Translations: Arabic/عربى | español | Deutsch | Türkçe
Palestinian prisoner Walid Khaled Sharaf, 25, from Abu Dis in occupied Jerusalem, is suffering from serious illness in Ramle prison clinic. Sharaf is jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention; the order against him was renewed for another six months on 4 February on the basis of so-called “secret evidence” despite his deteriorating health condition. He has been jailed without charge or trial since 10 June 2018 and has spent nearly five years in Israeli prison over multiple detention periods.
Sharaf is suffering from kidney, liver and intestinal disease as well as a skin disorder. His condition has worsened significantly and he was transferred from Ofer prison to the Ramle prison clinic, notorious for its neglect and mistreatment of ill Palestinian prisoners.
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes that the Israeli occupation holds full responsibility for the life and health of Walid Khaled Sharaf, imprisoned without charge or trial and facing a severe health crisis. Sick Palestinian prisoners are facing daily mistreatment, neglect and abuse conducted by the Israel Prison Service and the occupation security agencies.
Sharaf is one of approximately 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. These orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed under administrative detention orders. This policy is frequently used to target student leaders, community organizers and other prominent Palestinians, such as members of the Palestinian Legislative Council like Khalida Jarrar.
There are 15 Palestinian prisoners held at the Ramle prison clinic with the most serious health conditions and 140 more with severe, life-threatening conditions. Twenty-one prisoners have cancer and 34 have some form of serious disability that prevents them from performing daily tasks. Israeli prisons are not accessible for prisoners with disabilities, who require assistance from other prisoners for basic needs. Another Palestinian jailed without charge or trial, Moataz Obeidu, requires the assistance of his fellow prisoners to move, uses a colostomy bag and needs help with personal needs. Despite needing treatment outside the prison walls, he is facing a four-month extension of his administrative detention.
Israa Jaabis is one of several women prisoners suffering from severe health problems. A cooking gas cylinder she was carrying caught on fire inside her car at an Israeli checkpoint, and Jaabis was forced to remain inside her car in the blaze. She suffered burns over 60 percent of her body, eight of her fingers were amputated and she suffered severe damage to her arms, ears, nose and face. She requires assistance with basic daily activities like eating, bathroom usage and changing clothes. Despite her severe health condition, Jaabis, a mother and social worker was sentenced to 11 years in Israeli prison, where she continues to require critical surgeries and depends on fellow prisoners for support.
Samidoun urges all international supporters of Palestine to join the call to free Walid Sharaf and all sick prisoners from Israeli occupation prisons. Their health is facing further deterioration and their lives are at risk due to the ongoing practices of the Israeli state.
Take Action:
1. Organize events, actions and protests at Israeli embassies and consulates around the world to highlight the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners. Protest in public squares and other open community spaces. Send us your events! Email us at [email protected].
2. Distribute this call to action and take media actions, like posting photos with the photo of Walid Sharaf (above) and other Palestinian prisoners with messages of solidarity. Send us your links, statements and photos! Email us at [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook.
3. Include Walid Sharaf and the Palestinian prisoners in your Palestine solidarity, anti-racism, anti-imperialist and social justice events. Bring flyers and posters or share information about the prisoners as part of your program. Let us know what you’re doing: Email us at [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook.
4. Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law through economic, cultural, academic and other forms of boycott. Don’t buy Israeli goods, and campaign to end investments in corporations that profit from the occupation. Learn more at bdsmovement.net.
صامدون تدعو الى تحرك عاجل لإنقاذ حياة الأسير وليد شرف
حّملت ” شبكة صامدون للدّفاع عن الاسرى ” سلطات الاحتلال الاسرائيلية المسؤولية الكاملة عن حياة الأسير وليد خالد شرف (25 عاماً) من بلدة أبو ديس في القدس المحتلة بعد تجديد أمر الاعتقال الإداري بحقه رغم وضعه الصحي الخطير حيث يعاني شرف من امراض في الكلى والأمعاء والكبد وضمور في الجلد، وقد تم نقله من معتقل ” عوفر ” إلى ” عيادة سجن الرملة ” بعد تدهور حالته الصحية لخطورة وضعه الصحي.
واعتبرت ” شبكة صامدون ” ان ممارسات الاحتلال وتجاهل الاسرى المرضى تُعد جرائم يومية يرتكبها كيان الاحتلال وسلطات السجون الصهيونية على مدار الساعة بحق الاسيرات والاسرى الفلسطينيين . وطالبت ” صامدون ” بالضغط الاوروبي والدولي على سلطة الاحتلال من أجل إطلاق سراح الاسير شرف وكل الاسرى المرضى من سجون الاحتلال محذرة من تداعيات استمرار اعتقالهم في ظل تدهور اوضاعهم الصحية كما في حالة الاسير شرف.
La Red Samidoun (solidaridad con los presos palestinos) insta a una movilización para salvar la vida del preso Walid Sharaf
La red Samidoun, hace responsable a la ocupación y a sus responsables carcelarios, sobre la vida del preso Walid Khaled Sharaf (25 años), de Abu Dis (Jerusalén), después de que las autoridades carcelarias, renovaran la detención administrativa del Sharaf, y a pesar de su grave estado de salud, ya que el preso sufre de una atrofia cutánea y problemas en los riñones, en los intestinos y en el hígado, habiendo sido trasladado de la presión de Ofer, a la clínica de Ramlah, y desde ahí, a un hospital civil dependiente de la ocupación, por el agravamiento de su estado de salud.
La red Samidoun, considera que las prácticas de la ocupación, hacia los presos enfermos, podría catalogarse como crímenes de guerra que se cometen a diario, tanto por la ocupación, como por las autoridades carcelarias, y de forma continuada, y en contra de las presas y presos.
Así también, la red Samidoun, reclama que se ejerza una presión internacional sobre la entidad de la ocupación, para la puesta en libertad del preso Sharaf, y de todos los presos enfermos en las cárceles de la ocupación, advirtiendo de las consecuencias de seguir las detenciones de los presos, cuando sus condiciones de salud son mermadas, como lo es el caso del preso Sharaf.
Red Samidoun. 5 febrero 2019
Traducido al castellano por Jamal Halawa
Samidoun ruft zur Aktion auf!!! Rettet das Leben von Walid Khaled Sharaf!!!
Das Samidoun Netzwerk, welches sich für die Rechte von politischen Gefangenen einsetzt, gibt dem israelischen Besatzungsregime die volle Verantwortung über das Leben des politischen Gefangenen Walid Khaled Sharaf (25 Jahre) aus Abu Dis, ein Vorort von Jerusalem. Das israelische Besatzungsregime hat die Administrativhaft (Haft ohne Urteil, Anschuldigung, Beweise oder Gerichtsverhandlung) ein weiteres Mal verlängert, obwohl Sharaf schwer erkrankt ist. Sharaf leidet unter einer Nieren-, Leber- und Darmerkrankung, sowie einem Gewebeschwund. Er wurde nun aus dem „Ofer“-Gefängnis in das Gefängniskrankenhaus „Ramle“ verlegt, nachdem sich seine Gesundheit weiter verschlechtert hat und Lebensgefahr besteht.
Samidoun sieht in dieser täglichen Praxis der bewussten Vernachlässigung und unterlassenen medizinischen Hilfeleistung für die palästinensischen politischen Gefangenen durch das israelische Besatzungsregime und die Gefängnisadministration eine klare Menschenrechtsverletzung. Samidoun fordert die europäische und internationale Gemeinschaft dazu auf, Druck auf das israelische Besatzungsregime auszuüben, um die Freilassung des erkrankten, politischen Gefangenen Sharaf und aller anderen erkrankten politischen Gefangenen zu erwirken. Darüber hinaus warnt Samidoun vor der gesundheitlichen Verschlechterung weiterer erkrankter Gefangener, sollte die Verlängerungen der Haft andauern.
Samidoun ruft alle internationalen Unterstützer des palästinensischen Freiheitskampfes auf, sich der Kampagne für die Befreiung von Walid Khaled Sharaf und aller erkrankten Gefangenen in den israelischen Besatzungsgefängnissen anzuschließen und solidarische Events, Demonstrationen, Kundgebungen und weitere Kampagnen und Aktionen für die palästinensischen Gefangenen zu organisieren. Infomaterial kann man über die Webseite von Samidoun (www.samidoun.net) anfordern!
Samidoun, Filistinli esir Velid Şeref’in hayatını kurtarmak için harekete geçme çağrısı yaptı.
Filistinli Esirlerle Dayanışma Ağı – Samidoun, işgal altındaki Kudüs’ten 25 yaşındakiesir Velid Halid Şeref’in hayatının tehlikeye atılmasının tüm sorumluluğunun İsrail İşgal yetkililerine ait olduğunu açıkladı. Özellikle son dönemde sağlık durumunun kötüleşmesi ve böbrek ve karaciğer hastalıkları üzerine Ofer Hapishanesinden Ramle Hapishanesi kliniğine nakledilmesine rağmen İsrail makamları Velid’in yargısız idari tutukluluğunu uzatma kararını aldı.
Samidoun ayrıca işgal devletinin hasta esirlere günlük olarak uyguladığı politikaların an be an işlenen suçlar olduğunu bildirdi ve esir Şeref şahsında hayatı tehlikeye atılan tüm Filistinli hasta esirlerin serbest bırakılması için ses yükseltme çağrısı yaptı.
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