Filmen kaster et blik over den nuværende situation i Israel og Palæstina, ved at sammenligne med det tidligere apartheid-regime i Sydafrika.
Efter filmen kort oplæg v. Irene Clausen. Irene er medlem af Internationalt Forums Mellemøstgruppe og har netop udgivet bogen “PFLP & Palæstina” på Internationalt Forums forlag.
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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