8-9 August, Chicago: Janna Jihad – Palestine’s youngest reporter from the front lines

Thursday, 8 August (Arabic-language event)
7:00 pm
Al-Nahda Community Center
1055 Southwest Highway
Worth, IL
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/2432755566996721/

Friday, 9 August (English-language event)
Grace Episcopal Church
637 South Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/2432755566996721/

USPCN-Chicago is proud to present:

Janna Jihad – Palestine’s Youngest Journalist – Reporting from the Front Lines

جنى جهاد – أصغر صحفية فلسطينية – تنقل لنا الأحداث من الخطوط الأمامية في فلسطين

August 8th: ARABIC LANGUAGE EVENT 7pm at Al-Nahda Center 10555 SW Hwy, Worth, IL 60482 (باللغة العربية)

August 9th: 7pm at Grace Place 637 South Dearborn Chicago IL

Janna Jihad began reporting to present the perspective of Palestinian youth growing up amid violence, originally using her mother’s iPhone to capture videos of protests near her home and uploading them to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Eventually she began covering events and marches in Jerusalem and Jordan. She reports in Arabic and in English. She has over 270,000 followers on Facebook. In 2017 Tamimi, hosted by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, went to South Africa to spread awareness about the violence in Palestinian territories as part of the Pals4Peace tour with the Shamsaan Children of Palestine. In March 2017 Tamimi was awarded an International Benevolence Award in Istanbul, Turkey

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