Sunday, 13 January
9:45 am
Meet at Frankfurter Tor 3 (Humana shop)
Berlin, Germany

** Please note, we have an evening event on 13 January as well, Palestinian Prisoners and the Struggle for Liberation, at 6 pm at Reuterstr. 15 in Berlin, and we hope you will be able to join us for both. We will also have postcards to distribute about Ahmad Sa’adat and the Palestinian prisoners at the LLL-March as well as a large banner for the prisoners as part of this block! **
Palästina im Internationalistischen Block
wir treffen uns zur LL-Demo vor dem Laden Humana um 9:45
gemeinsam und entschlossen erheben wir unsere Stimmen gegen den Faschismus, so wie es unsere beiden Genoss*innen Luxemburg und Liebknecht vor uns taten.
فلسطين في الكتلة الأممية
أمام متجر Humana الساعة 9:45 صباحا
نرفع معا أصواتنا ضد الفاشية ، تماما مثلما فعل رفاقنا لوكسمبورغ وليبكنشت من قبلنا
Palestine in the Internationalist Block
We meet for the LL demo in front of the shop Humana at 9:45
Together and resolutely we raise our voices against Fascism, just as our two comrades Luxemburg and Liebknecht did before us.
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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