Saturday, 23 February
1:00 pm
40 Wall St
New York, NY

No War on Venezuela!
March on Wall Street
Saturday, Feb 23
40 Wall Street (in front of the Trump building)
Join us Saturday, #23Feb at the Trump building on Wall Street to defend Venezuela! We’ll march on Wall Street to expose the force behind the coup in Venezuela: the U.S. ruling class!
Over 120 organizations and 2000 individuals have signed on to build Globally Coordinated Actions on Saturday #23Feb in defense of Venezuela against U.S. imperialist aggression and the coup of U.S. puppet Juan Guaidó.
See the call at to add your name or organization as an endorser.
The call has now been translated in 16 languages!
#23Feb actions have been called across the country and across the globe, and more continued to be called. Full list here:
No a la guerra de EE.UU. contra Venezuela!
Protesta en Wall Street
Sábado 23 de febrero
40 Wall Street (frente al edificio Trump)
¡Únase con nosotros el sábado 23 de febrero en el edificio Trump en Wall Street para defender a Venezuela! Marcharemos hacia Wall Street para exponer el poder detrás del golpe de estado en Venezuela: ¡la clase dominante de los Estados Unidos!
Más de 120 organizaciones y 2000 individuos se han unido para preparar acciones coordinadas internacionales el sábado 23 de febrero en defensa de Venezuela contra la agresión imperialista de los EE. UU. y el golpe de estado de la marioneta de los EE. UU. Juan Guaidó.
Consulte la llamada a acción en para agregar su nombre u organización como patrocinador.
Endorsing Organizations (Partial list in formation):
International Action Center ? Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle New York ? Alliance for Global Justice ? ANTICONQUISTA ? BAYAN USA ? Black Alliance for Peace ? December 12th Movement ? Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere (FIRE) ? Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) ? Haïti Liberté ? IFCO/Pastors for Peace ? La Peña del Bronx ? Mobilization Against War and Occupation – MAWO (Canada) ? MOVE Organization ? People’s Organization for Progress (POP) ? Popular Resistance ? The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign ? Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network ? United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) ? USW Local 8751 Boston School Bus Drivers Union ? U.S. Peace Council ? Veterans For Peace
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) • American Party of Labor • ANSWER • Anti-Racist Action-L.A. • Anti-War Committee • Baltimore Peace Action • BOROTBA • Black Men’s Movement • Black Workers for Justice • Boston May Day Coalition • Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP) • Calgary Anti-Racist Action • Canadian Peace Council • Canadian Voice of Women for Peace • Casa de Las Américas NY • Central America Solidarity Coalition of Racine and Kenosha • Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War • Charlotte Revolutionary Collective • Chicago ALBA Solidarity • Chicago Committee Against Militarism • Coalición Fortaleza Latina Pennsylvania • Coalition for Justice • Collettivo La Classe (Italy) • Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism • Communist Party of the DPR • Communiste Reconstruction Canada (Quebec) • Cuba and the Bolivarian Alliance Issues Committee of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) • Dare to Dream • Ecumenical Peace Institute • Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice – Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (Canada) • Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Madrid) • Fronte Popolare (Italy) • Galway Alliance Against War • Greater Boston Chapter of the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts • Hilton Head for Peace • Houston Friends of Venezuela • International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity • International Association Against Torture • International Support Haiti Network • La Città Futura (Italian communist newspaper) • Labor Community Alliance of South Florida • Labor Fightback Network • Labor Today/Labor United for Class Struggle • Legacy of Equality, Leadership, and Organizing (LELO) • Malu Arts Project, Inc. • Maryland-Cuba Friendship Coalition • Millennials Are Killing Capitalism • Ministry of Peace (UK) • Minnesota Peace Action Coalition • Monterey Peace and Justice Center • Movimiento Comunitario Alfa y Omega • National Jericho Movement • New Abolitionist Movement • New Jersey Peace Council • New York Boricua Resistance • New York-New Jersey July 26 Coalition • Nicaragua Center for Community Action • Nuevo Perú • No War Roma – Lista No NATO (Italy) • North American Climate, Conservation and Environment • NYC Shut It Down • Ohana Ho`opakele • Pakistan USA Freedom Forum • Palestine Prisoners Society • Peace Action of San Mateo County • Peace Action of Staten Island • Peoples Power Assemblies NYC • CPhilly-Camden Boricua Committee • Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign • Popular Front (France) • Potere al Popolo (Italy) • Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC) • POWIR • Public Awareness Education Programs – Sciences and Humanities • Puerto Rican Independence Party • Punks for Progress • Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice • Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay International • Right 2 Survive • SI Solidarity Iran • Socialist Labour Party (UK) • Socialist Action • Socialist Party of Bangladesh • Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) • St. Paul Yoga Center • St. Pete for Peace • Swedish Professors & Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR)• Tempi Post Moderni (Italy) • Tlaxcala Network • TLtC The Least of These Church – Justice & Peace Committee • Union County (NJ) Peace Council • U.S. Friends of the Soviet People • U.S. Women and Cuba Collaboration • Unione Sindacale di Base (Italy) • Tufts Labor Coalition • United for Justice – Iran • URSAL – União das Republicas Socialistas da América Latina • Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba – VCSC (Canada) • Venezuela Ireland Network • Veterans For Peace – Chapter 71 • Veterans For Peace – Chapter 021 (Northern New Jersey) • Victoria Friends of Cuba • Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice, & Equality • Women In Time Change History • Women Against Military Madness • Workers World Party • Yes for Cuba Solidarity New York • Youth Fighting US Empire
Partial List of Individual signers:
Susan Abulhawa, author
Pam Africa, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Alexey Albu, BOROTBA, Lugansk, Lugansk People’s Republic
Bahman Azad, U.S. Peace Council
Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer – Black Alliance for Peace
Fr. Luis Barrios, Holyrood Church/Iglesia Santa Cruz, NYC
Mike Bento, NYC Shut It Down
Max Blumenthal, journalist
Alison Bodine, Mobilization Against War and Occupation-MAWO (Canada)
William Camacaro, Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle New York
Joe Catron, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Edward Childs, UNITE-HERE Local 26
George Ciccariello-Maher, The Hemispheric Institute
Dan Cohen, Journalist
Gerry Condon, President, Board of Directors, Veterans For Peace
Jodi Dean, Professor
Miguel Figueroa, Canadian Peace Congress, Toronto, ON, Canada
Taryn Fivek, International Action Center
Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Margaret Flowers, Coordinator of Popular Resistance
Ramiro Funez, ANTICONQUISTA, Los Angeles CA
George Galloway, British Politician; Stop the War Coalition (UK)
Teresa Gutierrez, Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere (FIRE)
Lawrence Hamm, Chair of Peoples Organization for Progress (POP)
Chris Hedges, Writer
Rémy Herrera, Writer, Paris
Foad Izadi, Assistant professor, Department of American Studies, University of Tehran
Chuck Kaufman, Alliance for Global Justice
Rev. Tong-Kyun Kim, The Least of These Church (Progressive Korean Church)
Margaret Kimberley, Senior Editor – Black Agenda Report; Black Alliance for Peace
Stevan Kirschbaum, Vice President, United Steelworkers, Local 8751, Boston School Bus Union
Daniel Kovalik, Journalist
Judith Cashin Lerma, RNC MSN CCM with National Nurses United/National Nurses Organizing Committee
Dakotah Lilly, Co-founder, Students and Youth for a New America
Joe Lombardo, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council; Vice President, World Peace Council
Cynthia McKinney, Former U.S. congressperson and Green Party presidential candidate
Monica Moorehead, Workers World Party 2016 presidential candidate
Ben Norton, Journalist
Miko Peled, Author
Minnie Bruce Pratt, UAW/National Writers Union Local 1981
Sami Ramadani, Stop the War Coalition (UK)
Cindy Sheehan, Executive Boardmember, March on the Pentagon
Roger Waters, Musician
John Wight, Journalist
Kevin Zeese, Coordinator ofPopular Resistance, Baltimore
We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chosen twice by the people as part of an internationally observed electoral process. Since the 1998 election of Hugo Chávez, the United States has been relentless in its pursuit of regime change in Venezuela. With Donald Trump in the White House, these efforts have escalated to threats of all-out military violence, the plundering of billions of dollars in wealth from the Venezuelan people and pushing a multitude of outrageous lies in the global media.
For hundreds of years, the U.S. has waged war against the people of the world through coups, invasions and economic warfare. Juan Guaidó is a U.S. puppet. He is not a representative of the Venezuelan masses. The idea that a person can swear themselves in as president at a rally in the interest of “defending democracy” is laughable. The right wing in Venezuela claim the Bolivarian elections are rigged because they refuse to participate in them. Instead they engage in voter intimidation using violence reminiscent of Jim Crow terrorism against African-Americans in the Deep U.S. South.
U.S.-led sanctions and currency manipulation are responsible for the suffering in Venezuela. Marco Rubio and right-wing media guide the Venezuelan opposition from Miami. The U.S. cannot stand for any country on the planet to enjoy its natural wealth or the fruits of its labor independent of Wall Street and the Pentagon. Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world and is rich in gold and other mineral wealth. Iraq war architect John Bolton said that regime change in Venezuela would be a tremendous opportunity to gain more profits for Wall Street. We believe him.
Since the Bolivarian Revolution in 1998, massive strides have been taken to uplift the working class, Afro-Venezuelans and Indigenous populations in Venezuela. The working poor have made tremendous gains because the government implemented policies and passed laws to fight racism, sexism, homophobia and economic inequality. Despite sanctions and sabotage, Venezuela has maintained a transparent and democratic system through many elections. Venezuela provides aid to struggling people worldwide through subsidized fuel and by leading the way with progressive labor laws. Their gains are part of the global struggle waged by workers and the oppressed against the wealthiest and most powerful capitalists on the planet.
Therefore, we demand:
The U.S. immediately cease all hostile actions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela — lift all sanctions, stop backing a coup, cease efforts to destroy the Venezuelan economy and respect the right of the Venezuelan people to self-determination. All countries involved in the plunder of Venezuelan wealth immediately return what they have stolen to the democratically elected government of Venezuela and its people.Wall Street must immediately pay reparations to the Venezuelan people for their suffering under genocidal sanctions and currency manipulation.
In the internationalist and liberatory spirit of Simón Bolívar, we pledge to mobilize and fight on the side of Venezuela’s right to sovereignty, understanding that the gains won under the Bolivarian Revolution are gains for all the world’s workers and oppressed.
Sign on to the statement and get involved to demand: U.S. hands off Venezuela!
¡No a la guerra de EE.UU. contra Venezuela!
No podemos permanecer calladas/os ante la última agresión de Estados Unidos contra el pueblo venezolano.
Nicolás Maduro es el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, elegido dos veces por el pueblo como parte de un proceso electoral observado internacionalmente. Desde la elección de Hugo Chávez en 1998, Estados Unidos ha sido implacable en su afán de cambiar el régimen en Venezuela. Con Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca, estos esfuerzos se han intensificado con amenazas de violencia militar a gran escala, el saqueo de miles de millones de dólares en riqueza del pueblo venezolano e impulsando múltiples mentiras escandalosas en los medios globales de comunicación.
Durante cientos de años, los Estados Unidos han librado una guerra contra los pueblos del mundo a través de golpes de estado, invasiones y guerras económicas. Juan Guaidó es un títere de los Estados Unidos. No representa las masas venezolanas. La idea de que una persona puede auto juramentarse como presidente en un mitin en interés de “defender la democracia”, es risible. La derecha en Venezuela afirma que las elecciones bolivarianas están amañadas porque se niegan a participar en ellas. En su lugar, se dedican a la intimidación de votantes mediante el empleo de la violencia con reminiscencias del terrorismo Jim Crow contra las/os afroamericanos en el sur profundo de los Estados Unidos
La manipulación de la moneda y las sanciones lideradas por los Estados Unidos son las responsables del sufrimiento en Venezuela. Marco Rubio y los medios de comunicación de la derecha guían a la oposición venezolana desde Miami. Estados Unidos no puede tolerar que ningún país del planeta pueda disfrutar de su riqueza natural o del fruto de su esfuerzo laboral independiente de Wall Street y el Pentágono. Está comprobado que Venezuela tiene las reservas de petróleo más grandes del mundo y es rica en oro y otros minerales valiosos. El arquitecto de la guerra de Irak, John Bolton, dijo que el cambio de régimen en Venezuela sería una gran oportunidad para obtener más ganancias para Wall Street. Y sabemos que es cierto.
Desde la Revolución Bolivariana en 1998, se han dado pasos agigantados para elevar la clase trabajadora, las/os afrovenezolanos y las poblaciones indígenas en Venezuela. Los trabajadores pobres han logrado enormes avances porque el gobierno implementó políticas y promulgó leyes para combatir el racismo, el sexismo, la homofobia y la desigualdad económica. A pesar de las sanciones y el sabotaje, Venezuela ha mantenido un sistema transparente y democrático a través de muchas elecciones. Venezuela brinda ayuda a personas con dificultades en todo el mundo a través de combustible subsidiado y liderando el camino con leyes laborales progresistas. Sus logros son parte de la lucha global emprendida por los trabajadores y los oprimidos contra los capitalistas más ricos y poderosos del planeta.
Por lo tanto, exigimos que:
Estados Unidos cese de inmediato todas las acciones hostiles contra la República Bolivariana de Venezuela: levante todas las sanciones, deje de respaldar un golpe de estado, cese los esfuerzos para destruir la economía venezolana y respete el derecho del pueblo venezolano a la libre determinación.
Todos los países involucrados en el saqueo de la riqueza venezolana devuelvan inmediatamente lo que han robado al gobierno elegido democráticamente de Venezuela y a su pueblo.
Wall Street pague reparaciones inmediatamente al pueblo venezolano por su sufrimiento bajo las sanciones genocidas y la manipulación de la moneda.
En el espíritu internacionalista y liberador de Simón Bolívar, nos comprometemos a movilizarnos y luchar por el derecho a la soberanía de Venezuela, entendiendo que los logros y beneficios obtenidos durante la Revolución Bolivariana son ganancias para todas/os los trabajadores y oprimidos del mundo.
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